
The 9 Hong Kong actors who passed away at the age of sixtieth, Lee Shau Kee and Huang Shrimp had a bleak evening, and Shi Jian had the longest life

author:Gigi loves bananas

In the golden age of Hong Kong films, the annual output of Hong Kong films was as high as more than 300, and many outstanding actors from the mainland and Taiwan also poured into the Hong Kong entertainment industry.

With the end of that glorious era, many actors who were once very familiar have passed away one after another, although the audience may not be able to call their names, but they are deeply impressed by the roles they have created.

1, Wang Yu

The 9 Hong Kong actors who passed away at the age of sixtieth, Lee Shau Kee and Huang Shrimp had a bleak evening, and Shi Jian had the longest life

Wang Yu is not a native of Hong Kong, he was born in Shanghai, studied at the Shanghai Institute of Sports, and went to Hong Kong in the 60s.

The 9 Hong Kong actors who passed away at the age of sixtieth, Lee Shau Kee and Huang Shrimp had a bleak evening, and Shi Jian had the longest life

In 1967, Wang Yu became the first generation of kung fu stars in Hong Kong with "One-armed Knife", he has been in the film for 30 years, and has participated in the filming of nearly 60 kung fu films.

The 9 Hong Kong actors who passed away at the age of sixtieth, Lee Shau Kee and Huang Shrimp had a bleak evening, and Shi Jian had the longest life

He has experienced two marriages, his ex-wife Lin Cui is Zeng Jiang's sister, and the two have three daughters after marriage, and the daughters were sentenced to him as a father after the divorce. His second wife was flight attendant Wang Kaizhen, who was nearly killed in a gang attack during their wedding, and it is rumored that their marriage changed because his wife betrayed him. After divorcing Wang Kaizhen, Wang Yu did not remarry, but there was never a shortage of warblers and Yanyan by his side.

The 9 Hong Kong actors who passed away at the age of sixtieth, Lee Shau Kee and Huang Shrimp had a bleak evening, and Shi Jian had the longest life

In his later years, Wang Yu was paralyzed in bed due to a stroke, and he had to rely on a wheelchair to travel, and his family asked three nurses to take turns to take care of him, because he had lost his ability to take care of himself, could not speak or eat independently, and was almost a demented old man.

2, Cao Dahua

The 9 Hong Kong actors who passed away at the age of sixtieth, Lee Shau Kee and Huang Shrimp had a bleak evening, and Shi Jian had the longest life

Speaking of Cao Dahua, many people will first think of the image of Inspector Cao he created in the "Lucky Star" series of films, in films such as "Lucky Star High", "Summer Lucky Star", "Lucky Star Breaking into the Rivers and Lakes", "Best Lucky Star" and other films, his role as Cao Sir can always surprise the audience.

The 9 Hong Kong actors who passed away at the age of sixtieth, Lee Shau Kee and Huang Shrimp had a bleak evening, and Shi Jian had the longest life

He began to break into the film industry at the age of 15, and almost dedicated his life to movies, starred in more than 100 films in total, and was affectionately known as the "Iron Man of the Silver World", and what really made him famous was the role of Liang Kuan played in "Huang Feihong". The "Once Upon a Time" series of films has been filmed for more than 70 years in more than ten years, and Cao Dahua has always played Liang Kuan.

The 9 Hong Kong actors who passed away at the age of sixtieth, Lee Shau Kee and Huang Shrimp had a bleak evening, and Shi Jian had the longest life

In the 60s of the last century, Cao Dahua's acting career reached its peak, but he accidentally became addicted to gambling with fame and fortune, and he lost all his family property in just one year.

The 9 Hong Kong actors who passed away at the age of sixtieth, Lee Shau Kee and Huang Shrimp had a bleak evening, and Shi Jian had the longest life

After Wanguan's family fortune was scattered in the casino, Cao Dahua regrouped and devoted himself to the film industry again, and collaborated with Jackie Chan, Sammo Hung and other juniors in many films. At the age of 90, Cao Dahua accidentally fell down the stairs and seriously injured himself, and the following year he died of stomach bleeding in England.

