
Lei Kesheng: Married a wife outside the circle, had a son and a daughter after marriage, and did not hold a little grandson at the age of 88

author:Pineapple Bun Entertainment

Lei Kesheng is an old actor, he has starred in "Thunderstorm", "Mansion Gate", "Qiao's Courtyard", "Women Don't Cry", "Marriage for Love" and so on.

At the age of 88, he hasn't hugged his grandson, how is his life now? Lei Kesheng was born in an ordinary family in Shandong, with three sons, he is the third, and later, the family went to live in Beijing.

Lei Kesheng: Married a wife outside the circle, had a son and a daughter after marriage, and did not hold a little grandson at the age of 88

Lei Kesheng has a good relationship with the eldest brother and the second brother, after all, they have been their little tails since they were children, and they will stick to it soon after they are thrown off.

When he grew up, Lei Kesheng was admitted to Chinese opera, as soon as his parents heard that their youngest son was going to be an actor, they showed their faces, their parents were embarrassed, and they couldn't raise their heads in front of their neighbors, and they strongly opposed their younger son to learn acting.

Lei Kesheng: Married a wife outside the circle, had a son and a daughter after marriage, and did not hold a little grandson at the age of 88

Lei Kesheng said that he could be an actor in the future, there was nothing bad about filming, and he could go home to eat if he didn't have money to eat, and his father was almost angry.

After soothing my heart and forgetting it, I was admitted to a good university anyway.

After graduation, Lei Kesheng went to the Central Experimental Theater.

The father looked at the two tickets in his hand with a puzzled expression, which was given to them by their youngest son on a bicycle, saying that this was his first time performing on stage, and he would go to see the show anyway.

Lei Kesheng: Married a wife outside the circle, had a son and a daughter after marriage, and did not hold a little grandson at the age of 88

"What about this?" The mother pulled a drama ticket from his hand, "My son has come to deliver the ticket in person, so let's go." ”

They didn't expect that there were so many people, Lei Kesheng gave them a ticket position quite far ahead, they could clearly see their son on stage, the performance began, the two of them were extremely excited, they watched it seriously, and they finally knew what their son liked, and this performance seemed to be good.

In addition to acting, Lei Kesheng often goes to filming.

Lei Kesheng: Married a wife outside the circle, had a son and a daughter after marriage, and did not hold a little grandson at the age of 88

Once, Lei Kesheng answered a phone call, and the other party asked him if he was Lei Kesheng? He said yes, and the other party gave the phone to the others, and a voice came from the other end of the phone, and his tone was excited, "Xiaosheng, I'm your second brother." ”

"Second brother?" When Lei Kesheng heard that it was his second brother, he was also very excited and almost cried.

Since the second brother went to Taiwan, he has broken off relations with his family, and he has not made a phone call for several years, and he will not come back to see his family.

Lei Kesheng: Married a wife outside the circle, had a son and a daughter after marriage, and did not hold a little grandson at the age of 88

The second brother said that he was waiting for him to come over in the hotel, Lei Kesheng put down the phone and went straight to the hotel, after arriving at the place, his heart beat faster, he found the room and patted the door, a tall and handsome man opened the door, the man stared at him and did not speak, Lei Kesheng said: "Hello, I am looking for Lei Yisheng." "I'm Lei Yisheng." He said.

Lei Kesheng looked him up and down, "Second brother? The other party sighed.

Lei Kesheng: Married a wife outside the circle, had a son and a daughter after marriage, and did not hold a little grandson at the age of 88

I haven't seen him for many years, he almost didn't recognize him, the two entered the house, he quickly glanced at the house, there was no one else in the house, the second brother asked him to sit casually, he went to pour water for him, the second brother poured him a glass of water and handed it to him, he pursed his mouth and took it, after seeing the second brother, he was angry that he hadn't gone home for so many years, not once! "I'm still angry, it's all my fault."

The second brother sat across from him, looking down at the floor, looking very sad.

"Why don't you go home?" Lei Kesheng still couldn't help but ask.

Lei Kesheng: Married a wife outside the circle, had a son and a daughter after marriage, and did not hold a little grandson at the age of 88

He said he would go back tomorrow to see his parents and eldest brother.

"It's late." Lei Kesheng said, "Auntie is gone. ”

"Then I'll go back and see my eldest brother." He said again.

