
New knowledge of Hook lily wood, red lantern sense of sight.

author:The eighth continent

Text| The best sunshine

New knowledge of Hook lily wood, red lantern sense of sight.

On the trip to the UK, there are many new knowledge, and Hook Lily is one of them.

Both the Birmingham Botanic Gardens and the Edinburgh Botanic Gardens have seen the sight of red lanterns all over the trees.

的确如此,它英文名叫Chile lantern tree,lantern,也是灯笼的意思。

New knowledge of Hook lily wood, red lantern sense of sight.

Hook lily wood, also known as Chilean red lily wood, is native to South America.

Remember that I also introduced an iris from Chile before: it turned out to be a Chilean garden calamus, and the mystery was finally solved.

New knowledge of Hook lily wood, red lantern sense of sight.

虎克百合木是从拉丁学名音译而来——Crinodendron hookerianum Gay,杜英科百合木属的乔木。

New knowledge of Hook lily wood, red lantern sense of sight.

There are 12 genera, about 400 species, distributed in the tropical and subtropical regions of the eastern and western hemispheres, not found in Africa, and there are two genera on the continent.

Plants in the family are single-leaved, with alternate and opposite plants.

Flowers solitary or arranged racemes or panicles, petals 4-5, forceps or shingle-like arrangement, apex quadrangular or entire.

New knowledge of Hook lily wood, red lantern sense of sight.

The flower of the Hook lily is in the shape of a small jar.

I didn't pay attention when I took the photo, but I came back to sort out the photo and found a small easter egg.

There is a flower that is exposed in a cross-section, and you can see the arrangement of the flower column and stamens inside.

New knowledge of Hook lily wood, red lantern sense of sight.

(虎克百合木,Crinodendron hookerianum Gay,杜英科百合木属乔木)

Hide in the green and look at the plants

High spike flowers primrose, cylinder ice cream.

Xia red lamp tower spring, the original "Xia Hong" is rose red and goose yellow.

Kew Gardens glanced at it, leaving the orange red lantern to herald spring.

Flower rhombus, an orange.

Black spotted red poppy with large black eyes.

It turned out to be Chilean calamus, and the mystery was finally solved.

Cambridge University Botanic Gardens, three consecutive auctions of Shang Lu.

New knowledge of purple flower mountain caller, and then recognize a new word.

American tea, a blue midsummer night's dream.

Purple dew grass, which always attracts you, is really purple dew.

In Kew Gardens, it's exciting to meet the adorable five-winged berries.

Swamp foam, add an egg for breakfast.

The greenhouse of the Cambridge University Botanic Gardens is full of blue vines.

I saw purse peonies of different colors.

The whale flower bloomed with the momentum of a small bull.

First impressions of Edinburgh Castle.

Happily brushed the Edinburgh Botanic Gardens and encountered a piece of rhododendron falling English.

Wonderful bugs and butterflies, plant friends.

At the Edinburgh Botanic Gardens, the freedom of green artemisia was realized.

The Botanic Gardens of the University of Oxford, where I spent two hours in peace with horse chestnut trees.

Oxford Day.

The lampstand by the water's edge heralds spring, swaying softly with the summer breeze.

The Cambridge University Botanic Garden has changed its scenery, small but beautiful.

The plants are so wonderful, those floral works in the Chelsea Flower Show.

Because of the plants, walking in Kew Gardens is not unfamiliar.

The tongue of the finch seems to be harmless to humans and animals, but it may not be.

In the dense thorns, the sour jujube flowers are blooming, and the sour jujube leaf tea is delicious.

There are always some small wildflowers that are worth leaning down, such as Yuanzhi.

The mountain dwelling is long, and the potato flowers are so beautiful.

Rehmannia with slobed leaves, like a large pink koi with a tail.

Bai Ji finally wrote about this little fairy.

In May, little roses must be arranged.

Long-stamen longevity bamboo, elegant greenish-white.

I saw the pink flowers of the white axle grass, and the dignified lotus of the lotus.

The rehmannia in the Dai temple is bathed in the sunset.

In early summer, the tulips on campus.

Yesterday I met the long star flower of the bellflower family, and today I came to see the blue star flower of the spin flower family.

In the beginning of summer, the cool little stars of lotus lotus color are coming.

Cuckoo Grass, named Jenny.

A goat's milk fruit from the dense beard.

Is the yellow night fragrance tree more fragrant at night?

There are fireworks, and there are fake tobacco trees.

A lard fell from the sky.

Turney and celandine, past and future.

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