
Replace Zhang Wuji with a virtual bamboo, can you break the King Kong Demon Circle? Menggu gives the answer in the ice cellar

author:Erdong Literature and History

Which is Jin Yong's strongest martial arts? Different readers naturally have different answers in their hearts, but if you ask "which is the strongest formation in Jin Yong's pen", then the answer should be relatively unified, and naturally it can only be the "King Kong Demon Circle" used by Shaolin Sandu in "Heaven and Dragon Slayer".

Even the protagonist of the book, Zhang Wuji, had the four great masters of the Great Shift, Jiuyang Divine Skill, Tai Chi and the Holy Fire Order, but he couldn't break that formation.

However, what Zhang Wuji can't do, others may not be able to do, if he is replaced by a virtual bamboo, can he break the formation?

1. An almost unsolvable formation

The character design of Shaolin Sandu is actually somewhat similar to the sweeping monk in "Dragon Babu", not that their strength is equal, but that they are all characters who suddenly joined the story of the "mechanical séance", so their debut is the peak.

Replace Zhang Wuji with a virtual bamboo, can you break the King Kong Demon Circle? Menggu gives the answer in the ice cellar

(Sandu stills)

Zhang Wuji has broken into the battle three times, the first time he fought against the three monks with the strength of one person, the book mentions that the three monks have been practicing together for many years, and they have already reached the realm of unity of mind, so Zhang Wuji's two fists are difficult to defeat six hands, which also makes sense.

The second time he broke into the battle, he called his grandfather the white-eyed Eagle King and the bright left envoy Yang Xiao, with three enemies and three, but he still couldn't find a flaw, after all, the tacit understanding of the temporary team was far less than that of the three monks, not to mention helping, the Eagle King and Yang Xiao were not bad, and they also took the life of the Eagle King.

The third time, Zhou Zhiruo helped the battle, and he was about to break the formation, but Zhou Zhiruo turned against Xie Xun and killed Xie Xun, if it weren't for the intervention of the woman in the yellow shirt, I was afraid that Xie Xun would not be able to escape death, and Zhang Wuji would inevitably be killed due to distraction, even if he didn't die, he would be seriously injured.

However, Zhang Wuji also said that this formation is not completely without flaws, he mentioned a sentence: "If my master is willing to go down the mountain to help and join forces with the two of us, it will definitely be possible to break this 'King Kong Demon Circle'." But this move greatly hurt the harmony between the Shaolin and Wudang factions, and Master Tai may not be willing to allow it. Moreover, Master Tai is more than 100 years old, although his martial arts cultivation has been perfected, how can he be old and decrepit, if there is a flash? ”

Replace Zhang Wuji with a virtual bamboo, can you break the King Kong Demon Circle? Menggu gives the answer in the ice cellar

(Zhang Wuji stills)

Therefore, if Zhang Sanfeng makes a move, it is possible to break this formation, which shows that this formation is only "almost unsolvable", not absolutely unsolvable.

The reason why Xuzhu was allowed to break the formation was because Jin Yong's martial arts positioning for Xuzhu and Zhang Sanfeng was the same, and they both reached the realm of "doing whatever they wanted".

For example, Zhang Sanfeng is: "Zhang Sanfeng's martial arts are so deep, although he has reached the highest state of doing what he wants from his heart. ”

And Xuzhu is: "At this time, Xuzhu not only got the true inheritance of Tianshan Tong's grandmother, but also practiced the secret of martial arts on the stone wall of the Vulture Palace, and the martial arts were so high that they had reached the point of doing whatever they wanted. ”

Not to mention anything else, at least the martial arts realm of the two is at the same level, so can Xuzhu break the formation?

Second, the strength of the bamboo

From the perspective of martial arts configuration, Xuzhu is by no means under Zhang Wuji.

Compared with the internal force, although Zhang Wuji has the infinite power of Jiuyang, Xuzhu also has the lifelong power of the three elders in his body, and it also surpasses the upper limit that ordinary people can achieve through "cultivation".

