
Lilies bloom to remember the heroes - the Battle of Shenjialing

author:Seven Mile River release

The mountains and mountains are buried with loyal bones, and the mountains and mountains are all monuments. In a peaceful and prosperous world, we sigh for the beautiful life today, but we also remember that the stable life now is exchanged for the flesh and blood of our ancestors. If no one believes that tomorrow's flowers will bloom, no one will do their best to sow hope; If no one believes that tomorrow will bloom like an ocean, no one will follow the vastness of a hundred years of travel.

Lilies bloom to remember the heroes - the Battle of Shenjialing

Shenjialing, located in Weiling Township, Qilihe District, Lanzhou City, stands on the ridge and can overlook the whole Lanzhou. As far as the eye can see, today's Shenjialing, the morning sun is shining, the houses are like a peaceful and peaceful, two rows of solar street lamps lead to the depths of the village along the neat cement road, and wisps of cooking smoke rise from the roofs of the farmhouses. We can't help but pull our thoughts back to the peak of Shenjialing, which was filled with gunpowder that year: the artillery roared, and the warriors who charged bloodily stepped forward one after another, roaring and throwing grenades, stubbornly nailing the enemy to the position until the final general attack......

Lilies bloom to remember the heroes - the Battle of Shenjialing

Seventy-two years ago, Lanzhou, an important town in the northwest, was reborn in the war. On August 20, 1949, our First Field Army sang "To the Northwest" and marched to the city of Lanzhou, preparing to launch the last battle in the northwest region - the Battle of Lanzhou.

Lilies bloom to remember the heroes - the Battle of Shenjialing

The Battle of Lanzhou was the most fierce and crucial decisive battle in the Northwest Battlefield during the War of Liberation. To liberate Lanzhou, we must first take Shenjialing. Because the capture of Shenjialing is equivalent to opening the gate of Lanzhou, which can directly attack the Xiguan of Lanzhou, control the iron bridge of the Yellow River, and cut off the enemy's only way to escape westward.

Lilies bloom to remember the heroes - the Battle of Shenjialing

Shenjialing is composed of two highlands in the north and south, and the overall appearance resembles a gourd, and the middle of the highland is a saddle-shaped depression. The fortifications built by the Kuomintang army on the mountain, like a spider web snake cave, spread throughout the mountain. There are many cliffs and cliffs on the outer slope of the mountain range, the ditches are vertical and horizontal, and the mountains are steep, easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Lilies bloom to remember the heroes - the Battle of Shenjialing

At dawn on August 25, a fire rose over the west side of Shenjialing, and the sound of gunfire and shouts mingled. Thick smoke billowed out, the mountains were filled with fire, and the offensive and defensive battles were extremely tragic. The 31st Regiment of the 11th Division of the 4th Army of the First Field Army was responsible for the main attack on Shenjialing, and the 32nd and 33rd Regiments assisted from the left and right flanks respectively, and engaged in repeated tug-of-war and hand-to-hand combat with the enemy. At about 1 o'clock in the afternoon of the 25th, after the 30th Regiment of our 10th Division received the support order, Political Commissar Li Xigui personally led the 3rd Battalion to take the lead, like a sharp knife straight into the enemy's deep position. In the early morning of August 26, the People's Liberation Army concentrated its firepower in one go, destroyed the last fortress of the enemy army, and planted the red flag on Shenjialing. On this day, the Battle of Lanzhou was won, Lanzhou was liberated, and "8.26" became the day to commemorate the liberation of Lanzhou. In this heroic and heroic battle of Shenjialing, the People's Liberation Army fought fiercely with the enemy for 14 hours, repelled more than 30 counterattacks by the enemy's platoon, company, and battalion, destroyed more than 3,300 enemies, and captured more than 500 people. Every inch of land here is soaked in the blood of the People's Liberation Army, martyr Wang Xueli is one of the many sacrificed PLA soldiers, in the battle of Shenjialing, martyr Wang Xueli led the 31st regiment to charge into battle, bravely killed the enemy, blood sprinkled loess, sacrificed the precious life of only 33 years old, he is also the supreme military commander of our army sacrificed in the Lanzhou Campaign.

Lilies bloom to remember the heroes - the Battle of Shenjialing

74 years have passed, the smoke of war has long gone, and the appearance of Shenjialing Village has also undergone great changes in this land of heroes. But the history of blood and fire condensation has never been forgotten.

Lilies bloom to remember the heroes - the Battle of Shenjialing

Nowadays, strolling on the sightseeing trails of Shenjialing, postal coffee, Xinhua bookstore, paper-cutting house, cancan tea house...... There are all kinds of red caves with different themes, and a picture of Fuchun Mountain Residence with "prosperous industry, livable ecology, civilized rural customs, effective governance, and affluent life" is slowly unfolding......

In recent years, Shenjialing Village has developed red tourism projects suitable for development while protecting the Shenjialing battle site, so that more tourists can enter Shenjialing and get to know Xinlanzhou. At the same time, relying on the red cultural endowment of Shenjialing, "one corridor, six districts and two centers" are planned, and the red cultural corridor is strung together with six block functions: red education experience area, red cultural heritage area, rural fitness trail area, country house leisure area, thousand acres of flower viewing area, and central kitchen service area, as well as supporting services of red education reception center and electronic viewing center, forming a red cultural tourist resort integrating red cultural education, red sightseeing experience, homestay cultural experience, and leisure tourism experience, attracting many tourists. While appreciating the red culture, we will vigorously develop red tourism, improve the spiritual and material cultural life of the masses, and continue to embark on a unique road of rural revitalization.

Lilies bloom to remember the heroes - the Battle of Shenjialing

Time can change mountains and rivers, but the red spirit never falls; Time can dilute memories, but revolutionary heroes are immortal. Let the red culture glow with the light of the times on the new journey! When we looked at Shenjialing where countless martyrs had fallen again, the bright red lilies all over the mountains were enthusiastic and unrestrained, showing their beauty, just like the red blood flowing here, brilliant and warm, endless!

Reporter: Zhao Shuyi Typesetting: Yuan Rui Review: Wang Zhicheng

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