3, Chen Honglie

The 9 Hong Kong actors who passed away at the age of sixtieth, Lee Shau Kee and Huang Shrimp had a bleak evening, and Shi Jian had the longest life

Chen Honglie's TV series roles may be familiar to everyone, the villain he plays is fierce and treacherous without losing his elegant demeanor, and he can be regarded as an old actor with a unique style.

The 9 Hong Kong actors who passed away at the age of sixtieth, Lee Shau Kee and Huang Shrimp had a bleak evening, and Shi Jian had the longest life

Stills from "The Drunken Man".

In the early years, he became well-known for his role as the jade-faced tiger in the film "The Drunken Man". In the 40s of the last century, although there were many brothers and sisters in the family when he was born, his parents arranged a personal nanny for each of their children, which shows that his family is wealthy.

The 9 Hong Kong actors who passed away at the age of sixtieth, Lee Shau Kee and Huang Shrimp had a bleak evening, and Shi Jian had the longest life

Chen Honglie has experienced two marriages, his first wife is the goddess of age, Pan Yingzi, whose marriage broke down due to Chen Honglie's lingering flowers. At the same time as the marriage failed, Chen Honglie's career also fell into a trough due to cheating scandals, and he had to quit the circle and choose to do the clothing business. During this period, he was introduced to marry a woman 19 years younger than him, and after marriage, his wife gave birth to a son and a daughter.

The 9 Hong Kong actors who passed away at the age of sixtieth, Lee Shau Kee and Huang Shrimp had a bleak evening, and Shi Jian had the longest life

He once said to reporters in an interview that he couldn't hide the joy in his heart, "I like family life so much, my daughter and son are very sensible, a man has a good wife, I can really rest assured to go out, my wife helps me take care of the house in Taiwan, she trusts me very much, this is a blessing for men, I have a very happy family, which is also my luck." ”

The 9 Hong Kong actors who passed away at the age of sixtieth, Lee Shau Kee and Huang Shrimp had a bleak evening, and Shi Jian had the longest life

In the 90s, Chen Honglie, who had a bumper harvest in his career and family, ushered in a new turn in his acting career, he was repeatedly invited by a producer to start a comeback filming, and successively participated in classic film and television dramas such as "Chu Liuxiang", "Young Hero Fang Shiyu", "Yijian Town Shenzhou", "Smiling Proud Jianghu", "Golden Branches", "Jewels" and other classic film and television dramas.

The 9 Hong Kong actors who passed away at the age of sixtieth, Lee Shau Kee and Huang Shrimp had a bleak evening, and Shi Jian had the longest life

On November 24, 2009, during the filming of "Beat Up Your Own People", 66-year-old Chen Honglie fell to the ground due to a sudden heart attack in the locker room and was rushed to the hospital and could not be rescued. It stands to reason that Chen Honglie should receive a certain amount of compensation for his death at work, but Wireless refused to pay the pension on the grounds that there was no precedent and Chen Honglie had insurance, and the outside world unanimously commented that Wireless's approach was too cold-blooded. 4, Lee Shau Kee

The 9 Hong Kong actors who passed away at the age of sixtieth, Lee Shau Kee and Huang Shrimp had a bleak evening, and Shi Jian had the longest life

Lee Shau-kee, who has been galloping for several years, is one of the famous "Four Villains" in the Hong Kong film and television industry.

The 9 Hong Kong actors who passed away at the age of sixtieth, Lee Shau Kee and Huang Shrimp had a bleak evening, and Shi Jian had the longest life

Although Lee Shau Kee was full of beauty when he was young, his parents were ashamed of all the bad deeds he had made, and the disgust of his family and relatives made Lee Shau Kee question what he had done.

