
The Jin Wangfu Art Troupe expanded its capacity and successfully performed the interview record of "Rhyme of Red Mansions".

author:Lao Feng looked at Shanxi

"Rhyme of Red Mansions" has a new classic heat up

——Jin Wangfu Art Troupe expanded and successfully performed "Rhyme of Red Mansions".

On June 21, the summer solstice season when the hot weather came, and the more popular was the Red Mansion Rhyme Concert that the Jin Wangfu Art Troupe debuted again at the Taiyuan Workers' Cultural Palace. However, when the curtain opened, the stage sprinkled to the audience was full of people, but the new version of "Rhyme of Red Mansions" was a gust of wind to improve the quality and expand the capacity.

The Jin Wangfu Art Troupe expanded its capacity and successfully performed the interview record of "Rhyme of Red Mansions".

△After the success of the performance, director Yan Huanzhang, chief director Bo Jichun, artistic director Xu Jiangtao and all the actors took the stage for a curtain call

Under the encouragement and arrangement of relevant departments, in response to the call of the masses, after two months of careful building, the Jin Wangfu Art Troupe, which has always taken the promotion of excellent traditional culture as its own responsibility, finally made its debut again, This is the third performance after the performance in Taiyuan Youth Palace on July 13, 2022 and May 5, 2023 in Taiyuan Workers' Cultural Palace.

The Jin Wangfu Art Troupe expanded its capacity and successfully performed the interview record of "Rhyme of Red Mansions".

△ Chief Planner: Chen Yanping

The performance was strongly supported by Zhao Wenshan, Vice Chairman of Shanxi Federation of Industry and Commerce and President of Shanxi Fujian Chamber of Commerce, Chen Yanping, Chairman of Shanxi Performance Industry Association, Shanxi Performing Arts Cinema, Zhejiang Chamber of Commerce in Shanxi Province and Guangdong Chamber of Commerce in Shanxi Province; The advisory team composed of famous writers Chen Weiren, Zhao Yu, Sun Tao, Lu Shunmin and Sun Kun devoted great enthusiasm to "Rhyme of Red Mansions", and gave strong help to the art troupe to carefully arrange and rehearse hard, closely unite and publicize literary classics and promote traditional culture.

The Jin Wangfu Art Troupe expanded its capacity and successfully performed the interview record of "Rhyme of Red Mansions".

△ Chief producer: Zhao Wenshan

Compared with the previous two performances, there are three new changes, so this article summarizes the "three new" aspects of this performance; New changes, new lineups, new displays.

The Jin Wangfu Art Troupe expanded its capacity and successfully performed the interview record of "Rhyme of Red Mansions".

△ Chief Director: Bo Jichun

First, new changes

The pursuit of classic art to improve the quality, carry forward the spirit of excellent traditional culture so that the "Red Mansion Rhyme" concert performance has been the Shanxi Provincial Performance Industry Association and Shanxi Performing Arts Cinema Line and other industry industry strong support, the degree of attention has been greatly improved, the performance of Shanxi Performance Industry Association dispatched five cameras of the TV network synchronous live broadcast, the live network audience flow reached 853,600, the highest rush to 960,000, the 7th day after the performance, the click traffic also rose to 876,400; Shanxi Daily, Shanxi Evening News, Shanxi TV, More than 10 mainstream media such as Shanxi Radio, Yellow River TV, Taiyuan Daily, and Taiyuan TV have made theme reports on this, which has made this performance have an immeasurable influence and has also made traditional culture more widely disseminated.

The Jin Wangfu Art Troupe expanded its capacity and successfully performed the interview record of "Rhyme of Red Mansions".

△ Shanxi's first ensemble combining Chinese and Western instrumental music: "Overture" conducted by Wu Yaohuan

Second, the new lineup

The performance was directed by Bo Jichun and Xu Jiangtao was the artistic director. A philosopher said: The real art lies in the development of the industry. Bo Jichun has abundant performing arts resources and has organized many influential large-scale performances. After taking on the great responsibility, he innovated ideas, worked hard to tap singing performances and instrumental music resources with a pioneering spirit, and made multi-faceted cooperative efforts. Song Xiangli and other three national first-class singers and national first-class performer Liu Hongshu joined the performance team, and the famous military artist Yu Baodong served as the executive director and Chen Liping served as the host. The addition of these professionals has made significant changes in the lineup of the performance, and also improved the overall performance level.

