
The Yishanyuan community held a party to celebrate July 1st

author:Big and small news

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, review the glorious history of the party, and inherit the red gene, on the evening of June 28, hosted by the Yishanyuan community, Xiajia community and Huangwu community co-organized a wonderful celebration party. The theme of the party was "Party Flag Piloting the Beginning of the Heart, Striving for the Future", which attracted many community residents to watch.

The Yishanyuan community held a party to celebrate July 1st

The party kicked off with the inspirational "China Fan" brought by Aite-Tus-Ruide Kindergarten, and the energetic performance instantly ignited the atmosphere of the scene. Subsequently, the Peking Opera "Pear Blossom Song" brought by teacher Yang Baolan can be called a classic. As soon as she opened her mouth, her tactful singing voice and elegant posture attracted the attention of the audience. The delicate performance and exquisite makeup showed the poignant love story of Yang Guifei to the fullest, making the audience deeply intoxicated with the charm of traditional art.

The Yishanyuan community held a party to celebrate July 1st

In addition, the actors performed poetry recitation "Red Hymn" and "Reading China", solo singing "Heavenly Road", instrumental performance guitar, violin ensemble "Courage Burst", dance "Sing Mountain Songs to the Party Again" and sketch "Organ Tucao Conference" with affectionate language, emotional singing, beautiful dancing posture and passionate melody.

The Yishanyuan community held a party to celebrate July 1st

Lv Opera "Sister Jiang's Excerpts - Embroidering the Red Flag" is also one of the highlights of the party. The actors used superb acting skills and affectionate singing to vividly reproduce the touching scene of Sister Jiang embroidering the red flag in prison, which made the audience deeply feel the firm faith and unyielding spirit of the revolutionary ancestors, and many viewers were moved. At the end of the party, Xu Zihan's recitation of "Autumn China" and the chorus of the staff, party members and resident representatives of the Yishanyuan community and the Xiajia community "Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China", the passionate singing and affectionate recitation jointly expressed the infinite love and good wishes for the party and the motherland.

Editor-in-charge: Wang Daochang