The 9 Hong Kong actors who passed away at the age of sixtieth, Lee Shau Kee and Huang Shrimp had a bleak evening, and Shi Jian had the longest life

Before Lee Shau-kee's father died, he didn't even want to see him for the last time, as the eldest son in the family, Lee Shau-kee also felt that he had no face to see his family, he ran to the roof of the building on the day of his father's funeral and wanted to die, but after all, he didn't have the courage to jump.

The 9 Hong Kong actors who passed away at the age of sixtieth, Lee Shau Kee and Huang Shrimp had a bleak evening, and Shi Jian had the longest life

Later, Lee Shau Kee was instructed by Chen Shenzhi, who took him to the underworld, and successfully quit drug addiction and successfully changed careers to become an actor. Because he became a monk halfway through the road and had no acting experience at all, Lee Shau Kee received all supporting roles at first, but compared with the days of fighting and killing in the past, Lee Shau Kee felt satisfied, because his heart became more steady.

The 9 Hong Kong actors who passed away at the age of sixtieth, Lee Shau Kee and Huang Shrimp had a bleak evening, and Shi Jian had the longest life

With the rise of Hong Kong police films, Lee Shau Kee ushered in a career turnaround, as long as it involves scenes with underworld backgrounds, many directors will take the initiative to find him, and Lee Shau Kee's "true colors" add a real and exciting effect to such films.

The 9 Hong Kong actors who passed away at the age of sixtieth, Lee Shau Kee and Huang Shrimp had a bleak evening, and Shi Jian had the longest life

Lee Shau-kee's more famous works include "Prison Storm", "God of Food", "The Man of the Troubled Boy in the Rivers and Lakes", "The Fierce Dragon Crossing the River", "The Dragon of the Troubled Boy", "The King of Comedy" and so on.

The 9 Hong Kong actors who passed away at the age of sixtieth, Lee Shau Kee and Huang Shrimp had a bleak evening, and Shi Jian had the longest life

After having a certain amount of assets, Lee Shau Kee also invested in making movies, but as the market weakened, his investment was basically lost, and his investment in finance and real estate was also eroded by the financial turmoil and suffered a heavy blow, so he had no choice but to return to filming, but Lee Shau Kee, who is over sixty years old, has no drama to shoot after acting in "Death Gold".

The 9 Hong Kong actors who passed away at the age of sixtieth, Lee Shau Kee and Huang Shrimp had a bleak evening, and Shi Jian had the longest life

To add insult to injury, he was diagnosed with liver cancer within two years, and because of poverty, Lee Shau Kee had to apply for public housing and subsidies, and did not plan to treat his cancer.

The 9 Hong Kong actors who passed away at the age of sixtieth, Lee Shau Kee and Huang Shrimp had a bleak evening, and Shi Jian had the longest life

It is worth mentioning that Lee Shau Kee and his girlfriend who have been dating for 30 registered their marriage in February 2019, with Chen Shenzhi as their witness.

5, Zeng Jiang

The 9 Hong Kong actors who passed away at the age of sixtieth, Lee Shau Kee and Huang Shrimp had a bleak evening, and Shi Jian had the longest life

Zeng Jiang's dream in his early years was to be an architect, and after being an actor for a period of time, he also went to the University of California to study architecture, but after engaging in the construction industry in reality, he found that it was not as good as he imagined, so he returned to the entertainment industry and started his old job.

The 9 Hong Kong actors who passed away at the age of sixtieth, Lee Shau Kee and Huang Shrimp had a bleak evening, and Shi Jian had the longest life

At that time, Zeng Jiang's sister Lin Cui was a popular movie star, and Lin Cui established a film company after marrying director Qin Jian, so Zeng Jiang quickly stood out with his superb acting skills with the help of his sister.

The 9 Hong Kong actors who passed away at the age of sixtieth, Lee Shau Kee and Huang Shrimp had a bleak evening, and Shi Jian had the longest life

His tall and handsome appearance won the favor of literary film directors, and Zeng Jiang and Xie Xian were also known as the "student lovers" of the Hong Kong film industry. In addition to acting, Zeng Jiang also tried to be a director.