The Jin Wangfu Art Troupe expanded its capacity and successfully performed the interview record of "Rhyme of Red Mansions".

△ Moderator: Yu Baodong, Chen Liping

3. New Displays

The world artist Schumann once said: The artist's vocation is to pour light into the depths of people's hearts. "Dream of Red Mansions" is a classic of traditional Chinese culture, since its inception more than 240 years ago, people have competed to read, Luoyang paper is expensive, generation after generation. It can be said: "If you don't talk about Dream of Red Mansions at the beginning, it is in vain to read all the poems and books." "The Rhyme of Red Mansions", choreographed and performed by the Jin Wangfu Art Troupe, has been staged twice in consecutive years since its inception, and has been widely praised and strongly recommended by people from all walks of life in the provincial capital. Can this show be taken to the next level?

The Jin Wangfu Art Troupe expanded its capacity and successfully performed the interview record of "Rhyme of Red Mansions".

△ Female solo: "Vain Eyebrows", singer: Zhao Ruiping

This is the new pursuit of the Jin Wangfu Art Troupe buried in the bottom of its heart. Based on the previous two performances, Mr. Yan Xuzhang, the head of the art troupe and the director of the performance, extensively consulted all parties on the feedback of the Red Chamber Rhyme performance, and conceived a plan of "developing oneself with a professional attitude and comprehensively improving the artistic level of the Red Chamber Rhyme", and appointed the personnel. During the intense rehearsal process of summer, he still insisted on showing up. Before the performance, his tired eyes were seriously congested, and he fell ill in bed, but he still dragged his sick body, stuck to the rehearsal scene, and solved and eliminated possible problems at any time.

The Jin Wangfu Art Troupe expanded its capacity and successfully performed the interview record of "Rhyme of Red Mansions".

△ "Funeral Flower Yin" Leader: Wang Junfang

"Rhyme of Red Mansions" is performed in the form of music and singing and dancing, and the program has been increased from the original 11 to 16, with instrumental ensembles: "Grandma Liu", female soloists: "Zilingzhou Song", instrumental ensemble: "Shangyuan Festival", Jinghu and the band: "Deep Night", erhu solo: "Red Chamber Suite", and "Sigh Xiangling" changed from dance to female duet. On the basis of the original, Mr. Gu Tong, the chief writer, carefully revised the host speech, so that the level of the whole program was expanded, the content was more colorful, the theme was more prominent, and the connotation of the classic culture of the Red Chamber was more perfectly expressed.

The Jin Wangfu Art Troupe expanded its capacity and successfully performed the interview record of "Rhyme of Red Mansions".

△ Boys' solo: "Okay Song", singer: Xie Baoyu

The opening of "Rhyme of Red Mansions" was refreshing, and many viewers quickly felt the overall improvement of the performance effect again, whether it was music, singing or behind-the-scenes videos, they all gave the hostages a new high-definition feeling. Soprano singer Zhao Ruiping sang "Vain Eyebrows" with a crying voice showing Bao Dai's unsolvable love tragedy; The famous tenor Xie Baoyu's male solo "Okay Song" has added humorous elements compared with last year's relaxed singing, and the world flavor that expresses the helplessness of life is very well performed; The national first-class actor and famous soprano Wang Junfang led the singing of "Funeral Flower Yin", which compared Lin Daiyu with human flowers, incarnated tears, and vividly expressed the sadness of seeing things, and received wide acclaim.

The Jin Wangfu Art Troupe expanded its capacity and successfully performed the interview record of "Rhyme of Red Mansions".

