
The six founding kings of the Ming Dynasty were all deeply trusted by Zhu Yuanzhang and died a good death in his later years!

author:Sentimental history

The six founding kings of the Ming Dynasty refer to the six heroes of the founding of the Ming Dynasty, who made great achievements in the process of Zhu Yuanzhang's establishment of the Ming Dynasty and played an important role in the establishment and maintenance of the Ming Dynasty. Of course, these six people were posthumously crowned kings after their deaths. After all, in history, it is still difficult to be crowned a king with a different surname. So, the question is, what are the endings of the six founding kings of the Ming Dynasty?

The six founding kings of the Ming Dynasty were all deeply trusted by Zhu Yuanzhang and died a good death in his later years!

1. Xu Da

Xu Da was relied on by Zhu Yuanzhang as the "Great Wall", and later generations also recognized him as the first hero of the founding of the Ming Dynasty and the first of the "six kings" of the founding of the country.

At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, Xu Da participated in the rebel army led by Zhu Yuanzhang and was one of the twenty-four generals of Huaixi. Xu Da is cautious, good at governing the army, experienced in a hundred battles, and has been fighting horses all his life. In the first year of Hongwu (1368), Xu Da led his army to invade Dadu, ending the history of the Yuan Dynasty. Since then, troops have been sent year after year to fight against the remnants of the Yuan court, collect Shanxi, Ganshan, and expand Timur.

In the eighteenth year of Hongwu (1385), Xu Da died of illness in Nanjing at the age of fifty-four. Zhu Yuanzhang posthumously named him the king of Zhongshan, gave him the nickname "Wuning", and buried the yin of Zhongshan; He also made Shinto inscriptions for him, allowing him to portrait meritorious temple and enjoy the temple.

Second, Deng Yu

Deng Yu was born burly and brave. At the age of 16, he led the army to resist the Yuan. In the fifteenth year of Zhizheng (1355), he led more than 10,000 people from Xuyi to Zhu Yuanzhang and served as the head of the army, and Zhu Yuanzhang gave him the name Deng Yu. According to the records of historical materials such as "History of the Ming Dynasty", Deng Yue was simple and prudent, wise and brave, strict in governing the army, good at appeasing those who surrendered, and made great achievements for a while. In 1370 (the third year of Hongwu), Deng Yu followed Xu Da on an expedition to Gansu, defeated the Northern Yuan army, and surrendered the Tibetan and Wusi Tibetan tribes. Jin was named Doctor Ronglu, the Right Pillar State, and the Duke of Weiguo.

On the ninth day of November in the tenth year of Hongwu (1377), Deng Yu died of illness in Shouchun (now Shou County, Anhui), and was posthumously named the king of Ninghe, and his nickname was Wushun.

The six founding kings of the Ming Dynasty were all deeply trusted by Zhu Yuanzhang and died a good death in his later years!

3. Spring is often encountered

Like Xu Da, Chang Yuchun not only made outstanding achievements, but also became a well-known historical figure because of the influence of related literary works.

Emperor Yuan Shun to the fifteenth year (1355), often Yuchun attached to Zhu Yuanzhang, invited himself as a striker, to defeat the enemy, taste himself to be able to 100,000 people, rampant in the world, the army called Chang 100,000, the official to the book Pingzhang military affairs, and the prince Shaobao, the title of the Duke of Hubei. However, in the second year of Hongwu, he often encountered the Spring Northern Expedition to the Central Plains, and suddenly died of illness in the army at the age of 40.

In the official history, Chang Yuchun belongs to the situation of a good death, that is, he has not been harmed by others. After the death of Chang Yuchun, Zhu Yuanzhang was very sad, so he used the story of Song Taizong's funeral of Han King Zhao Pu to posthumously present Yiyun Tuicheng Xuande Jingyuan Meritorious Hero, Kaifu Yi and the Three Divisions, Shangzhuguo, Taibao, Zhongshu Right Prime Minister, posthumously sealed Kaiping King, nicknamed Zhongwu, worthy of enjoying Taimiao.

Fourth, Li Wenzhong

Li Wenzhong was the nephew of Zhu Yuanzhang, the Taizu of the Ming Dynasty, who joined the rebel army at the end of the Yuan Dynasty and was later adopted by Zhu Yuanzhang as a son. In the second year of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty (1369), Li Wenzhong and Chang Yuchun went out to conquer outside the Saiwai together. After Chang Yuchun's death, he took over Chang Yuchun's command of the army. In the third year of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty (1370), he parted ways with Xu Da and successfully attacked Yingchang, capturing the eight thorns bought by the prince of Yuan, as well as the Song and Yuan jade seals, Jinbao and jade books.

In the twelfth year of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty (1379), Li Wenzhong began to be in charge of the military affairs of the Governor of the Metropolitan Governor's Office, and held this position until his later years. angered Zhu Yuanzhang because of a certain admonition, and died of illness soon after. After Li Wenzhong's death, he was posthumously named the King of Qiyang by the Ming Dynasty, and his nickname was Wujing. Worthy of enjoying the Taimiao, the portrait is hung in the Temple of Meritorious Heroes, ranking third.

The six founding kings of the Ming Dynasty were all deeply trusted by Zhu Yuanzhang and died a good death in his later years!

Fifth, soup and

At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, Tang He crossed the Yangtze River with Zhu Yuanzhang, Kejiqing, took Zhenjiang, repeatedly broke the Yuan army, and was promoted to marshal of the unified army. In the third year of Hongwu (1370), Zhu Yuanzhang was awarded the title of meritorious hero, Tang Hejue was named the Marquis of Zhongshan, and he was awarded 1,500 stones. In the fourteenth year of Hongwu (1381), Tang He went out with Xu Da on the Northern Expedition, conquered Naier Buhua, conquered Gray Mountain, and captured his Pingzhang Belige and Privy Deputy Envoy Jiutong. In the twenty-eighth year of Hongwu (1395), Tang He died at home at the age of seventy, and was posthumously crowned the king of Dongou with the nickname "Xiangwu".

The six founding kings of the Ming Dynasty were all deeply trusted by Zhu Yuanzhang and died a good death in his later years!

Sixth, Mu Ying

Mu Ying is the adopted son of Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang and Empress Xiaoci Ma, which is similar to Li Wenzhong. From the sixteenth year of Zhizheng (1356), the twelve-year-old Mu Ying followed Zhu Yuanzhang to attack and conquer and began his military career. In the fourteenth year of Hongwu (1381), Mu Ying, Fu Youde, and Lan Yu led 300,000 troops to conquer Yunnan. After Yunnan was pacified, Mu Ying stayed in Yunnan to guard. In this regard, in the author's opinion, it is precisely because of staying on the frontier that Mu Ying and her family can stay away from the struggle of the imperial court.

In the fifteenth year of Hongwu (1382), Mu Ying coughed up blood due to the death of the queen of the righteous mare and excessive grief. In the twenty-fifth year of Hongwu (1392), due to the death of the crown prince Zhu Biao, he suffered a blow and fell ill, and died of illness in Yunnan two months later, at the age of 48. Zhu Yuanzhang felt very sorry, and ordered to be buried in Beijing, posthumously crowned the king of Qianning, gave "Zhaojing", and enjoyed the Taimiao. It is worth noting that after Mu Ying's death, the descendants of the Mu family guarded Yunnan for generations and remained with the Ming Dynasty.

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