The 9 Hong Kong actors who passed away at the age of sixtieth, Lee Shau Kee and Huang Shrimp had a bleak evening, and Shi Jian had the longest life

In 1983, Zeng Jiang, who was already fifty years old, played the righteous and evil Peach Blossom Island owner Huang Yaoshi in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", which made him usher in the second spring of his career, and he could be loved by the audience again at this age, which surprised and surprised Zeng Jiang.

The 9 Hong Kong actors who passed away at the age of sixtieth, Lee Shau Kee and Huang Shrimp had a bleak evening, and Shi Jian had the longest life

Later, Zeng Jiang also participated in many classic masterpieces, such as "Police Story 3: Super Police", "Lame Hao", "Eavesdropping" series, and he also participated in a reality show "Grandpa Over Flowers" in 2012, and lived a colorful life in his later years.

The 9 Hong Kong actors who passed away at the age of sixtieth, Lee Shau Kee and Huang Shrimp had a bleak evening, and Shi Jian had the longest life

Zeng Jiang in real life has a very anxious temper, and has always adhered to a serious and responsible attitude towards work, whether it is for himself or the actors who play with him, Zeng Jiang has high standards and strict requirements, if he can't reach the ideal state he thinks, he will lose his temper inexplicably, so the younger generations in the circle are afraid to play with him.

The 9 Hong Kong actors who passed away at the age of sixtieth, Lee Shau Kee and Huang Shrimp had a bleak evening, and Shi Jian had the longest life

Zeng Jiang has always been very strong, but he has gout, he passed away during the hotel quarantine, when he had just returned to Hong Kong from Singapore, if there was no epidemic, his family could be by his side, he would have been able to send him to the hospital in time when he appeared to be healthy.

6. Yellow shrimp

The 9 Hong Kong actors who passed away at the age of sixtieth, Lee Shau Kee and Huang Shrimp had a bleak evening, and Shi Jian had the longest life

His original name was Huang Jingxiang, and after entering the industry in the 60s of the last century, he first worked as a dragon and tiger martial artist in Liujiaban, and occasionally played some dragon roles, or served as a stand-in for the main actors. Later, he can often be seen in the works of director Zhang Che, and during that period, he mainly participated in films such as "New One-armed Knife", "Ma Yongzhen" and "Five Tiger Generals".

The 9 Hong Kong actors who passed away at the age of sixtieth, Lee Shau Kee and Huang Shrimp had a bleak evening, and Shi Jian had the longest life

In the 80s, Huang Shrimp joined the Hong family class instead, and successively starred in films such as "Ghost Fighting", "Qimen Dunjia", "Mr. Zombie" and Fuxing series. He also directed films such as "Mr. Foshan Zan" and "Rushing to Youjian District", but the response was mediocre and did not gain much fame.

The 9 Hong Kong actors who passed away at the age of sixtieth, Lee Shau Kee and Huang Shrimp had a bleak evening, and Shi Jian had the longest life

With the decline of the Hong Kong film industry, Huang Shrimp withdrew from the entertainment industry around 2000. Huang Shrimp was married, but later divorced due to emotional incompatibility, and in his later years, he unfortunately suffered a stroke and was forced to live in a nursing home, and spent the rest of his life alone.

7, Wang Tianlin

The 9 Hong Kong actors who passed away at the age of sixtieth, Lee Shau Kee and Huang Shrimp had a bleak evening, and Shi Jian had the longest life

Wang Tianlin, who has the reputation of "Godfather of Hong Kong Film", has a very high status in the circle, he is the director of the 83 version of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", and is the first director to introduce Weiya into the film and television industry.

The 9 Hong Kong actors who passed away at the age of sixtieth, Lee Shau Kee and Huang Shrimp had a bleak evening, and Shi Jian had the longest life

is not only an excellent director, Wang Tianlin can also act, and often plays the role of some gang bosses, for example, in "Gunfire", the scene where he plays the role of eating noodles and being killed is really enjoyable, so many viewers mistakenly think that he is a person with an underworld background.