The eldest brother may not have seen him for a long time, he should also miss him, Lei Kesheng wrote down the eldest brother's phone, and took away a business card from his pocket, with his phone number on it, and the second brother said that he could call him at any time.

Lei Kesheng: Married a wife outside the circle, had a son and a daughter after marriage, and did not hold a little grandson at the age of 88

Lei Kesheng heard from his second brother that he was married, and his sister-in-law was very beautiful, and he would have the opportunity to marry him in the future.

As a result, the second brother quickly went back again, and there was no news after he went back.

Lei Kesheng was very angry and went to ask the eldest brother and the second brother about it.

What did his eldest brother say about the second brother, he never came at all.

"He didn't call you?" The eldest brother said no, not a single one.

Lei Kesheng thought that the second brother had lied to him again.

Lei Kesheng: Married a wife outside the circle, had a son and a daughter after marriage, and did not hold a little grandson at the age of 88

Later, he learned that the phone number of the eldest brother's house was broken, and the second brother made several calls but did not receive them.

The second brother thought that the eldest brother didn't want to see him, so he went back again, and this trip was more than 40 years, but Lei Kesheng wrote a greeting card to his second brother every New Year's Day and sent it over, he never returned, and he didn't know if he had seen it.

Once, when Lei Kesheng went to Taiwan to perform, he couldn't help but call his second brother again and asked him if he wanted to come over to watch his performance.

Lei Kesheng: Married a wife outside the circle, had a son and a daughter after marriage, and did not hold a little grandson at the age of 88

After the performance, he burst into tears, and finally saw his second sister-in-law after so many years.

"What are you crying about, they're all watching."

The second brother said, "Let's go, come home with me for dinner, your second sister-in-law is very good." ”

Lei Kesheng rubbed a handful of snot and tears on the sleeves of his suit.

Lei Kesheng: Married a wife outside the circle, had a son and a daughter after marriage, and did not hold a little grandson at the age of 88

Lei Kesheng got married early, his wife was an outsider, and the two had a son and daughter after marriage.

It's a pity that his wife was weak, and she left not long after, leaving behind a pair of children, Lei Kesheng is a mother and a father, and he took his two children to film.

The people around him saw that it was not easy for him, so they introduced him to him.

Lei Kesheng: Married a wife outside the circle, had a son and a daughter after marriage, and did not hold a little grandson at the age of 88

The first time I went on a blind date, the other party's name was Wu Yanxia, the girl had a good family background, she was very good-looking, her skin was white and beautiful, and her temperament was very good.

As soon as the girl ran away after hearing that he had two children, Lei Kesheng looked helpless, it seemed that it was difficult to find a partner with two children like him.

So, they introduced him to another object, Lei Kesheng looked over, this girl looked a little familiar, and took a closer look: "Why are you again?" ”

Lei Kesheng: Married a wife outside the circle, had a son and a daughter after marriage, and did not hold a little grandson at the age of 88

Wu Yanxia tugged at the corners of her mouth, why did the two introducers introduce him, the second time they met, the two had nothing to understand, they had dinner together, and when they left.

Lei Kesheng took the initiative to stand up, "I'll send you back." ”

She said, "No, no, I can go back myself." ”

"I'll give it to you." The two pushed back and forth, but she still wouldn't let him send it.

Lei Kesheng: Married a wife outside the circle, had a son and a daughter after marriage, and did not hold a little grandson at the age of 88

He had no choice but to say that I would go back, and that there was no one to take care of my children.

When she was about to leave, she suddenly spoke: "Many people have introduced me to the rich second generation, I have nothing to say to them, but I have a lot to say to you." ”

Lei Kesheng blushed after knowing what she meant.

Later, the two got married, and after marriage, the two did not have children, and she was very good to both of his children.

Lei Kesheng: Married a wife outside the circle, had a son and a daughter after marriage, and did not hold a little grandson at the age of 88

The bus was too crowded for his wife to go out to buy groceries, so he bought her a car, and the two were very affectionate and often walked around hand in hand.

Today, Lei Kesheng is 88 years old, and his two children have grown up, married and have their own families.

But the two children seemed to have been discussed, and they didn't want children.

Lei Kesheng: Married a wife outside the circle, had a son and a daughter after marriage, and did not hold a little grandson at the age of 88

Lei Kesheng is 88 years old and has not yet hugged his little grandson, and his friends around him have big fat grandsons one by one, he is so envious that he wants to come over and hug him, the soft little group, he is full of joy.

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