
The biggest sorrow at work: I got the order wrong

author:Create excellent coffee
The biggest sorrow at work: I got the order wrong

In the workplace, we often encounter various problems and challenges. One of the most common problems is "getting the order wrong". Did you know that when you reverse the order of work and life, it will be like walking into a labyrinth, confused, and sometimes you will feel very uncomfortable and even hopeless.

First, eat a full meal first, and then talk about dreams

"You have to fill your stomach before you can think about those lofty ideals."

For most of us, work is first and foremost about making money, to support ourselves and our families. Only when the basic living expenses are ensured can we talk about those lofty ideals and pursuits. If you put the pursuit of your dreams ahead of making money, it is easy to get yourself into trouble.

The biggest sorrow at work: I got the order wrong

Some netizens said: "When I just graduated, I wanted to do a big career, but because I had no experience, I couldn't even eat." Later, I found a regular job to support myself first, and now I have a stable income and more energy to pursue my dreams. ”

Therefore, in the workplace, we have to learn to work steadily and move towards our goals step by step. Don't look at the masters, and don't be too ambitious. Fill your stomach first, and then talk about your dreams!

2. Work first, then play

"Work is our duty, we have to do the job well."

Work is our responsibility and obligation. During working hours, we have to put our heart and soul into our work, and don't always think about how to play. If you keep trying to play, you won't be able to do your job well and you may get into big trouble.

The biggest sorrow at work: I got the order wrong

Some netizens shared his experience: "I used to play with my mobile phone and chat during working hours, but I was severely criticized by the leader. Later, I got rid of this bad habit and started to work seriously, and now my work efficiency has improved a lot. ”

Therefore, we must establish a correct professional outlook in the workplace, and have a sense of responsibility and mission. Only by working hard can we achieve good results and win the respect of others.

If you find work too boring, you can take a break and adjust your mood. But don't waste too much time!

3. Strengthen yourself first, and then help others

"Only if you are good can you help others."

Before helping others, we must first strengthen ourselves and improve our abilities. Otherwise, not only will we not be able to help others, but we may also bring trouble to ourselves and others.

The biggest sorrow at work: I got the order wrong

Some netizens said: "I used to always want to help others, but because I was not capable enough, I caused trouble to others." Then I started to study hard to improve my abilities, and now I can finally help others. ”

It's good to help others, but we also have to do what we can. Only when we are strong enough can we better help others.

If you want to help others, start with the small things around you. For example, helping colleagues solve difficulties at work, helping friends solve problems, helping family members with housework, and so on.


"Getting the order wrong" is a misunderstanding of many people in the workplace. Only by clarifying the order of work and life can we succeed in the workplace and achieve a happy life. So, let's work together to be a goal-oriented, responsible, and capable person!