
Back to the pot meat with rice

author:Prince lyrical

Cold rain


In distant Sichuan, there is a long-standing legend about the birth of a delicacy, about the bitterness and hope of a family, and about the memories and emotions of a place. That's back to the pot meat.

In that barren era, a Sichuan farmer named Ah Ming worked hard every day, but it was still difficult to fill the stomach of his family. Amin's wife often sighs at the table full of dishes, hoping to find a way to make her family eat better. So, she began to experiment with home-grown pork with some seasonings to make a special dish.

The recipe for returning to the pot is simple, but it is full of wisdom of life. First, the pork is cooked and then thinly sliced. Next, stir-fry the minced garlic, ginger, bean paste and other seasonings until fragrant, and finally add the pork slices to stir-fry. This dish is delicious and loved by the family. And more importantly, the pork is not only delicious, but also rich in nutrients, which is a kind of comfort in those difficult years. Slowly, this dish spread throughout the village and became a must-have home-cooked dish for people during the New Year's holidays. Over time, the cooking techniques of the back-to-the-pot meat have also been improved. Some people add tempeh and green garlic to make the flavor richer; Some people add some chili peppers and peppercorns to the cooking process to make the taste more spicy. These changes not only enrich the flavor of the meat, but also inherit the unique charm of this dish.

Nowadays, Huiguo meat has become one of the representatives of Sichuan cuisine, and has become the sustenance of Sichuan people's thoughts and emotions for their hometown. Every time we taste this dish, we can feel that love for life and care for our family. This is the origin of Hui Guo Pork, a dish, a story, an emotion, a heritage. Let us be nostalgic for that difficult and hopeful era, let us taste that delicious and emotional back-to-the-pot meat, and let us cherish those dishes that bring us good memories and emotions. Because they are not only food, but also a part of life, an emotional bond with family, friends, and hometown.

Hui Guo Pork is a traditional dish originating in Sichuan, and its history can be traced back to the Qin Dynasty. The name of this dish is "back to the pot meat" because of its unique cooking method, the pork that has been cooked repeatedly, which gives it a rich aroma and delicious taste.


In the hundred gardens of Sichuan cuisine, back to the pot meat is a unique delicacy. It is loved by people for its unique taste and rich nutrition. Today, let's walk into the world of this food and taste the profound cultural heritage and tempting deliciousness.

Huiguo meat has a long history, originating from the folk dishes of the ancient Ba and Shu countries. It uses pork as the main ingredient and is carefully cooked to present a unique sauce aroma and rich garlic aroma. This dish is not only delicious, but also rich in culture. It has witnessed the prosperity and development of Bashu culture and has become a bright pearl in Sichuan cuisine. When you taste the back pot meat, the first thing that catches your eye is the golden and attractive color. The fat and lean pork slices become soft and tender after cooking, exuding a rich aroma. And the unique sauce and garlic aroma are even more intoxicating, and people can't help but taste it one bite after another. In the unique flavor of the back pot meat, we can also feel the unique cooking skills and seasoning techniques of Sichuan cuisine.

The taste of the meat is rich and varied, with the freshness of pork and the fragrance of minced garlic. The flavor of this dish is rich in layers and has a long aftertaste. Between chewing, we seem to feel the charm of Sichuan cuisine, the wonderful taste of sweet and sour, spicy and spicy. Pork is a delicious and nutritious dish, which is rich in protein, fat, vitamins and other nutrients, which can provide sufficient energy for the body.

Hui Guo Pork is a popular Sichuan dish, which is not only a delicacy, but also a cultural symbol. It carries the cooking skills and seasoning wisdom of Sichuan cuisine, and also conveys the hospitality, diligence and courage of the Bashu people. While tasting the back pot meat, we can also feel the profound cultural heritage and food spirit behind it.

Hui Guo Pork is a delicious Sichuan delicacy that has won people's love for its unique taste and rich nutrition. In the process of tasting this delicacy, we can not only enjoy the delicious food, but also feel the unique charm of Sichuan cuisine culture. The fatty and lean pork slices are paired with green garlic and tempeh to create a stark contrast of colours that whet the appetite. Secondly, the flavor of this dish is rich and varied, with the salty and umami flavor of tempeh, the fragrance of garlic sprouts, and the slightly spicy bean paste, which makes every bite full of layering. Finally, the recipe of this dish is simple and easy to learn, making it suitable for home preparation. Seasonings such as tempeh and bean paste in this dish have an appetizing effect that stimulates our taste buds and enhances our appetite. Finally, the way the dish is cooked also plays a key role, with the pork cooked repeatedly making it softer and more flavorful.


In the fireworks of life, food is a colorful poem, and back to the pot is a chapter in this poem. Today, let's explore the cooking techniques of back to the pot and make this dish a shining jewel on your table.

First of all, we want to choose high-quality pork. Pork belly is the best choice because it has the tenderness of pork and a certain fat content, which makes the meat more flavorful. At the same time, side dishes such as green onions, ginger, garlic, and green and red peppers are also essential.

After the pork belly is thinly sliced, marinate it with cooking wine, light soy sauce, a pinch of salt and starch. Doing so can effectively remove the fishy smell of pork, increase the tenderness of the meat, and also better absorb the flavor of the seasoning. The key to cooking back to the pot is to master the heat. First of all, pour an appropriate amount of oil into the pot, stir-fry the green onion, ginger and garlic until fragrant, then add the marinated pork and stir-fry until it changes color. Next, add the bean paste and a little sugar and continue stir-frying. Finally, add the green and red peppers and a pinch of salt for the finishing touch.

The seasoning of the back pot meat is also very particular. In addition to the basic light soy sauce, cooking wine, sugar, and salt, you can add some seasonings such as bean paste and Sichuan pepper to enrich the taste. During the stir-frying process, adding these seasonings appropriately can not only enhance the freshness of the meat, but also add a layer of layers to the dish. During the cooking process, heat control is crucial. The heat should not be too high when stir-frying, so as not to burn the pork. At the same time, the taste of the pork should be just right. Stir-fry until the meat is tender and the fat part has a slightly charred aroma. The texture of green and red peppers should also be kept crisp and tender, so that they can form a perfect match with the back pot meat.

Hui Pot Pork is more than just a dish, it has a rich story and emotions behind it. From the selection of ingredients to cooking, every step is filled with awe of food and love of life. When you taste this food, you are not only tasting the food itself, but also feeling a life attitude and emotional exchange. The process of cooking the meat is like a dance of taste, and every movement is full of rhythm and rhythm. By mastering the cooking skills, we will not only be able to make a delicious and delicious pork in the pot, but also appreciate the joy and satisfaction that food brings us.

Hui Pot Pork is not only a delicious dish, but also a symbol of culture. It represents the eating habits and cooking skills of the Sichuan people, and is also an important part of our Chinese food culture. It is precisely for these reasons that the back pot meat is not only loved by the masses, but also has become a classic on our table.