
The First Memorial Hall of the Communist Party of China is recruiting 4 people, register before July 14!

author:Shanghai Xuhui

Due to the needs of work, the Memorial Hall of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the National Collaborative Research Center for Revolutionary Cultural Relics of Shanghai University (hereinafter referred to as the "Center"), in accordance with the "Measures for Open Recruitment of Personnel in Shanghai Public Institutions" (Hu Ren She Gui [2019] No. 15) and the "Measures for the Recruitment of High-level Talents in Shanghai Public Institutions" (Hu Ren She Zhuan [2023] No. 229), in accordance with the principles of openness, equality, competition and merit, 4 business researchers of the Collaborative Office of the Collaborative Research Center for Revolutionary Cultural Relics are openly recruited from the public.

Job Title Job Category Job title requirements Number of recruits
Business research Specialized positions Deputy Senior 4
The First Memorial Hall of the Communist Party of China is recruiting 4 people, register before July 14!

1. Recruitment objects and conditions

1. Have the nationality of the People's Republic of China, support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, abide by the Constitution and laws, and have a firm political stance;

2. Good conduct, ideological progress, unity and cooperation, practical and hard-working, with good moral cultivation, strong work ability and professionalism;

3. Have the academic degree and professional requirements required for the recruitment position;

4. Have the physical condition and psychological quality to meet the requirements of the post;

5. Have other conditions required for the position;

6. Persons who have received criminal punishment for crimes, persons who have been lawfully included in the targets of joint disciplinary action for untrustworthiness, and persons in other circumstances that laws and regulations provide must not be hired as staff of public institutions, must not apply for the examination;

7. For specific registration requirements, please click on the to view the attachment "2024 Open Recruitment Brochure of the First Memorial Hall of the Communist Party of China" (hereinafter referred to as the "Recruitment Brochure").

2. Recruitment methods

(1) Registration

1. Registration time: from the date of this announcement to 17:00 on July 14, 2024.

2. Registration requirements: This registration is carried out by online registration, please pay attention to the WeChat public account of "Cultural Talent Online", click on the menu bar of "Talent Examination", select "Public Institution Recruitment" to enter the registration system, in order to ensure that the registration review results and follow-up relevant notices are obtained in a timely manner, please allow the "notification sending function" of the registration applet.

Applicants must upload and submit the following application materials (electronic or scanned picture versions) in the registration system:

(1) Photograph of the applicant

A recent electronic registration photo of yourself that meets the requirements of the registration system.

(2) Identification materials

Resident ID card (front and back), applicants who have lost their ID cards must go to the public security department in time to reapply for a temporary ID card or have a photo identification material issued by the public security department.

(3) Proof of academic qualifications

(1) Graduates of colleges and universities in the country (territory): "Electronic Registration and Filing Form for Academic Certificates of the Ministry of Education" (see "Academic Information Network" for details), and provide all academic certificates and degree certificates at the same time; If you have not graduated by the time of registration, you must upload the "Online Verification Report of Student Status of the Ministry of Education" (see "Student Information Network" for details).

(2) Graduates of foreign colleges and universities: Certificate of Foreign Academic Qualifications and Degrees issued by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China; If you have not graduated by the time of registration, you must upload the relevant proof of enrollment.

(4) Other supporting materials

(1) Candidates should submit academic research results (academic papers, monographs, and scientific research projects are acceptable, please upload them to the "Other" item of "Electronic Documents" in the registration system). The paper should be submitted to the journal cover, table of contents, and paper page; Monographs need to submit the cover of the work, the CIP data page, the table of contents, etc.; Scientific research projects need to submit a scientific research completion certificate and completed (acceptance, appraisal) supporting materials).

(2) If candidates have project work experience (projects/activities they have participated in), please write a brief introduction or explanation of relevant experience (save it in PDF format, please upload it to the "Other" item in the "Electronic Document" of the registration system).

(3) Professional and technical titles, language skills, vocational skills certificates or other relevant materials that must be provided according to the requirements of the applied position (please upload to the "other" item of the "electronic file" in the registration system), see the recruitment brochure for details.

3. Precautions

(1) In order to improve the success rate of registration, it is recommended that applicants first check whether the completeness of their resumes and relevant supporting materials in the registration system have been uploaded successfully, and then click on registration after confirming that they are correct. After the applicant selects the position and submits the registration, the application information is automatically locked and cannot be changed. If you really need to modify your resume or add or delete relevant supporting materials, please withdraw your registration within the validity period of the registration and re-register after the adjustment is completed. Those who fail to submit all the registration materials as required will be deemed invalid.

