
The party flag is more colorful He is in an ordinary position, but he is extraordinary in his persistence

author:Shantou Traffic Police
The party flag is more colorful He is in an ordinary position, but he is extraordinary in his persistence

The party flag is more colorful

They measure safety with their footsteps, shoulder the responsibility with their shoulders, interpret their responsibility with their actions, day after day, year after year, 365 days and nights have witnessed their loyalty and perseverance. Their names are unknown, but they have the same name - "Shantou Traffic Police". They are the guardians of road safety, and here is their story of interpreting responsibility and responsibility with ordinary perseverance.

In 1998, Lin Yingxi, who had worked in the Shantou Public Security Fire Department for many years, was transferred to work in the Public Security Traffic Police Department, and successively worked in the Political Engineering Section of the Traffic Police Detachment, the Mobile Patrol Brigade, the Highway Brigade, and the Second Squadron of the Longhu Brigade. For Lin Yingxi, when he entered the public security traffic police department, although the job position and tasks have changed, the spirit and purpose remain the same, and they are all dedicated to their duties and serving the people. With the flick of his fingers, Lin Yingxi has been a police officer for nearly 26 years, and he is about to retire at the end of this year, and he can't help but sigh at how fast time flies. In more than 20 years of police career, Lin Yingxi in the traffic order management post continues to forge ahead, although there is no vigorous deeds, but in the ordinary to see the truth, he has won the personal third-class merit twice, won the Shantou Municipal Public Security Bureau 5 times, has been rated as an advanced individual and was awarded the title of "outstanding Communist Party member". These honors are the best praise for his years of silent dedication.

Lin Yingxi is currently a police officer in the Second Squadron of the Longhu Brigade of the Traffic Police. As a police officer who has been on duty on the front line for a long time, the scorching sun, the biting cold, the wind and rain, and the noisy traffic are all "commonplace", and the bitterness and tiredness can be imagined, but he has never flinched because he is an old policeman, and has long been accustomed to being accompanied by the cold and heat, and being friends with the wind and rain. "The more holidays, the busiest time for traffic police. During the holidays, it is worth it to protect the safety of the people. Lim Young-hee said.

The area under the jurisdiction of the No. 2 Squadron of the Longhu Brigade of the Traffic Police is located in the downtown area of the central city, with dense commercial complexes, schools, residential areas and shops. During the morning and evening rush hours, a large-brimmed hat, reflective jacket and whistle are the standard equipment of Lin Yingxi, who appeared on time at the intersection of the Tianshan Road of the Yangtze River, shuttling through the traffic, waving his arms and blowing the whistle to direct the traffic. Combined with the actual situation of the intersection, he carried out the daily traffic management work day after day and meticulously, so that the traffic order at the intersection has been significantly improved.

The party flag is more colorful He is in an ordinary position, but he is extraordinary in his persistence

Rooted in the front line of the road for many years, Lin Yingxi will encounter people in urgent need of help from time to time, and he is always the first to step forward to help. On September 16, 2022, Lin Yingxi, who was on duty at the intersection of Songshan Road in Jinsha, noticed that a primary school student crossing the street was unwell, with nosebleeds constantly coming out, dizziness and inability to stand, and the situation was quite urgent. He immediately stepped forward to help the parents of the students take them to the sidewalk for emergency hemostasis treatment, and assisted in putting the child in a vehicle and rushing to the hospital for treatment.

One day in October 2023, Lin Yingxi, who was on duty at the intersection, suddenly received a request for help from an elderly man, who said that he lived near Oriental Park in Jinping District, and was at a loss because he accidentally got lost when he went out alone. After understanding the situation, Lin Yingxi learned that the old man was very familiar with the road near his home address, and as long as he could return to Oriental Park, he could return home on his own, so he enthusiastically called an online car-hailing car for the old man to let him return home smoothly.

The party flag is more colorful He is in an ordinary position, but he is extraordinary in his persistence

In his work, Lin Yingxi insists on keeping pace with the times, studying business knowledge diligently, and constantly improving business capabilities. Many years ago, he was transferred back to the squadron headquarters to work, at that time the punishment for traffic violations has changed from handwritten penalty sheets to use police clearance to open penalty sheets, in order to be able to learn to use police clearance faster, Lin Yingxi "shamelessly asked" to ask the police for advice and learning, until the problems encountered before stopping. As soon as he has time, he discusses and learns with his colleagues, so that his daily work can be carried out more efficiently and orderly.

The party flag is more colorful He is in an ordinary position, but he is extraordinary in his persistence

Lin Yingxi said frankly that the particularity of the work of the traffic police made him have to give up some things many times, such as getting together with his family, accompanying his children, and sometimes he couldn't talk to his family for several days when he was busy. Speaking of this, Lin Yingxi always feels ashamed of his family, but fortunately, with the understanding and support of his family over the years, he has no worries and is full of enthusiasm when he devotes himself to work, and this family affection and trust has also become a huge motivation for Lin Yingxi's work, and at the same time, he has gained a heavy honor to repay his family. There is less than half a year to retire, for this love of half a life's career, Lin Yingxi is full of reluctance, he said that he will continue to work hard, stand on the last shift, and do his best to contribute to the cause of the public security traffic police.

The party flag is more colorful He is in an ordinary position, but he is extraordinary in his persistence

This is Lin Yingxi, an ordinary public security traffic policeman, an ordinary Communist Party member. Over the years, he has always taken the road and the people's safety as his own responsibility, dedicated his youth and enthusiasm to the cause of the public security traffic police, fully embodies the professional ethics of love and dedication, the work style of seeking truth and pragmatism, and interprets the spirit of loyalty and selfless dedication as a traffic policeman. He is also the epitome of the public security traffic police team who are about to retire old policemen, who cast loyalty into the soul of the police, carry the responsibility on their shoulders, and write the loyalty and responsibility of the people's police with due diligence.

The party flag is more colorful He is in an ordinary position, but he is extraordinary in his persistence

Please indicate the source: Shantou Traffic Police