
Those common traditional and simplified characters that are easy to use incorrectly in seal carving

author:Talk about the art

Mr. Deng Sanmu said on the first page of the first article of "Seal Carving": "The copyist must take the seal as the first priority", which is very simple, "knowing the seal" is the first priority in learning seal carving!

Those common traditional and simplified characters that are easy to use incorrectly in seal carving

(Portrait of Mr. Deng Sanmu)

The content of this article is in the category of "knowing the seal".

We live in modern China, and it is in the mainland where simplified characters are popular, and we want to engrave the seal characters in the work, but under normal circumstances, it is traditional characters, and there is a big problem here: to master the seal characters, we must be familiar with traditional characters, because the small seals we use (or Miao seals, Han seals, Qin seals, ancient texts, etc.), its shape is corresponding to traditional characters, and if you don't know traditional characters, you can't identify seal characters.

I had no choice but to memorize them one by one, and as I memorized them, I found a deeper problem:

Our current simplified characters, many times, one simplified character, corresponds to two or more traditional characters. That is, the so-called "one simple and many complex".

For example, the word "hair" in "hair" and "hair" in "publish" are the same word, but this is not the case in traditional Chinese characters-

The "hair" of "publishing, launching, and making a fortune" is written as "hair", and the original meaning given in "Shuowen Jiezi" is to launch. By extension, it is to depart and depart; It also refers to dispatch. There are many usages, such as: origin, development, initiation, dispersion, distribution, wealth, etc. Correspondingly, there are also different ways to write seals

The "hair" of "between hair and hair" is written as "hair", and the original meaning given in "Shuowen" is hair, which also refers to the grass and trees on the mountain, that is, the hair of the mountain; It is also a unit of length, ten millimeters for a hair. For example, hair, haircuts, hair, etc.

Their small seals are written as follows:

Those common traditional and simplified characters that are easy to use incorrectly in seal carving

(Fat & Fat)

In fact, I saw a seal script work at a book fair, the content of which is "Zhuangzi Leisurely Travel", in which there is a sentence "There is a dark sea in the north of the poor, and the heavenly pool is also." In fact, the "hair" here should be "hair", because the grass and trees are the "hair" of the mountain, and of course "hair" is used.

There are a lot of such words, about dozens, I didn't have a complete count, I can only write where I can think of it, this article will first say a part:

1. After and after

In ancient characters: Later, the original meaning given in "Shuowen Jie Zi" is (successive) monarch, mostly used as the queen's queen, the queen of the concubine, it is originally written as "after", and it is still written as "after" after simplification.

A gossip: We often hear such remarks on the Internet, saying that Mr. Lu Xun wrote another word, which is called a fake word, and I wrote another word, which is a typo. In fact, Mr. Lu Xun is also a master of words, and the "other words" he writes are basically well-documented, and they are really not typos!

In ancient texts: Later, the original meaning given by "Shuowen Jie Zi" is late, which is the time is late, and the position is later. It is mostly used as the front and back and the back of the offspring.

Their small seals are written as follows:

Those common traditional and simplified characters that are easy to use incorrectly in seal carving

(After & After)

This word, I have seen a typo in the work of a friend on the Internet. The reason is that he thinks that the traditional Chinese character of Hou is "Hou", and when writing the word "queen", it is directly written as "Hou", in fact, in ancient times, the queen's queen used "Hou", such as the familiar Han seal "Queen's Seal":

Those common traditional and simplified characters that are easy to use incorrectly in seal carving

(Han Yin: The Queen's Seal)

2. Clouds and clouds

In ancient characters, "cloud" has two original meanings ("Shuowen Jie Zi" does not include the word "cloud"): :(1) The original character of cloud, the cloud color in nature. (2) Say. For example, people are also clouds; Zi said Shiyun.

In ancient characters, "雲", the original meaning given in "Shuowen Jie Zi" is a cloud in nature, or something shaped like a cloud, such as cloud fog; Cloud Sea.

There is no "cloud" in the small seal, usually the seal book borrows the writing method of "cloud" in the ancient text, and "cloud" adopts the writing method in "Shuowen Jiezi", as shown in the figure:

Those common traditional and simplified characters that are easy to use incorrectly in seal carving

(Cloud & Cloud)

These two words, in most cases, "cloud" can replace "cloud", but "cloud" can not replace "cloud" in some places, for example, when saying cloud color, Yunduo, it is not bad to use "cloud", but it is more accurate to use "cloud"; When it is said that people are also clouds, when a person speaks "cloud", "cloud" must not be used.

3. Inside and inside

In ancient texts: , the original meaning given in "Shuowen Jie Zi" is the place where people live. For example: hometown, township, neighborhood. It also refers to a unit of length, such as a kilometer.

In ancient texts: Li, the original meaning given by "Shuowen Jie Zi" is the inner layer of clothes. By extension, it means to be inside or in, as opposed to "outside". It also refers to a certain period of time. For example: here, there, night, house.

Their small seals are written as follows:

Those common traditional and simplified characters that are easy to use incorrectly in seal carving

(Ri & Ri)

4. Ugly and ugly

In ancient characters: ugly, is the second place of the earthly branch, such as: ugly time, ugly month, Yi ugly year, etc.; "Shuowen Jie Zi" is interpreted as "new". It also refers to the harlequin in opera, funny and ridiculous comedy characters or villains, small flower faces, three-flower faces and the like (note that harlequins do not refer to ugly ugly people who look "ugly"). Also used as a surname: Chou.

