
In-depth interpretation of "One Day and Three Autumns": the wisdom of "giving" and "gaining" in life



In-depth interpretation of "One Day and Three Autumns": the wisdom of "giving" and "gaining" in life

1. Life dilemma: Chen Mingming's growth path

In Liu Zhenyun's novel "One Day and Three Autumns", the protagonist Chen Mingliang's life experience is full of ups and downs and sadness. From the death of his mother, the remarriage of his father, to the boarding of others, dropping out of school, and then to the continuous difficulties in adulthood, Chen Mingliang seems to have been at a low point in his life. However, it was these experiences that taught him how to persevere and endure in difficult situations, and finally achieved self-redemption and lived a happy life of his own.

In-depth interpretation of "One Day and Three Autumns": the wisdom of "giving" and "gaining" in life

2. The first abandonment: let go of the pain of the past

Chen Mingliang experienced the double blow of his mother's death and his father's remarriage when he was young. In that newly formed family, he always felt like an outsider, lonely and helpless. However, when his grandmother died, he fell into deep despair. Faced with such a predicament, Chen Mingliang chose to let go of the pain of the past and bravely walked out of the haze. This choice not only brought him new opportunities in life, but also laid the foundation for his future success.

3. The second renunciation: accepting the imperfections of marriage

Chen Mingliang and Ma Xiaomeng's married life was not all smooth sailing. When Ma Xiaomeng's past was revealed, Chen Mingliang faced huge psychological pressure. However, he did not choose to give up on this marriage, but chose to accept and understand. This kind of tolerance and acceptance not only saved their marriage, but also made Chen Mingliang understand the true meaning of life - nothing is perfect, we need to learn to accept and tolerate.

In-depth interpretation of "One Day and Three Autumns": the wisdom of "giving" and "gaining" in life

Fourth, the third renunciation: release the hatred in the heart

In the grudge entanglement with Sun Erxiang, Chen Mingliang once fell into the whirlpool of hatred. However, when he saw Sun Erxiang become demented, he suddenly realized that hatred would only plunge him deeper into pain. So, he chose to let go of hatred and release the negative emotions in his heart. This choice not only allowed him to regain his inner peace, but also made him realize another realm of life.

5. Wisdom of life: the cause and effect of "giving" and "gaining".

Through Chen Mingliang's story, we can deeply understand the causal relationship between "giving" and "gaining". In the journey of life, we will always encounter various difficulties and challenges. If we can learn to let go of the hurts of the past, accept the imperfections of our marriage, and release the hatred in our hearts, then we can achieve peace and tranquility in our hearts. This kind of wisdom of "giving" not only makes us more calm and firm in the face of difficulties, but also makes our lives more fulfilling and meaningful.

In-depth interpretation of "One Day and Three Autumns": the wisdom of "giving" and "gaining" in life

6. The cycle of pain and self-redemption of the original family

"One Day and Three Autumns" Apocalypse: The Pain of the Original Family and the Road to Self-Redemption

Chen Mingming's life trajectory seems to be deeply shrouded by the shadow of his original family. From the tragedy of his mother's suicide, to his father's remarriage and estrangement, to his own illness and school dropout, every blow is enough to break people. However, it is in such an environment that Chen Mingliang shows extraordinary tenacity and self-healing power.

He was not crushed by the predicament, but drew strength from it. When his father remarried, he felt like an outsider, alone and helpless. But the appearance of his grandmother, like a warm light, illuminates his life. Although his grandmother eventually left him, that time became an eternal warm memory in his heart. Faced with the death of his mother and the abandonment of his father, Chen Mingliang once fell into despair. But he chose to face the reality bravely, let go of the pain of the past, and start a new life. This kind of letting go is not only a salvation for oneself, but also a respect for life.

In-depth interpretation of "One Day and Three Autumns": the wisdom of "giving" and "gaining" in life

7. "Giving" and "Giving" in Marriage: Acceptance and Imperfection

"One Day and Three Autumns" Marriage Enlightenment: Learn to "Giving" to get the true meaning of happiness

Chen Mingliang and Ma Xiaomeng's marriage is a relationship full of twists and turns. Both have unbearable pasts, but it is these shared experiences that make them cherish each other even more. When Ma Xiaomeng's past is revealed, Chen Mingliang faces a difficult choice. He can choose to leave or he can choose to stay. After careful consideration, he chose to accept everything about Ma Xiaomeng, including her past and future. This kind of acceptance is not only the love for Ma Xiaomeng, but also the kindness to oneself. Because Chen Mingliang understands that everyone has a past, and we can't deny a person's whole because of the past.

8. Let go of hatred and embrace the future

"Three Autumns in One Day" Spiritual Growth Lesson: Let go of hatred and live your true self

Chen Mingliang's grievances with Sun Erxiang were another important turning point in his life. In the face of Sun Erxiang's insults and provocations, he once fell into the abyss of anger and hatred. However, under Ma Xiaomeng's reminder, he realized that hatred would only make him more miserable. So, he chose to let go of hatred and use wisdom and courage to face and solve problems. This kind of letting go not only allowed him to regain his inner peace, but also allowed him to see the wider world.

In-depth interpretation of "One Day and Three Autumns": the wisdom of "giving" and "gaining" in life

9. Life practice: the wisdom of "giving" and "gaining".

"One Day and Three Autumns" philosophy of life: the art of "giving" and "gaining".

Chen Mingming's life experience tells us that the wisdom of "giving" and "gaining" is the precious wealth of life. Only when we dare to let go of the burden of the past can we travel lightly and meet the challenges of the future. At the same time, we must also learn to cherish the beauty in front of us and not be bothered by the shadows of the past. This wisdom of "giving" and "gaining" not only allows us to find a way out of the predicament, but also allows us to go wider and wider on the road of life.

10. May you and I learn the wisdom of "giving".

The ultimate revelation of "Three Autumns in One Day": Only by giving up a life can you have a comfortable life

After reading "One Day and Three Autumns", we can't help but be moved by Chen Mingming's life experience. He used his actions to interpret the true meaning of "giving" and "gaining", and also set an example for us in life. I hope that each of us can draw strength from Chen Mingming's story, learn the wisdom of "willingness", and go wider and wider on the road of life.

In this ever-changing world, nothing is eternal. We need to learn to adapt to change, accept imperfections, and even let go of the hatred we once had. Because only in this way can we truly live in the present moment and enjoy the beauty of life. When we let go of the baggage of the past and face the world with a peaceful heart, we will find that life can be so wonderful.

Finally, I hope that we can all be like Chen Mingliang, continue to practice in the journey of life, and learn the wisdom of "giving". Don't dwell on the past, don't cling to the future, just focus on every moment of the present. I believe that as long as we feel, experience and cherish with our hearts, our lives will become better and more fulfilling.