
Lingxi Bianhe Primary School in Lingbi County carried out a reading exchange summary meeting of "Sharing the Fragrance of Books, Thinking and Growing Together".

author:Focus on science, education and agriculture

In order to improve the comprehensive quality of teachers and students, build a scholarly campus, and improve the quality of education and teaching, Lingbi County Lingxi Bianhe Primary School organized teachers and students to carry out a series of colorful reading activities, so that Bianbi Primary School students can taste the fragrance of reading, spread their dream wings, and light up their lives with reading. On June 28, the school held a summary meeting of teachers and students to exchange reading.

Lingxi Bianhe Primary School in Lingbi County carried out a reading exchange summary meeting of "Sharing the Fragrance of Books, Thinking and Growing Together".
Lingxi Bianhe Primary School in Lingbi County carried out a reading exchange summary meeting of "Sharing the Fragrance of Books, Thinking and Growing Together".

In the experience sharing and exchange session of "Class Teachers Read a Book Together", teachers Lv Caiping and Shen Tingmei shared the combination of Teacher Wei Shusheng's class management concept and daily education and teaching practice after reading the book "Class Teacher Talks". Then, teacher Zhang Haiyan shared and exchanged views on the atmosphere creation of the "scholarly class", and demonstrated the achievements of teachers and students in creating a scholarly class. Subsequently, Hu Huailiang, the head of class management of the school, carried out a special training on the combination of class management and scholarly campus construction, and demonstrated the combination of reading activities, class management system, and scholarly class culture construction through actual cases, and provided practical suggestions for teachers.

Lingxi Bianhe Primary School in Lingbi County carried out a reading exchange summary meeting of "Sharing the Fragrance of Books, Thinking and Growing Together".

At the end of the event, the school commended 5 "Best Reading Promoters", 5 "Unique Insight Awards" and 4 "Scholarly Classes". In his concluding speech, Qi Jing, the person in charge of the school, fully affirmed the attitude of teachers and class groups to share and read quietly, and encouraged all teachers to establish the image of teachers who love to read and read good books, and influence and infect students by setting an example, and at the same time improve personal quality and optimize personal teaching behavior.

Lingxi Bianhe Primary School in Lingbi County carried out a reading exchange summary meeting of "Sharing the Fragrance of Books, Thinking and Growing Together".

Reading is the most beautiful gesture, and sharing is the best encounter. Through the exchange and summary meeting, the teachers broadened their horizons, increased their knowledge, cultivated their souls, further clarified the direction of their personal professional growth, and gained enlightenment on the true meaning of life and educational wisdom. The person in charge of the school said that it will continue to build a sharing and communication platform for teachers. It is believed that through a series of reading and sharing activities for teachers, we will be able to further promote the construction of scholarly campuses, promote the in-depth integration of reading and education and teaching, highlight the function of scholarly education, and provide a strong boost for comprehensively promoting the high-quality development of education. (Dong Li, Lu Zihao)