△ Song Xiangli (right) Guo Jianxiu's female duet "Sigh Xiangling"

The new program has indeed strengthened the ideological connotation and expressiveness of "Rhyme of Red Mansions". "Sigh Xiangling" is a program adapted from dance to female duet, two national first-class actors of provincial songs, the famous mezzo-soprano singer Song Xiangli and the famous soprano singer Guo Jianxiu have superb vocal skills, and the voice is harmonious and expressive. Associate professor of vocal music of the Provincial Vocational College of Arts, national second-class actor, soprano singer Du Ting's solo "Flesh and Bone" and Zhao Pan, who won the second prize of "Song from the Yellow River", sang the female solo "Zilingzhou Song" with beautiful singing voice and sincere emotion.

The Jin Wangfu Art Troupe expanded its capacity and successfully performed the interview record of "Rhyme of Red Mansions".

△ Instrumental ensemble: "Grandma Liu" three-string lead: Chen Xinquan conductor Wang Jianping

Anyone who has read "Dream of Red Mansions" will not forget Grandma Liu, a simple and wise old woman in the countryside, who took her little grandson Ban'er to enter the Grand View Garden, because she had never seen the world, and made many hilarious jokes, which was in stark contrast to the aristocratic atmosphere of Jiafu's poverty and luxury. It makes people laugh and can't help but taste bitter. The instrumental ensemble "Grandma Liu" allowed the audience to enjoy the poignant sadness that was different from the whole music. The witty and humorous melody broadens the artistic conception of the whole music of "Rhyme of Red Mansions", and brings the audience a feeling of a different taste in their hearts. Jinghu and the orchestra's interpretation of the famous Peking Opera song "Deep Night" is a change of show, but it is also a highlight, the drumming women on the field swing their pigtails on their heads with the hands of the drumsticks and the drumsticks of the drum beat agitated and the Jinghu leader Liu Pei's calm and atmospheric performance, aroused bursts of applause and cheers from the audience. After understanding, the drumming woman is called Li Yingfang, who was admitted to the Department of Folk Music of the Conservatory of Music of Shanxi University in 1996, studied at the Central Conservatory of Music in the same year, and served as an actor and choreographer of the Art Troupe of the Shanxi Armed Police Corps, and in 2018, she established the Shanxi Douyun National Chamber Orchestra, served as the head of the orchestra, and the orchestra pipa, Zhongruan, percussion player, and has completed major performance tasks many times and has been well received; Liu Pei is an erhu lecturer at Shanxi Vocational College of Art and the deputy secretary-general of Shanxi Social Art Association. For a long time, it has been active on major stages in various forms, and has won many national and provincial competition awards.

The Jin Wangfu Art Troupe expanded its capacity and successfully performed the interview record of "Rhyme of Red Mansions".

△ Erhu player Liu Hongshu performed the solo "Red Chamber Suite", which was fascinated and selfless

The erhu solo "Red Chamber Suite" by national first-class performer Liu Hongshu was the finale of the audience. Liu Hongshu is the former concertmaster of the Shanxi Provincial Song and Dance Theater Chinese Orchestra, the vice president of the Shanxi Erhu Society, and the outstanding inheritor of the national intangible cultural heritage - Errentai. After entering the game, he used a variety of techniques such as fast and slow bows to vividly express the various emotions and different fates of various characters in the plot, so that the audience continued to cheer. In fact, one of the biggest highlights of this performance is in the instrumental performance, the unity and cooperation of more than 100 people, and the close cooperation of the Chinese and Western bands, to achieve the combination of folk music and Western music. It is understood that this is the first of its kind in the province.

The Jin Wangfu Art Troupe expanded its capacity and successfully performed the interview record of "Rhyme of Red Mansions".

△ Jinghu and the band: "Deep Night" Jinghu Leader: Liu Pei

The successful performance of "Rhyme of Red Mansions" has aroused strong repercussions in the audience and all walks of life. Feng Tiansheng, an enthusiastic audience who has watched the performance for two consecutive years, said excitedly in an interview with the TV media: The overall level has improved a lot. The background of the program is soundtrack, the collocation is good, the entry into the love, the level of command has been improved, this program meets the needs of different appreciators, so that the audience can appreciate the connotation of this Chinese masterpiece from different angles, which can be called a visual and auditory feast! Let us enhance our confidence in traditional Chinese culture! Duan Xianmin has loved to read "Dream of Red Mansions" since childhood, and has a deep study of this, she said in an interview: "Dream of Red Mansions" is a big encyclopedia, is a masterpiece of Chinese classical literature, as a lover of Red Mansions, I am very happy to see the wonderful interpretation on the stage, this is the third time, every time I have a different feeling, I have a deeper understanding of the original work. The performance was very successful, in order to inherit Chinese culture and classical literature, improve cultural taste, and enrich the public's amateur life, all the cast and crew have worked hard!

