
A person, a sign of becoming rich: not generous when it is time to be stingy

author:Create excellent coffee
A person, a sign of becoming rich: not generous when it is time to be stingy

When it comes to rich people, everyone may think that they spend their money lavishly. But in reality, it's not like that. People who are really rich, they know when to be stingy and when not to be generous. They know in their hearts that money does not fall from the sky, but must rely on diligence and thrift to keep the family and plan well.

1. Live within your means, don't compare yourself with others

"Don't keep comparing yourself to others, you have to compare with yourself."

Rich people, they will not compare with others who is richer, who will spend more money. They know in their hearts that everyone's income is different, and the level of consumption is also different. Therefore, they will spend as much as they should spend according to their actual situation and arrange every penny reasonably.

A person, a sign of becoming rich: not generous when it is time to be stingy

A netizen said: "I used to like to buy famous brands and buy expensive ones, but I owed a lot of debt." Later, I learned to live within my means and only buy what I need, and now my life is much easier. ”

You see, compared to others, you have to suffer yourself in the end. Only by learning to live within one's means can we live a comfortable life within our means.

When buying something, we can also ask ourselves first, whether we really need this and whether we can afford the price. Don't spend impulsively, don't waste money.

2. Be budget-conscious, don't waste it

"Diligence and thrift, this is the traditional virtue of our Chinese."

Rich people don't waste a penny, a drop of water, or a kilowatt-hour of electricity. They know that money must be saved and resources must be cherished.

A person, a sign of becoming rich: not generous when it is time to be stingy

A netizen said: "In the past, I wasted everything, I didn't feel distressed about water and electricity, and I threw it away casually when I ate." Later, I learned to be smart and now I can save a lot of money every month. ”

Waste, that is, you can't get along with money. Only by learning to be careful can we make the best use of limited resources and make more money.

In daily life, we can also start with small things, such as saving water and electricity, don't waste food, and use less disposable products.

3. Open source and reduce expenditure, make more money and spend less

"Making money has to be accumulated slowly, and it can't be done all at once."

Rich people understand that in order to have more money, they must not only work hard to make money, but also learn to save money. They are constantly learning new skills and finding new ways to make money, while also keeping a tight eye on their expenses to avoid unnecessary waste.

A person, a sign of becoming rich: not generous when it is time to be stingy

A netizen said: "I used to always think about pie in the sky and didn't work hard. Later I understood that you can only make money with your own hands. Now I'm working hard, I'm investing in my finances, and I'm getting more and more money. ”

To make money, you have to work hard for a long time and persevere. Only by opening up sources and reducing expenditures can we make more money and achieve financial freedom.

In addition to work, we can also learn some financial knowledge, set a financial goal for ourselves, and make a feasible financial plan.


The sign that a person has become rich is not how generous he spends, but that he is definitely not generous when he should be stingy. People who are really rich understand the preciousness of money, know how to live within their means, make careful calculations, and open sources and reduce expenditures. We also have to learn from them and develop good financial habits, so that we can earn more money and achieve our life goals. Let's work together and be a thrifty housekeeper, a budget-conscious person, and continue to accumulate wealth!