In terms of moves, Xuzhu's Tianshan Folding Plum Hand can resolve the world's martial arts, which can be called the "palm version of Dugu Nine Swords", which belongs to the magic skill of setting no solution.

Coupled with the secret weapon life and death talisman that is not easy to be noticed, Tianshan Tong Ma controlled the lifeblood of the masters of the thirty-six caves and the seventy-two islands with the life and death talisman back then, and this kung fu is not purely only used to "abuse vegetables", and later in the Shaomu Mountain War, Xuzhu subdued the first-class master "Star Old Monster" Ding Chunqiu with this move, it can be seen that as long as it is used properly, this life and death talisman can play a miraculous effect.

Replace Zhang Wuji with a virtual bamboo, can you break the King Kong Demon Circle? Menggu gives the answer in the ice cellar

(Xuzhu stills)

However, theory is theory, and actual combat is another matter, how can Zhang Wuji's martial arts configuration not be invincible in theory? Just one move can return the enemy's moves to the enemy with several times the power, Fan Yao was almost wiped out by the seventh-layer Qiankun move, if it weren't for the war drums forgetting to stop, there would have been no Fan You.

But being trapped in the formation of the three crossings, let alone making moves, whether they can deal with the moves of the three monks is a problem.

However, most people still discussed in the wrong direction, Zhang Wuji couldn't break the formation, not because his martial arts level was not enough.

Let's talk about the conclusion first, in the author's opinion, Xuzhu is also unable to break the formation, and this can be seen from the performance of Xuzhu in the Xixia Ice Cellar.

3. The reason for not being able to break the formation

At first, Xuzhu was just a simple little monk, and he was willing to be an ordinary little monk, but he accidentally cracked the Zhenlong chess game to turn his fate upside down.

However, at this time, Xuzhu still had the heart to return to Buddhism, and when he arrived at the Xixia Ice Cellar, Tianshan Tong's grandmother forced Xuzhu to break the vows several times and test his bottom line, but this kid still did not resist the temptation of the world.

Replace Zhang Wuji with a virtual bamboo, can you break the King Kong Demon Circle? Menggu gives the answer in the ice cellar

(Xuzhu, Menggu stills)

He couldn't eat those fish and meat, but after meeting Meng Gu a few times, he fell in love with this woman completely.

The book only said: "Xuzhu's Shaolin Zen skills have all been turned away from the cliff, and his concentration has been lost, he is a strong man who has not been recruited, and when the first temptation in the world hits, he does not resist at all...... For a moment, I didn't know where I was...... Treat Xuzhu as a lover. ”

Although Xuzhu also had regrets afterwards, but soon his mind was filled with Meng Gu, he just wanted Grandma Tong to tell where the woman came from, he couldn't forget Meng Gu at all, and became a worldly person, and even greedily wanted to spend the rest of his life with that woman.

And this is the crux of the matter, Xuzhu has greed.

The so-called "King Kong Demon Circle" is of course a martial art, but judging from the name given by Jin Yong to Sandu, in fact, this formation also has another meaning, the so-called "Sandu" is the "Three Poisons of Buddhism", that is, "greed, hatred, and foolishness".

That Zhang Wuji is to see one and love the other, and he loves all women deeply, obviously abusive, but he pretends to be reserved, he is greedy, hateful, and stupid, and he has distracting thoughts, how can he break the formation?

Replace Zhang Wuji with a virtual bamboo, can you break the King Kong Demon Circle? Menggu gives the answer in the ice cellar

(Zhang Wuji, Zhao Min stills)

Xuzhu is the same, not only is he drifting away from Buddhism, but he even takes the initiative to contact that Menggu, his heart has long been occupied by greed and hatred, how can he break the formation?

In short, to break the King Kong Demon Circle, martial arts are high enough is a necessary condition, and "no distractions in the heart" is a sufficient condition, both are indispensable, Zhang Wuji said that Zhang Sanfeng can break the formation, that is reasonable, after all, Zhang Zhenren has been cultivating for many years, and he is no longer a layman, with his martial arts and his realm, it is not difficult to break this formation.

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