
Who does Yang Guo love the most? It's not the little dragon girl, you see whose name he was thinking about when he died

author:Erdong Literature and History

At the end of "The Condor Heroes", Yang Guo and Xiaolongnu walked down Huashan hand in hand, and Guo Xiang watched them with tears in his eyes become an eternal classic, but this ending is actually unsatisfactory no matter from which point of view.

It's not because Guo Xiang couldn't get together with Yang Guo that he was unsatisfied, strictly speaking, Guo Xiang knew that Yang Guo had a wife and pursued him with a dead face, she was not worthy of love, even if the ancients could have three wives and four concubines, Guo Xiang seemed too active.

Who does Yang Guo love the most? It's not the little dragon girl, you see whose name he was thinking about when he died

(Yang Guo, Guo Xiang stills)

And what really makes the author feel that the reason why this story is unsatisfactory lies in the two Long Yang themselves, it seems that the ending of the hero and heroine having a lover and finally becoming a family is excellent, but the combination of Long and Yang always gives people a sense of "forcibly consummated", because Yang Guo's true love in his heart may never be a little dragon girl.

1. The love that is coerced

Judging from the ending, the combination of Long Yang and the two is actually not very reasonable.

Why did the little dragon girl jump off the cliff in the first place? It's not because she is highly poisonous and incurable, she just wants Yang Guo to live, let time heal all the pain, and make him forget himself.

Therefore, the moment Xiaolongnu jumped off the cliff, she must have gone with the determination to die, so no matter how good her light skills are, at that moment, she will only let her body fall.

In this way, whether the bottom of the valley is land or Hantan, in fact, there is not much difference, the moment the little dragon girl touches the cold pool, she will be crushed, there is no possibility of survival at all, of course, you have to say that there are many subversive physical laws in the martial arts story, so it is reasonable for the little dragon girl to survive.

But don't talk about physics, only talk about the emotional logic between the characters, in fact, the combination of Yang Guo and Xiaolongnu also gives people a sense of deliberateness.

How did Long Yang and Yang fall in love with each other back then?

Who does Yang Guo love the most? It's not the little dragon girl, you see whose name he was thinking about when he died

(Yang Guo, Xiaolongnu stills)

You may think that it is a long-term relationship, but in fact, anyone who has read the original book should know that the turning point that changed the relationship between the two of them was the "Zhen Zhibing incident".

The former little dragon girl has always been cold to Yang Guo, only treating him as a child and herself as a master.

And when she experienced the night with Zhen Zhibing, her attitude towards Yang Guo changed.

At this time, there was such a conversation between the two of them: "Xiaolongnu Zhengse said: 'Why do you still call me aunt?' Don't you mean to me? Seeing that Yang Guo didn't answer, she became anxious in her heart, and said in a trembling voice: "Who are you and me?" Yang Guo said sincerely: "You are my master, you pity me and teach me, I have sworn that I will respect you for the rest of my life and listen to you." The little dragon girl said loudly, 'Aren't you supposed to be your daughter-in-law?' Yang Guo had never thought of this, and when he suddenly asked her, he couldn't help but be at a loss, and he didn't know how to answer, and muttered: "No, no! You can't be my daughter-in-law, how can I be worthy? You are my master and my aunt. ’”

In the face of such a stunning beauty as Xiaolongnu, if Yang Guo has a trace of love, he should also obey Xiaolongnu's meaning at this time, and it should be the attitude of "don't be in vain".

But his subconscious refusal shows that he has no love for Xiaolongnu.

As for the fact that he had to be with Xiaolongnu later, it was purely because of the spurning of secular etiquette in his bones, and the more others stopped him, the more he had to do it, and he was coerced by public opinion.

Second, the frivolous side

You must know that Yang Guoke has never been a person of dedication, or in other words, dedication is just a character he pretends.

Because even if he kept saying that he wanted to be with his aunt later, he still did not change his frivolous behavior.

For example, when he met the Gongsun Lucao in the Valley of Despair, he was also emotionally attracted to the woman for a while, don't say that he didn't, his mouth would lie, and the love flower poison would not lie.

Look at this description: "Yang Guo saw her waist and limbs, her upper body trembled slightly, and her heart couldn't help but move. ”

Who does Yang Guo love the most? It's not the little dragon girl, you see whose name he was thinking about when he died

(Yang Guo, Cheng Ying, Lu Wushuang stills)

Even more than once: "He is a young man, with a plump body and a pretty face, and at first glance, he can't help but feel blood and veins, lust in his heart, and severe pain all over his body." ”

If you are not emotional, how can it trigger the love flower poison?

On the contrary, when he kissed Xiaolongnu, he did not trigger the love flower poison, which made people puzzled.

As the saying goes, "when a person is about to die, his words are good", when people are about to die, they will not lie, or when they are in a desperate situation, they will show their truest thoughts.

And Yang Guo showed a lot of attention to another woman.

That person was Guo Fu.

3. People are about to die

Li Mochou often said, "Ask what the world is like, and teach people to make a promise of life and death", and later Yang Guo and Xiaolongnu did promise life and death, but before that, Yang Guo had actually promised life and death to another woman.

When Guo Fu was trapped in the sea of fire, the book mentioned this sentence: "Wu's father and son and Yeluqi stood in the stream, their faces were covered with charred ash, and the fire between the creek and Guo Fu rushed two or three feet high, and the four of them knew that she was in a critical situation, but if they rescued each other in the past, they could only accompany her to their lives, and they decided not to save her." ”

Who does Yang Guo love the most? It's not the little dragon girl, you see whose name he was thinking about when he died

(Yang Guo, Guo Fu stills)

Xiao Wu is Guo Fu's follower, and has pursued him for more than ten years, and Yeluqi also keeps saying that he loves Guo Fu, but at this time he doesn't dare to risk his life to save her.

Only Yang Guo dared to step forward and really rescued Guo Fu, how can this be explained?

There are also Yang Guo's thoughts before he died, of course, Jin Yong did not write how Yang Guo died, the author said "before death", referring to his state of dying soon because of the poison in his body in "Baby Girl in the Dangerous City".

Who did he think of at this point?

You look at the description of the original book: "Yang Guo's chest is faintly painful, knowing that his internal strength is not as good as the other party, such a brutal fight can not last, I don't hear the baby crying for a long time, I am afraid of mistakes, I looked down at the baby in a hurry, and I saw that she had a small face with clear eyebrows and beautiful eyes, and she was staring at herself with two black eyes. Yang Guo has always been at odds with Guo Fu, but he suddenly felt strange in his heart for the young girl in his arms: 'I am fighting for her at the moment, if God is lucky enough to save her life, I will die in seven days, and she will grow up to the age of her sister in the future, I wonder if she will remember me?' My heart was so sour that I almost burst into tears. ”

Who does Yang Guo love the most? It's not the little dragon girl, you see whose name he was thinking about when he died

(Guo Fu stills)

On the surface, he was sad because of Guo Xiang, but what he thought of was the scene where she looked like her sister Guo Fu, why did he think of Guo Fu? It's not because he cares about Guo Fu.

In fact, there are many details in the book, and the love of Yang Guo is indeed Guo Fu.

It's just that the characters of both of them are very arrogant and unwilling to bow to each other, coupled with all kinds of misunderstandings intertwined, so that they missed each other, as for Yang Guo and Xiaolongnu coming together, it's just that this story with the theme of "love" needs a relatively happy ending.