
AI Design Creation International Innovation Camp Kicks Off! College students walked into Xuhui science and technology enterprises

author:Shanghai Xuhui

On June 27th, an exploration journey connecting reality and the future slowly unfolded in the park of Caohejing Development Zone, Xuhui District, where the AI Design Creation International Innovation Camp, a spin-off activity of the "PMC Future" Metaverse Design and Creativity Competition, was held. As the organizer of the competition, Hongmei Street invited teachers and students from the School of Design and Innovation of Tongji University to visit Tencent Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Yingjiao Network Technology Co., Ltd. to witness the vigorous pulse of the metaverse industry.

AI Design Creation International Innovation Camp Kicks Off! College students walked into Xuhui science and technology enterprises
AI Design Creation International Innovation Camp Kicks Off! College students walked into Xuhui science and technology enterprises

In the exhibition space of Tencent and Eagle Point Network, history and future seem to converge in an instant. Chinese and foreign students got a close look at the development process of these industry giants, stood in front of models and exhibits, and felt how technology will shape the future world.

AI Design Creation International Innovation Camp Kicks Off! College students walked into Xuhui science and technology enterprises

Tongji University has a deep relationship with the Metaverse Design and Creativity Competition, and it is not only one of the instructors of the competition, but also the designer of the "Infinity" logo of the competition. "In fact, this is the word 'people', which means that the metaverse has 'people' as the core and an infinite extension of the vast world." During the visit, the teachers led by the School of Design and Innovation of Tongji University enthusiastically encouraged the students to pay attention to the competition and actively participate in the third competition that will start in August this year. "It's not just a tournament, it's a bridge to show your talent and to the game business of your dreams. We look forward to your creativity knocking on the door of the future. ”

It is understood that Hongmei Street has also cooperated deeply with the School of Design and Innovation of Tongji University, which has yielded fruitful results. Through the establishment of the "School-Enterprise Workshop", the two parties jointly created the 2022 Studio 3 linkage course of Tongji University, focusing on the theme of "Digital Economy Metaverse" and producing 27 student achievements, which shined in the first Metaverse Design and Creativity Competition.

"We are committed to building a complete ecological chain from education to practice, from theory to application, so that the seeds of design innovation can take root and sprout here, and finally bloom into the bright flowers of the metaverse industry." She said that through the platform of the competition, it can not only promote the deep integration of industry, university and research, but also build a bridge for talent exchange on a global scale, attracting and bringing together young talents from all over the world, and injecting a steady stream of vitality into the sustainable development of the metaverse industry.

Reporter: Yang Yixiu, Zhang Jie

Photo courtesy of Hongmei Street

Editor: Chen Haixiao

Proofreading: Geng Jieyu

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