
41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!

41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!

Zhou Chong

2024-06-30 20:13


The Magnolia Awards have come to an end.

Hu Ge regarded the emperor.

Zhou Xun looked behind.

Someone comes with honor, and someone will return with a feather.

The most regrettable thing is Tang Yan.

In this award, she was shortlisted for the best actress with the role of Miss Wang in "Flowers", which attracted much attention.

41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!

In the end, the flowers fall to other people's homes.

When answering the media, she seemed to have tears in her eyes.

41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!

But he still forced a smile.

41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!

Of course, the words are extremely beautiful.

She said: The road ahead is very long, continue to see you in the rivers and lakes.

41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!
41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!

Oh, yes.

The flowing water does not compete for the first, but the competition is endless. Have an upward heart, afraid of a long way. As long as you keep going, you will always reach your destination.

Originally, my impression of Tang Yan has always stayed in "Zixuan".

She is the white moonlight in the hearts of the audience.

It has also become Tang Yan's eternal "pension insurance".

41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!

After all, this character is a must, from appearance to character design.

As soon as it appeared, it was amazing.


Eyes are smart.

Graceful posture.

41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!

"Love for the third life, never leave and never give up" is her character portrayal.

In the first life, he was young and ignorant.

41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!

The second life, charming and moving.

41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!

In the third life, mature and calm.

41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!

Plus Tang Yan was born well.

So, even if it's just a supporting role, it still shines.

41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!

After the play ended, 26-year-old Tang Yan became famous overnight.

Fans skyrocketed.

The industry is optimistic.

More resources are on the doorstep.

It's just that no one expected that in Tang Yan's future works, the roles will be very similar.

Their characteristics are surprisingly consistent:

It's just as simple.

Just as kind.

It's just as cute.

For example, Tang Qiqi in "The Impeccable Master is Like a Forest".

41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!

Liu Xiaobei in "Love Wakes Up".

41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!

The jade unicorn in "Golden Jade Relationship".

41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!

The music in "Living Color".

41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!

Zhao Mosheng in "Why Sheng Xiaomo".

41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!



All kinds of types, there are all.

It's all a classic "silly white sweet" configuration.

After watching too much, it is easy for the audience to string the show.

For example, in "Impeccable", the chance encounter between the male and female protagonists.

They didn't say a word, and there was a hard impact!

41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!

This bridge section is too familiar.

In "The Three Thousand Golds of the Xia Family", it has been staged countless times.

In the elevator, bump it.

41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!

In the construction site, bump it.

41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!

Therefore, even if the male protagonist is different, the play is different.

When we look at Tang Yan, we all feel the same.

After watching too much, Tang Yan's performance mode has almost been figured out:

Before the collision, body language is forced.

After the collision, emotions are written on the face.

First the pain mask to express the pain of being hit.

Then look up in horror and find out the identity of the other party.

In the end, they either apologized ignorantly,

Or get angry and scold.

is full of idol drama routines.

If you talk about the repetition of the scene, it can also be classified as the pot of the director and screenwriter.

When it comes to the performance of each role, it depends on Tang Yan personally.

The result?

Unfortunately, the difference is almost non-existent.

Talking about the handsome guy she met, she was delighted.


The corners of the mouth are hooked from time to time.

41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!

clashed with the male protagonist, and she looked angry.

The eyes were still wide.

The mouth opened and closed excitedly.

41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!

When arguing with the male protagonist, he was a little proud.

Shaking his head.


A smile on the corner of his mouth.

41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!

Just ask, if it's not a different shape, the filter is different.

How many people can see that these are three different characters and three different TV series?

It's too routine.

After a long time, Tang Yan consciously figured out the performance rules of this kind of role.

However, the audience will only get tired.

Her acting skills stay on the surface, no agility, no level, and no hard work.

As a result, the vicious circle, the drama is becoming more and more patterned.


It's not that Tang Yan hasn't made other attempts.

For example, the movie "European Raiders".

Meticulous hair tie.

A tall suit.

Although it is very similar to walking the steps, it is indeed completely different from "Silly White Sweet".

41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!

Unfortunately, there was no splash.

The reasons come from many sources.

For example, the script is set up.

For example, market preference.

Tang Yan couldn't grasp all of the above, so she could only let it go.

New opportunities are constantly being snuffed out.

On the contrary, it is a silly white sweet character, who has been lying there all the time, unable to cross over.

But this kind of character can't save the defeat.

"Carat Lovers" became a failure.

The heroine played by Tang Yan has a terrible personality.

Her original name was Mi Meili and she was a big fat man.

After losing weight, he changed his name to Mi Duo, and while pursuing the male protagonist, he was entangled with the second male protagonist.

Face both ways.

Destroying the love of others without knowing it.

41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!

The comment area is full of dissatisfaction with Tang Yan:

"From "Why Sheng Xiaomo" to "Carat Lovers", Tang Yan has the same expression."

"There are only two failures in the whole drama: one is the plot, and the other is Tang Yan."

41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!

"I only watched Di Lieba throughout the whole process, Tang Yan was really embarrassed, and her face was paralyzed throughout the whole process."

41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!

Hit the nail on the head.

Sharp and spicy.

But it's all the truth.

Tang Yan's performance in the drama can really be said to be a disaster.

41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!

The whole process, live like an emotionless robot.

Her once clear lines have also become vague.