(2) The recruitment of the implementation of the notification commitment system, applicants should fill in the registration information truthfully, the submitted personal information materials and uploaded electronic photos of the authenticity and accuracy of the responsibility, provide false application materials, forgery, alteration of relevant documents, materials, information, fraud to obtain the qualification of the examination, once verified, will be disqualified from the examination, will not be hired.

(3) Applicants should confirm that they fully meet the application conditions of the relevant positions, and if there are any doubts about the application conditions and job requirements, they should consult and confirm in time. If the applicant does not meet the application conditions or the uploaded attachment materials do not meet the requirements, the consequences arising therefrom shall be borne by the applicant, and the recruiting unit has no obligation to remind.

(4) If the applicant fails to receive the registration feedback information in time due to incomplete or wrong personal information, which affects the follow-up examination, the applicant shall be responsible for the consequences arising therefrom.

(5) According to the "Regulations on the Avoidance of Personnel Management of Public Institutions", applicants shall not apply for positions that constitute a recusal relationship after being hired.

(2) Qualification review

The recruiting unit will screen and review the registration materials received, and those who have passed the qualification review and have a high comprehensive score (mainly referring to academic degrees, professional title grades, working years, academic level, awards, etc.) can enter the assessment process. Applicants can log in to the registration system within the specified time to check the qualification review time and whether they have passed the qualification review and entered the assessment link.

(3) Assessment

The personnel who have passed the qualification review will be sorted from high to low according to the comprehensive score, and the list of assessment personnel will be determined according to the ratio of 1:5. The assessment notice will be issued in the form of e-mail, and those who have not obtained the assessment qualification will not be notified separately.

The assessment takes the form of a combination of practical operation (on-site written test) and defense, and directly conducts a comprehensive assessment of the candidate's work performance, professional ability and comprehensive quality, and if necessary, a psychological assessment will be conducted. During the assessment, candidates are required to prepare a personal resume PPT to introduce their educational experience, research experience, main research directions, research results, research plans, etc. The assessment team asks questions based on the candidates' professional and technical work experience and performance results, and independently scores and signs the candidates' professional assessment according to the scoring standards.

Candidates who participate in the assessment on the day of the assessment must submit the original of relevant materials for inspection on the spot according to the requirements of the notice. Self-service inquiry will be provided in the registration system within 10 working days.

(4) Physical examination

According to the number of recruits, the top four candidates with the total score of the recruited positions will enter the physical examination process. The physical examination shall be conducted in the medical institutions of the second grade A or above in the city in accordance with the "General Standards for Physical Examination for Civil Servants (Trial)". If the person fails to pass the physical examination or is not physically fit for the job, the recruiting unit will not be hired. The recruiting unit has the right to decide whether to postpone the replacement of other candidates for physical examination according to the order of the total score.

(5) Investigation

The recruiting unit will organize an inspection, mainly to examine the candidate's political and ideological quality, compliance with laws and regulations, moral character, integrity record, study and work experience, etc. If the applicant fails to pass the inspection, the recruiting unit will not be hired. The recruiting unit has the right to decide whether to postpone the replacement of other candidates for physical examination and inspection according to the ranking of assessment results.

(6) Announcement of the personnel to be hired

According to the results of the assessment, physical examination, inspection and other results, the personnel to be hired will be publicized on the website of the Shanghai Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau for 7 days. If there is no objection to the publicity results, it shall be reported to the competent department for review and approval and then reported to the Shanghai Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau for approval and filing. If there is any objection to the announcement and it affects the employment, it will be determined whether to hire or not based on the verification results.

3. Relevant treatment and other matters

Once the above-mentioned personnel are hired, the recruiting unit shall sign an employment contract with the hired personnel, and the hired personnel shall be included in the management of the establishment of the enterprise, and the probationary period shall be agreed upon in accordance with the regulations. The salaries, bonuses, benefits and social insurance of the hired personnel shall be implemented in accordance with the relevant provisions of the city.

4. Contact information

Contact: Mr. Zhong

E-mail: [email protected] (not accepting applications)

Contact number: 021-62190819

Supervision telephone: 53832171*239

Integrated from: Shanghai Human Resources and Social Security

Editor: Chen Haixiao