
The original work of "The Way of Heaven": Ding Yuanying and Zhou Jianhua, who is the real master?

author:Hibiscus said emotionally

"The Story of Rose" has ended, and I also have a drama shortage. So I brushed the original work of "The Way of Heaven" three times, and every time I turned a page, I had a different feeling. For me, this book is like a treasure trove of in-depth analysis of love, cognition, strong and weak thinking, business warfare, and human nature.

The original work of "The Way of Heaven": Ding Yuanying and Zhou Jianhua, who is the real master?

When I read that Lin Yufeng turned to Zhou Jianhua for help because of the failure of the lawsuit, I wanted to analyze these two masters Ding Yuanying and Zhou Jianhua, who have no intersection at all and have top thinking, who are the real masters? Where exactly are they high?

The original work of "The Way of Heaven": Ding Yuanying and Zhou Jianhua, who is the real master?

Then let me take you to understand the original book "Distant Savior" of this book "The Way of Heaven" in three minutes.

Regarding the duel between Ding Yuanying and Zhou Jianhua, we have to start with the love between Rui Xiaodan and Ding Yuanying.

Rui Xiaodan once said to Ding Yuanying: "

The ancient city can't keep you, and I don't have the luxury of being with you for a long time, I just hope that you will leave me a memory, write me a myth in Wangmiao Village, let me know that you once loved me like this, I used to be a woman, don't let me leave all my memories in bed.

Ding Yuanying's strategy

Ding Yuanying's love for Rui Xiaodan is an extreme love, which is to use his lifelong experience, lifelong experience, and the upper limit of his ability to take her to grow, open up her cognition, and write a myth for Rui Xiaodan.

The original work of "The Way of Heaven": Ding Yuanying and Zhou Jianhua, who is the real master?

So, Ding Yuanying began his strategy. He personally went to Wangmiao Village to chat with the villagers, see their living conditions, talk about their difficulties, and listen to their hopes for the future. This field investigation gave him an in-depth understanding of the poverty situation in Wangmiao Village, the living conditions of the villagers, and their potential capabilities.

The original work of "The Way of Heaven": Ding Yuanying and Zhou Jianhua, who is the real master?

After mastering these basic situations, Ding Yuanying promoted his strengths and avoided his weaknesses, accurately set a position for Wangmiao Village, formulated a set of business operation plans, found investment, established a company, and also found a German partner Jenny to make a big move together, so that Wangmiao Village's Glevi participated in the top ten audio selection activities. In this way, the popularity of Glyph poetry has skyrocketed, and its influence has also increased a lot.

The original work of "The Way of Heaven": Ding Yuanying and Zhou Jianhua, who is the real master?

Ding Yuanying didn't stop, he cooperated with Lesheng, a giant in the domestic audio industry, to bring in their flagship kit, and the price was lower than Lesheng's own. This trick is really clever, it immediately attracted the attention of consumers, and the product was quickly promoted in the market.

But at this moment, Lin Yufeng, the person in charge of Lesheng, couldn't sit still, he felt that Ding Yuanying and the others were maliciously disrupting the market and suppressing national brands. So, he took up legal weapons and filed a lawsuit against Gregory.

The original work of "The Way of Heaven": Ding Yuanying and Zhou Jianhua, who is the real master?

Lin Yufeng called the media and threatened to jump from the top of a ten-story building if he lost the lawsuit. However, fate always seems to like to give people unexpected turns, Lin Yufeng never expected that Glyph is a poverty alleviation company, which is completely a farmer-style production in a poor village, not an industrial production cost at all, Gregory has a low cost, handmade, and there is no malicious competition.

The original work of "The Way of Heaven": Ding Yuanying and Zhou Jianhua, who is the real master?

In Lin Yufeng's view, he was stunned and ran into someone who didn't want to die, losing the lawsuit was a foregone conclusion, and his production and sales were stopped, so he found his fellow countryman, Zhou Jianhua, who had a certain influence in the underworld.

The original work of "The Way of Heaven": Ding Yuanying and Zhou Jianhua, who is the real master?

Zhou Jianhua's people are sophisticated

Zhou Jianhua is the chairman and general manager of Shenzhen Saloni Art Communication Co., Ltd., and he and Lin Yufeng are friends in the same township and have the title of "black boss".

Zhou Jianhua is a cool-headed person with rich social experience, he is good at perceiving people's hearts and understanding people's nature.

The original work of "The Way of Heaven": Ding Yuanying and Zhou Jianhua, who is the real master?

He smiled and said to Lin Yufeng: "You are a little inappropriate in dealing with the problem of Gelu poetry, you can't take people's lives too much, why bother to get some reporters to shake people up, make the city full of storms, you are a figure with a face in the audio industry, you have to pay attention to your demeanor."

He also predicted that Lin Yufeng was looking for a friend like him to ask him to help deal with Ding Yuanying to relieve the hatred in his heart. Zhou Jianhua did not directly refuse or support, but rejected Youdao and adopted a more ingenious way.

The original work of "The Way of Heaven": Ding Yuanying and Zhou Jianhua, who is the real master?

He also told Lin Yufeng that this incident may have been a trap from the beginning. You came to threaten him? Or get rid of him? Forget it, let's not play with the audio, the ebb and flow of the tide is a common thing, don't take it to heart, you do it with me, if you want to do it alone, I will help you support a mess.

Then, Zhou Jianhua analyzed the three main reasons why he couldn't kill Ding Yuanying to Lin Yufeng, such as his reputation was discredited, he has been working hard for more than ten years, and he is a hero in the audio industry. You can't save the market, because the farmers of Gregory produce low costs, and you can't compare with others. If you insist on doing this, you will bring yourself death, etc. thus indirectly rejecting Lin Yufeng's illegal request.

The original work of "The Way of Heaven": Ding Yuanying and Zhou Jianhua, who is the real master?

In the end, Zhou Jianhua also took out a pistol from the back room and placed it directly in front of Lin Yufeng, asking him to decide whether he wanted Ding Yuanying or not, but made it clear that this could not be done. This way of dealing with it not only avoids direct conflict, but also allows Lin Yufeng to understand the stakes.

The original work of "The Way of Heaven": Ding Yuanying and Zhou Jianhua, who is the real master?

If Zhou Jianhua can analyze calmly, in a word, he refuses to have a way, and he also protects his impulsive friends, can sincerely admonish, and makes his friends pay attention to the long-term. It is the words of a master who is sophisticated and weighs the pros and cons.

So Ding Yuanyinggao is strategizing, he is not only proficient in business strategy, but also knows how to use strong culture, and more powerfully, he can conform to the "way of heaven", he can follow the general trend of the market, and see the pulse of the market. He develops strategies and plans that always anticipate changes in the market in advance and then react quickly. This wisdom and strategy have made him always one step ahead in business competition and a real big winner!

The original work of "The Way of Heaven": Ding Yuanying and Zhou Jianhua, who is the real master?

Although each has its own strengths, it is difficult to determine who is the master, but since Zhou Jianhua persuaded Lin Yufeng to retire and indirectly saved Ding Yuanying, I will feel that in many cases, human feelings are more important than strategizing in business wars.