If it weren't for the subtitles, the average person really wouldn't understand what she was talking about.

41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!

What used to be a natural movement is now only artificial.

Brush your hair.

Bright smile.

The voice is delicate.

No, no. How could this be Zixuan back then?

Tang Yan, where has your aura gone!

There are more and more complaints from netizens.

Tang Yan also heard about it.

41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!
41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!
41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!
41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!

However, when it comes to action, it is still standing still.

She took over "Splendid Weiyang" and "Yanyuntai", a big IP, a big production, and a big platform.

But the former, 4.9 points.

41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!

The latter, 4.3 points.

41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!

One is lower than the other.

The problem is still in those aspects.




All of them are not up to standard.

One of the most important reasons for this passive situation and poor acting skills is the result.

When you are happy, you laugh.

Sad, he frowned.

Apathy, facial paralysis.

Deep performances, no!

Everything is a warning to Tang Yan:

Let's transform!

It's time for the transformation!


One of the favorite words in the fan circle is "the future can be expected".

However, how much "future" can there be in the entertainment industry.

Most of them take advantage of the east wind to go to the clouds. After that, I worked hard and made achievements. After the breath, if you don't have the heart, it's over.

28-year-old Sun Li played "Zhen Huan".

20-year-old Zhang Ziyi played "Jade Jiaolong".

and 14-year-old Wen Qi, who won the Golden Horse female supporting role.


Many rational fans are worried that Tang Yan has no talent and no hard work. Annihilation, it's a certainty.

How can we get there?!

Fortunately, she met "Flowers".

She sharpened a sword in three years.

In the past three years, I didn't take on the drama, I was less exposed, and I was ridiculed as "the most wasteful 85 flowers", and I couldn't get out of the corner of "Miss Wang".

In an interview, Tang Yan said:

"For the past three years, I have thought that I am Miss Wang, and I have naturally walked into Miss Wang's emotions.

Miss Wang is a very sober person, even in the lowest period, she is more and more courageous.

I have encountered mountains myself and overcome them one by one, which is my growth and harvest in the past three years. ”

The drama has not been broadcast for a long time, and Tang Yan has been waiting.

After the trailer came out, Tang Yan was the least optimistic.

Everyone believes in Hu Ge and Ma Yili, but it is difficult to believe in the "silly and sweet" Tang Yan.

Unexpectedly, she made a beautiful turnaround.

41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!

Later, when "Flowers" came out, it was stunning and unparalleled, and it was in the limelight.

The drama was applauded and acclaimed.

Tang Yan also relied on this corner to tear off the label of "silly white sweet" for many years, and was labeled with the symbol of "Miss Wang", who was chosen by heaven.

41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!

In the play, she is no longer empty.



There is vitality.

There is a soul.

41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!

She dared to pretend to be "ugly".

Dare to "soil".

Appearance no longer restricts her, she breaks herself and gets a new artistic life.

She played Miss Wang at different stages.

When he first entered the workplace, he was naïve and stupid, but he was energetic, like Xiaoqiang who couldn't be killed.

41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!

went to save people, almost had a car accident, and when she was comforted by Po, she cried and laughed, and all emotions flowed naturally.

41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!

Framed by her colleagues and sent to the factory for exercise, she showed extraordinary tenacity.

In the muddiest place, it took root and grew from "a golden flower on the 27th" to a pine and cypress in the dark.

41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!

In the midst of the rainstorm, she cried out loudly:

"I'm my own dock".

All of a sudden, countless people were ignited.

At that moment, her brightness and stubbornness, perseverance and fearlessness touched people's hearts more than all the roles she has played.

41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!
41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!

Later, Miss Wang earned the first pot of gold in her life;

And Tang Yan has changed from a vase to an actor.

41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!
41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!

She became a god in a drama.

Since then, the story of her art has been rewritten.

41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!

Fortunately, Tang Yan met Miss Wang.

Fortunately, she is willing to spend three years to clear her name.

The artist said that the scenery is also beautiful.

Say passive, also passive.

When the audience loves you, you are a fairy. When you hate you, you're a play.

And to be able to change from a "play" to a professional "actor" who entertains the public, it takes real effort and hard work.

Without these, the past will be famous, and when the wind blows, it will disappear completely.

And the internal entertainment is becoming more and more diligent.

If you are not careful, you will be eliminated, and what is left for the artist is only that cocoon room to turn around.

If it can't be broken, with the attitude of an old chrysalis, it will be silent and no one cares.

broke the cocoon and flew again, it was another world.

  • 41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!
  • 41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!
  • 41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!
  • 41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!
  • 41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!
  • 41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!
  • 41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!
  • 41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!
  • 41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!
  • 41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!
  • 41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!
  • 41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!
  • 41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!
  • 41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!
  • 41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!
  • 41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!
  • 41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!
  • 41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!
  • 41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!
  • 41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!
  • 41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!
  • 41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!
  • 41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!
  • 41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!
  • 41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!
  • 41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!
  • 41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!
  • 41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!
  • 41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!
  • 41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!
  • 41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!
  • 41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!
  • 41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!
  • 41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!
  • 41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!
  • 41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!
  • 41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!
  • 41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!
  • 41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!
  • 41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!
  • 41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!
  • 41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!
  • 41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!
  • 41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!
  • 41-year-old Tang Yan lost to Zhou Xun, tears spilled on the scene, and a sentence made netizens say that the mentality is too good!

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