In the ancient text: ugly, the explanation given by "Shuowen Jie Zi" is "hateful", there is a "ghost" in the word, not a real ghost, because it is hateful, so from the ghost. It refers to hatefulness, disgust, abhorrence, etc., as well as things that are not good, ugly in appearance, strange things, and filthy things. Such as: ugly, ugly, ugly.

Their small seals are written as follows:

Those common traditional and simplified characters that are easy to use incorrectly in seal carving

(Ugly & Ugly)

5. How many and several

Few, the explanation given by "Shuo Wen Jie Zi" is: how many are there. It is the instrument that the ancients relied on when they sat on the ground. It also refers to a small table where objects are shelved. For example, the coffee table, the window is bright and clean.

Several, the explanation given by "Shuowen Jie Zi" is: micro also. Ben refers to subtle signs, signs or signs of events. It is slightly equivalent to "machine". For example, almost. It also refers to an opportunity, a period, such as: several hours. There are very few exponential quantities, such as: several, several books, etc.

Their small seals are written as follows:

Those common traditional and simplified characters that are easy to use incorrectly in seal carving

(a few and a few)

6. Bucket and bucket

Dou, "Shuowen Jiezi" is explained as a measuring vessel, its original meaning is an ancient wine vessel, the top is like a bucket, the bottom is like a handle, and it also refers to the tininess of things. Such as: bucket room, sheng bucket small people, a bucket of millet. It also refers to the stars in the sky. Such as the Big Dipper; It is also used to refer to bucket-shaped utensils, such as ink fountains, pipes, etc.

欥, "Shuowen Jiezi" is interpreted as a battle fight, a fight. "The two soldiers are facing each other, and the soldiers are behind." Also refers to the competition; It also refers to disclosure; Criticism. For example: fighting the bull, fighting the bull, fighting the fight, fighting the wisdom.

Their small seals are written as follows:

Those common traditional and simplified characters that are easy to use incorrectly in seal carving

(Bucket & Bucket)

7. Talent and talent

Cai, "Shuowen Jie Zi" is explained as the beginning of grass and trees. By extension, it refers to talent; talent; Talent; Talent; Intelligence. Also refers to talented people. For example: both ability and political integrity, versatile. In addition, it can also be used as a "just now" talent.

纔, "Shuowen Jie Zi" is interpreted as a color with red in black; "Guangya Interpretation" is used as an adverb, for the time being. For example: rigidity; Walk away. It also indicates the quantity and degree. For example: death. It is also possible to make assumptions, such as: 纔OK.

Their small seals are written as follows:

Those common traditional and simplified characters that are easy to use incorrectly in seal carving

(Talent and Talent)

8, abundance and abundance

Feng, the explanation given in "Shuowen Jie Zi" is the meaning of lush vegetation, and it also refers to the fullness of people's bodies. The fake "wind", such as "abundance", "abundance", "abundance", refers to people's appearance and behavior. In addition, it also means ladder.

Bunch. The explanation given in "Shuowen Jie Zi" is that the beans are full and full, with the meaning of satisfaction, and can also be used as large, such as Fengbei and Fenggong; It can also refer to full, plump; It can also refer to abundance, abundance of food and clothing; It can also be used to refer to the abundance of vegetation. It is also one of the sixty hexagrams, and it is also a place name. Also to be used as a surname.

Their small seals are written as follows:

Those common traditional and simplified characters that are easy to use incorrectly in seal carving

(Toyowa Yutaka)

Note that when used as a person's abundance and abundance, you can only use "feng", not "feng"

9, Shen and Shen

Shen, the explanation given in "Shuowen Jie Zi" is that there is water in the recess of the mountain range. Tong "Shen", that is, heavy Shen, the most important usage in later generations is the surname, the surname Shen. For example, Mr. Zhao Zhiqian has a work "Songjiang Shen Shuyong Collection Imprint":

Those common traditional and simplified characters that are easy to use incorrectly in seal carving

(Zhao Zhiqian: Songjiang Shen Shuyong Collection Imprint)

At that time, we talked about this square seal, and some students asked: Look at the twists and turns of the word "Shen" in order to increase the density, if "Shen" uses the seal method of "瀋" is not more conducive to sparse and dense contrast, the answer does not need to be said, because it cannot be used.

瀋, the explanation given by "Shuowen Jie Zi" is juice. For example, ink is actually ink. In addition, Shen is also the abbreviation of Shenyang City, so, for example, the Liaoyang Battle and Shenyang City all use "Shen". For example, Mr. Wu Changshuo has a seal "and drink a liter of ink":

Those common traditional and simplified characters that are easy to use incorrectly in seal carving

(Wu Changshuo: and drink a liter of ink)

Their small seals are written as follows:

Those common traditional and simplified characters that are easy to use incorrectly in seal carving

(Shen and Shen)

In order to avoid the length of the article being too long and affecting the reading experience, this article will write these first, each with 10 groups of words (including the previous "hair"), and the follow-up will try to finish this kind of difficult words. (1)