
Duan Yu is greedy for beauty, but why doesn't he marry Mei Lan Zhuju? You can see what Aunt Meng did to him

author:Erdong Literature and History

If you were given a chance to become one of Jin Yong's protagonists, which one would you choose?

Is it the "Condor Hero" Yang Guo who makes those amorous women "miss Yang Guo for life at first sight"?

Or is it the source of left and right, no matter where you go, you can meet the confidant "Lu Ding Gong" Lord Wei?

In the author's opinion, Yang Guo and Wei Xiaobao are lucky, but what can really be regarded as a winner in life is Duan Yu in "Dragon Babu", this guy not only married many wives, but even became the emperor, which is really enviable.

Duan Yu is greedy for beauty, but why doesn't he marry Mei Lan Zhuju? You can see what Aunt Meng did to him

(Duan Yu, Wang Yuyan stills)

But what makes people wonder is that Duan Yu is obviously also a person who is greedy for beauty, why didn't he marry Mei Lan Zhuju later?

1. Duan Yu, who is greedy for beauty

Duan Yu is a womanizer, there is no controversy about this, anyone who has read the original book should know that he is not so much a chivalrous warrior who roams the rivers and lakes, but rather that he is a prince who is involved in the disputes of the rivers and lakes because of his pursuit of various women, and almost everything he has experienced is related to those good sisters.

To what extent is Duan Yu greedy for beauty? You may only see his pursuit of "fairy sister" Wang Yuyan, in fact, the things he has done to other women can also reflect his nature.

For example, on the surface, he doesn't love Zhong Ling as deeply as he does with Wang Yuyan, but even if it's just the shoes left by Zhong Ling, it can make him think crankily for a long time.

You read the description of the original book: "Thinking of Zhong Ling, I reached into my arms, took out her pair of flower shoes to play with in my hands, imagined that her ankles were slender and her face was delicate, I couldn't help but take the shoes to my mouth and kiss them a few times, and then put them in my arms, thinking: 'I will definitely die this time, and Miss Zhong will not survive.'" If she is here, it would be a beautiful thing for the two of us to die together on the shore of this blue lake. It's a pity that she is with that goatee at the moment, and it is really tasteless. I'm thinking about her right now, and she's probably thinking about me too. ’”

Duan Yu is greedy for beauty, but why doesn't he marry Mei Lan Zhuju? You can see what Aunt Meng did to him

(Zhong Ling stills)

How nymphomaniac he is?

So when Jin Yong mentioned his ending at the end of the new revised edition, he said this: "According to the historical records of Dali: Dali (known as 'Houli') Xianzong Xuanren Emperor Duan Yu, when he ascended the throne, the year name was 'Rixin', and later changed to Wenzhi, Yongjia, Baotian, and Guangyun, with a total of five era names, and then abdicated as a monk, and he was the emperor for a total of 40 years, and was located in his son Duan Zhengxing...... The name of Duan Zhengxing's mother, there is no record in history, whether it was Mu Wanqing, Zhong Ling, Xiaolei, or another concubine, it is unknown. ”

On the surface, Duan Yu only married Zhong Ling, Mu Wanqing and Xiaolei, but the words "other concubines" are enough to prove that he still has a lot of harems, which shows that his life revolves around these "good sisters".

In that case, why didn't he marry the fairy-looking Mei Lan Zhuju?

Second, the fate of Meilan bamboo chrysanthemum

Most people may not know that Jin Yong arranged for Xuzhu to give Meilan Zhuju to Duan Yu in the newly revised version.

This is mentioned in the last chapter of the original book: "Li Qinglu said: 'I have discussed with your master and decided to give you to Third Brother Duan, if he likes your beauty and cuteness, he will make you four concubines and concubines, if he hates you naughty nonsense, he will put you in prison and lock him up for seventeen twenty-eight years before release! ’”

In this way, Meilan Zhuju changed from "Xuzhu's servant" to "Duan Yu's mother", but what makes people wonder is that Duan Yu did not let them become his concubines, but made them the county lords, and later gave them to the sons of Ba Tianshi and other ministers as wives.

Does she look down on Mei Lan Zhuju?

Duan Yu is greedy for beauty, but why doesn't he marry Mei Lan Zhuju? You can see what Aunt Meng did to him

(Mei Lan Zhuju stills)

You must know that when these four girls appeared on the stage, it can also be called experience, after all, it is written in the book: "Qunhao heard her call herself four sisters and twins, and then suddenly, no wonder the four of them looked exactly the same, but seeing that the four of them had beautiful faces and soft voices, everyone had a good impression in their hearts." ”

Even if these four women are a little murderous, just from the appearance alone, it is inevitable that people will have an inexplicable good impression, which shows that they are indeed beautiful and cute.

Duan Yu is such a vulgar person, how could he miss such four beauties? He doesn't think his harem is too many.

In fact, this involves a change in Jin Yong's new revised version, that is, Menggu's character design.

3. The game between Duan Yu and Menggu

What is the special relationship between Duan Yu and Menggu?

On the bright side, Duan Yu and Xuzhu are sworn brothers, and Menggu is Duan Yu's second sister-in-law, in addition, there is no other relationship between the two, Jin Yong has never written any bloody love triangle, no matter how lustful Duan Yu is, he will not target his sister-in-law.

However, Jin Yong has enriched the character image of Menggu in the newly revised version, which is intuitively reflected that this character has changed from "Menggu" to Li Qinglu, she has a name, and her character has become more three-dimensional.

Duan Yu is greedy for beauty, but why doesn't he marry Mei Lan Zhuju? You can see what Aunt Meng did to him

(Menggu stills)

In fact, before she sent Meilan Zhuju, there was another action, that is, "send Xiaolei".

She said this conversation to Duan Yu: "Li Qinglu said: 'We were originally Xianbei and descendants, the original surname was Yuan, and the surname Li was given by the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, but in the Song Dynasty, it was changed to the surname Zhao. Therefore, although my grandfather and grandmother were both surnamed Li, they were able to marry. Third brother, there is no suitable person around you to serve, I discussed with your second brother, my little palace maid is called 'Xiaolei'. ’”

This is nothing, but Aunt Meng wants more than just letting her maid "serve" Duan Yu.

You then look at their conversation: "Duan Yu said: 'If Miss Xiaolei doesn't give up, she is willing to go to Dali with me, and I will make her the county lord's mother, and she is also my sister-in-law. Li Qinglu smiled: "Xiaolei is a concubine for you, why don't you want it?" ’”

Let Xiaolei change from the maidservant girl of Xixia to the county lord of Dali, Duan Yu has given Menggu enough face, but Menggu has a little bit of unforgiving meaning, Duan Yu is also the emperor of Dali, who does he want to accept as a concubine to get your Xixia princess to point fingers?

Duan Yu is greedy for beauty, but why doesn't he marry Mei Lan Zhuju? You can see what Aunt Meng did to him

(Stills from Tianlong Babu)

This is the problem, this seems to be a normal conversation between sister-in-law and uncle, but in fact, it is also a game between Xixia and Dali.

Even if Duan Yu is in love again, he should have insight into this deep meaning, but Meng Gu has already opened his mouth, he can only marry Xiao Lei and sell Meng Gu to save face, but Meilan Zhuju is just a maid of the Vulture Palace, and letting him be a concubine will inevitably damage the prestige of Dali, and it is reasonable for him to give those four daughters to the son of his minister.