The Jin Wangfu Art Troupe expanded its capacity and successfully performed the interview record of "Rhyme of Red Mansions".

△ Jinghu and the band: The passionate drumming performance of Li Yingfang, the drummer in "Deep Night", constantly aroused applause

Duan Xianmin's words are in place, the success of this performance of the Jin Wangfu Art Troupe is indeed that all the cast and crew have done their best! Whether it is the nearly 80-year-old band conductor Wu Jinhuan, or Wang Jianping, who has taken the position of conductor in this performance, or the annual ring combination of the chorus, the team of performance models, or the unknown staff in charge of costumes, photography, lighting, sound, medical and backstage, they have all contributed their own strength to the successful performance of "Rhyme of Red Mansions" with their own abilities and selfless dedication. Mr. Yan Xuzhang, the head of the art troupe, said emotionally: Our troupe has a group of hard-working, hard-working behind-the-scenes heroes, and our performances are improving again and again, relying on unity and team strength.

The Jin Wangfu Art Troupe expanded its capacity and successfully performed the interview record of "Rhyme of Red Mansions".

△ Nanhua Menfa Xiao Maya (left) and Chen Zaibin participated in the performance of "Rhyme of Red Mansions" three times

Chief director Bo Jichun said in an interview with TV media; There is no end to art, and if conditions permit, we also hope to bring new masterpieces to the stage.

The Jin Wangfu Art Troupe expanded its capacity and successfully performed the interview record of "Rhyme of Red Mansions".

△ Model performance: "Sister Lin Fell from the Sky" Performers: Wang Yanqiu, Zhu Jianmei, etc. Choreographer: Yan Shuhe

The Jin Wangfu Art Troupe expanded its capacity and successfully performed the interview record of "Rhyme of Red Mansions".

△Before the performance, the reporter interviewed the actors Song Xiangli (left) and Xie Baoyu (middle) who were rehearsing.

The peak of art, only kiss the footsteps of climbers, and sincerely look forward to new pursuits to step out of new footprints. (Li Chungeng, Feng Zhimin)

The Jin Wangfu Art Troupe expanded its capacity and successfully performed the interview record of "Rhyme of Red Mansions".

△ The reporter is interviewing Bo Jichun, the chief director of the rehearsal

The Jin Wangfu Art Troupe expanded its capacity and successfully performed the interview record of "Rhyme of Red Mansions".
The Jin Wangfu Art Troupe expanded its capacity and successfully performed the interview record of "Rhyme of Red Mansions".
The Jin Wangfu Art Troupe expanded its capacity and successfully performed the interview record of "Rhyme of Red Mansions".
The Jin Wangfu Art Troupe expanded its capacity and successfully performed the interview record of "Rhyme of Red Mansions".
The Jin Wangfu Art Troupe expanded its capacity and successfully performed the interview record of "Rhyme of Red Mansions".
The Jin Wangfu Art Troupe expanded its capacity and successfully performed the interview record of "Rhyme of Red Mansions".
The Jin Wangfu Art Troupe expanded its capacity and successfully performed the interview record of "Rhyme of Red Mansions".
The Jin Wangfu Art Troupe expanded its capacity and successfully performed the interview record of "Rhyme of Red Mansions".


△Please click on the video to watch (the content released by "Lao Feng Looks at Shanxi" in 2023 has been on the hot list of today's headlines 103 times)

The Jin Wangfu Art Troupe expanded its capacity and successfully performed the interview record of "Rhyme of Red Mansions".
The Jin Wangfu Art Troupe expanded its capacity and successfully performed the interview record of "Rhyme of Red Mansions".

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