
The mayoral campaign has become a live "strip show"! During the mayoral election in Tokyo, Japan, a female candidate came to power and gave a very "explosive" performance

author:Dry and cool people

The mayoral campaign has become a live "strip show"! During the mayoral election in Tokyo, Japan, a female candidate came to power and gave a very "explosive" performance, she suddenly took off her coat and took off her glasses on the grounds of hot weather during her speech, calling herself "cute and sexy", netizens: This is really for the benefit of the people!

On June 27, 2024, at the political speech event of the NHK candidate for the Tokyo mayoral election in Japan, a female candidate named Airi Uchino actually took out the consciousness of "provoking a whole body" in order to make an impression!

31-year-old Airi Uchino took off her coat and glasses in public on the grounds that "the weather was hot", and claimed that she was not only "cute" but also "sexy".

When the mayoral campaign turns into a "strip show", it is not only the media that embarrass her, but also the sign language interpreter behind her.

In her six-minute speech, the young woman said nothing about her political views, instead repeating that she wanted people to "be her friends" and follow her various online accounts.

Airi Uchino's deviance has become a microcosm of this unprecedented election. The Tokyo Governor's Election attracted a record number of 56 candidates, a record number of candidates, a variety of backgrounds, and a staggering variety of ideas.

There are self-hypesters with nude photos all over the streets, amateurs with unknown occupations who claim to "know public opinion best", and strange people who hold high the banner of anti-NHK. The election seems to have become a stage for people from all walks of life to show themselves, and the seriousness of politics no longer exists.

However, when people look away from these sensationalist election stunts and focus on the two main candidates, it is realized that the real focus of this election is a power struggle that will determine the future of Tokyo.

As the current governor, 71-year-old Yuriko Koike is burdened with the burden of re-election.

This strong woman in the political arena, who has crossed multiple parties and experienced many battles, held high the banner of "defending the capital" this time, trying to win the approval of voters with her rich governing experience and achievements in the past eight years.

Under the haze of the epidemic and the downward pressure of the economy, stability has become the main theme of the Koike camp.

And the other protagonist, 56-year-old former Senator Lianfang, stepped onto this stage as a challenger.

The "Valkyrie", who once dominated the political arena, took Tokyo in need of "change" as the slogan, and pointed the spearhead at Koike's conservatism and inaction.

Increasing the incomes of young people and promoting fiscal transparency are heartwarming promises. As a representative of the opposition party, her candidacy itself heralded the coming of a political storm.

Koike and Hasubo, the confrontation between two female politicians, became the biggest highlight of this election. They represent not only opposing political philosophies, but also two different visions of Tokyo.

Conservative or reform, stable or reform, the votes in the hands of voters will determine the future of Tokyo.

This kind of confrontation also reflects the deep-seated game in Japan's political arena. As the current governor, Koike stands behind the establishment of the Liberal Democratic Party.

This party, which has been in power for many years, urgently needs to rebuild its image in the haze of the "black gold scandal". Koike's victory was crucial for them.

And Lianfang, the female warrior of the opposition party, shoulders another mission. Her performance is about whether the opposition parties can take this opportunity to regroup and occupy a place on the political map in the future.

Although the election of the governor of Tokyo is only a local election, it is related to the fate of Japanese politics. The outcome of the showdown between the government and the opposition will have a direct impact on Japan's political ecology. And the personal futures of Hasubo and Koike will also be redefined in this battle.

However, in this support for Uchino Ai, who is for and who is against?

Reference: Shangguan News - "Host, Inventor, Defendant...... 56 people "compete" for the governor of Tokyo, and the duel between the two is the key》

The mayoral campaign has become a live "strip show"! During the mayoral election in Tokyo, Japan, a female candidate came to power and gave a very "explosive" performance
The mayoral campaign has become a live "strip show"! During the mayoral election in Tokyo, Japan, a female candidate came to power and gave a very "explosive" performance
The mayoral campaign has become a live "strip show"! During the mayoral election in Tokyo, Japan, a female candidate came to power and gave a very "explosive" performance
The mayoral campaign has become a live "strip show"! During the mayoral election in Tokyo, Japan, a female candidate came to power and gave a very "explosive" performance

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