The 9 Hong Kong actors who passed away at the age of sixtieth, Lee Shau Kee and Huang Shrimp had a bleak evening, and Shi Jian had the longest life

In 2002, Wang Tianlin was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award at the 7th Hong Kong Film Golden Bauhinia Awards. Two years later, he was named one of the "Top Ten Directors in Hong Kong Film History". In 2010, when Wang Tianlin died of illness, the entire Hong Kong film and television industry attended his funeral.

8, Akira Yoko

The 9 Hong Kong actors who passed away at the age of sixtieth, Lee Shau Kee and Huang Shrimp had a bleak evening, and Shi Jian had the longest life

In his early years, Yu Ziming participated in the variety show "Happy Tonight", and played the "Big-Eyed Chicken" in the "Single Hanging West and Big-Eyed Chicken" fun drama unit, and also had the nickname "Big-Eyed Chicken".

The 9 Hong Kong actors who passed away at the age of sixtieth, Lee Shau Kee and Huang Shrimp had a bleak evening, and Shi Jian had the longest life

As a supporting actor in TVB, Yu Ziming has played various licorice roles in dramas, and the most famous of the roles he has played is Jiang Ziya in "Fengshen Bang", and his main works include "The Story of Deer and Ding", "Fire Ambition", "Happy Ghost Crashing Ghost" and so on.

The 9 Hong Kong actors who passed away at the age of sixtieth, Lee Shau Kee and Huang Shrimp had a bleak evening, and Shi Jian had the longest life

At the beginning of 2022, Yu Ziming fell at home and showed symptoms of paralysis on half of his body, so his mobility was not as good as before, and the doctor diagnosed him with an ischemic stroke and asked him to go home to recuperate, and he passed away on November 10 of the same year.

9, Shi Jian

The 9 Hong Kong actors who passed away at the age of sixtieth, Lee Shau Kee and Huang Shrimp had a bleak evening, and Shi Jian had the longest life

As a veteran traitor in Hong Kong films, Shi Jian once played the role of a villain in the "Once Upon a Time" series of films starring Kwan Dexing.

The 9 Hong Kong actors who passed away at the age of sixtieth, Lee Shau Kee and Huang Shrimp had a bleak evening, and Shi Jian had the longest life

According to his old friend Guan Dexing, Shi Jian is very dedicated to his work, he is always the first to appear in the crew and the last to get off work. He is known in circles for his dedication and prolificacy. One year, Shi Jian filmed more than 30 films in a row, and many people admired him.

The 9 Hong Kong actors who passed away at the age of sixtieth, Lee Shau Kee and Huang Shrimp had a bleak evening, and Shi Jian had the longest life

Shi Jian's role as the golden lion king Xie Xun, and his roles such as Qiu Qianren and Qiu Qianzhang may be more familiar to younger audiences. Jin Yong praised Xie Xun shaped by Shi Jian, and also wrote an inscription for him: God is as strong as a stone.

The 9 Hong Kong actors who passed away at the age of sixtieth, Lee Shau Kee and Huang Shrimp had a bleak evening, and Shi Jian had the longest life

In terms of feelings, Shi Jian is also a model for countless younger generations, he and his wife have been in love for more than 60 years, and he is very loyal to his marriage, and he has never had a scandal in his life.

The 9 Hong Kong actors who passed away at the age of sixtieth, Lee Shau Kee and Huang Shrimp had a bleak evening, and Shi Jian had the longest life

In 1994, Shi Jian starred in his last work "The Family of Traitors", which was specially tailored for him by director Lin Qinglong. In 1996, the Hong Kong Film Critics Association awarded him the first "Golden Bauhinia Award for Lifetime Achievement".

The 9 Hong Kong actors who passed away at the age of sixtieth, Lee Shau Kee and Huang Shrimp had a bleak evening, and Shi Jian had the longest life

In his later years, due to illness, he had to sell two properties, and in 2006, he donated a house to the Hong Kong Television Professionals Association for office.

Do you have anything to say about these deceased veteran actors? Feel free to leave a message in the comment area!

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