
Missing the South of the Clouds (Part I)

author:Ancient Mopanzhou people


Because of a person, he fell in love with a city from then on.

I forget who said this sentence first, I fell in love with a city because of a group of people, a city with four seasons like spring, and a city with colorful clouds on the horizon.

Middle school history books say that Kunming is referred to as "Spring City" because the four seasons are like spring. Spring City is full of flowers, perhaps because the four seasons are like spring, therefore, Kunming is also a veritable flower city, every day, Kunming's flowers will be delivered to all parts of the country by special plane. Many years ago, a friend brought a flower cake from Kunming, saying that it was a pie made of real flowers. If you eat flowers, you can beautify your face.

Kunming should be a city that women like, where there are flowers to decorate the environment, as well as a variety of delicacies made of flowers. Of course, men will like the city because of the woman they love.

But in fact, Kunming is really like a city in the clouds, it sounds very beautiful, but many outsiders don't know it very well, but where to Yunnan to travel, Kunming is just a transit station, before arriving in Yunnan, the mind is in Lijiang, Banna or other places, from the field to visit Kunming, it seems that there is no mind to play, Kunming is really not much can get the attractions.

In the past few years, this flower-like city has suffered a lot of dirt, corrupt officials are rampant, and two provincial party secretaries and star party secretaries have been dismissed; The underworld hooligan Sun Xiaoguo, the black tour guide carrying passengers, the sky-high price of jade and the pit man incident, etc., make people feel that this spring city seems to be filled with dust.

Kunming went to Kunming 20 years ago, because it was passing by, it was late, my classmates and his wife drove me to Kunming at night, the focus was on my classmates, and I didn't pay much attention to the surroundings, I remember they pulled me to Haigeng, the location was proposed by me, when the national men's football team selected athletes at the Haigeng base in the spring.

There was really no other impression of Kunming, until I read Mr. Wang Zengqi's prose. In fact, Mr. Wang's words are just a shadow, which has mobilized all my memories of Southwest Associated University. When I linked the Southwest Associated University with Kunming, the city of Kunming instantly became a monument in my heart.

In modern history, the Southwest Associated University is a seed-like existence, the city of Kunming treasures the seeds of modern reading, because of its careful care, under the trampling of the iron hooves of the Japanese invaders, China's cultural context has been preserved and continued, which is an immortal achievement, in view of this, many people have admiration for the city of Kunming.

Readers love to read the Kunming food mentioned by Mr. Wang Zengqi, and I have no concept of these things, because these things seem to be a little far away from me. Actually, I prefer to see the intellectual demeanor of the masters in each of them under extremely difficult circumstances. Liu Wendian and Shen Congwen had a lot of scolding battles there; Chen Yinke gave a lecture on the playground under the moonlight, attracting a group of professors to watch; Mr. Wen Yiduo's speech will definitely have many onlookers; Mr. Feng Youlan inscribed the monument of Southwest Associated University, as well as the various mentalities and forms of professors, teachers and students running the alarm.

A while ago, I went to Tsinghua Garden again because of the opportunity, passing by the lotus pond, in front of Mr. Wang Jing'an's tombstone, looking at the statue of Mr. Wen Yiduo, and the idea of going to Kunming for pilgrimage instantly germinated in my heart.

From the airport to the city, when the driver told me to the city center, I didn't believe the eyes, to say the heart, with the buildings on both sides of the street and the width of the street, this is also the level of a prefecture-level city, fortunately, in the most central location, I saw the quaint buildings, especially the not too tall Lingxing Gate, at a glance let me recognize the Temple of Literature, the joy in my heart is really indescribable.

No matter how luxurious a city is, however, with the existence of the quaint Temple of Literature, the foundation of the city is thick, and the city is worth getting close to and appreciating slowly. Ignoring the fatigue of the journey, I took the time to pay my respects while others were still asleep. Kunming Confucian Temple was built in the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty, when it was a courtyard of relative scale, the Japanese aircraft razed the core building to the ground, fortunately, the Lingxingmen resolutely did not fall, and set a benchmark for the longevity of the cultural context.

Now the original site of the rebuilt Dacheng Gate and Dacheng Hall is very high specifications, Dacheng Gate is built on a one-meter-high platform, which is a sign of high specifications, the Sumeru platform of Dacheng Hall is about 2 meters high, both buildings are single-eaves rest on the top of the mountain, and covered with yellow glazed tiles, which is the regulation of the Temple of Literature. In particular, it is worth mentioning that from the Lingxing Gate to the Dacheng Hall, it is ascending step by step, and every pilgrim will feel the mountain looking up physically and mentally.

Over the Dacheng Gate, looking at the Dacheng Hall from the front, I was a little surprised, this building is like a "nine" pattern, which is amazing, this is the royal regulation. When I got closer, I found that this was the designer's edge ball, and the pillars supporting the eaves on both sides formed two compartments from a distance, which shows the devotion of Yunnan people to cultural undertakings.

Compared with the old streets in other places, the area here, the planning of the old street, and the characteristics of the shops are all first-class, especially after the lights are dim, it must be a popular check-in place for young tourists.

The old street not only has Kunming's delicacies, such as a wide variety of mushroom soup pots, various flavors of cross-bridge rice noodles, but also a variety of Kunming snacks. Moreover, there are Dai, Vietnamese, Dali and other local cuisines. The flavors are traditional, contemporary, and more memorable. When Internet celebrities broke out all over the country, Kunming did not break out, or the outbreak was not reported, which is really a pity. Maybe they're internet celebrities all year round, and they're too lazy to publicize and report on them.

In Kunming, the place I miss the most is Southwest Associated University, where the modern Chinese context is preserved, where the foundation of Chinese culture has been nurtured.

(To be continued...... )

Missing the South of the Clouds (Part I)

The location of this ICBC building is good, and the angle I chose for the shooting is also good.

Missing the South of the Clouds (Part I)

The line is in a hurry, and there is no in-depth tasting.

Missing the South of the Clouds (Part I)

Shops in Lao Cai.

Missing the South of the Clouds (Part I)

(Online image)

Missing the South of the Clouds (Part I)

Clearly ancient buildings.

Missing the South of the Clouds (Part I)

Daesungjeon, from the front, looks like a nine-room building.

Missing the South of the Clouds (Part I)

Morning in Lao Cai