
The 10 Japanese that Chinese should "remember" the most

author:Interesting history

[1. Hirobumi Ito: Japan's politicians in the Meiji era and the initiator of the Treaty of Shimonoseki]

The 10 Japanese that Chinese should "remember" the most

Hirobumi Ito, a political giant of Japan's Meiji era, was not only one of the five masters of Choshu, but also one of the nine elders of the Meiji era. He served as Prime Minister of the Japanese Cabinet, Speaker of the Privy Council, President of the House of Lords and other important positions, and was the first director of Korea, known as the father of the Meiji Constitution and the founder of the Constitutional Political Friendship Association. He had a brilliant political career, forming a government four times for a seven-year term, during which time he launched the Sino-Japanese War and catapulted Japan into a great power in East Asia.

On April 17, 1895, it was the Treaty of Shimonoseki promoted by Ito Hirobumi that allowed Japan to cede the Liaodong Peninsula, the entire island of Taiwan and its affiliated islands, and the Penghu Islands, and received a huge amount of "war reparations". The signing of this treaty profoundly changed the political landscape of East Asia.

[2, Da Sanyuan: The culprit of the "Lushun Massacre"]

The 10 Japanese that Chinese should "remember" the most

In the Sino-Japanese War of 1894, Daisangen participated in the Lushun Massacre as a member of the Japanese army. In this tragedy, the Japanese army wantonly plundered and killed innocent people, and in just four days, more than 20,000 innocent people were slaughtered. The tragic scene is described in a heart-wrenching detail in the eyewitness memoir of a British seafarer, "The Fall of Arthur".

[3, Emperor Hirohito: The driving force behind the war of aggression against China]

The 10 Japanese that Chinese should "remember" the most

As Japan's head of state, Emperor Hirohito played an important role in promoting the war of aggression against China. He ordered the Japanese army to "move forward" and personally told the generals that "wouldn't it be better to concentrate a large number of troops in a critical area and deliver an overwhelming blow?" Such instructions undoubtedly supported the brutality of the Japanese army. Behind the Nanjing Massacre and the full-scale war of aggression against China, there is the shadow of Emperor Hirohito.

[4, Hideki Tojo: The number one war criminal of the militarist war]

The 10 Japanese that Chinese should "remember" the most

Hideki Tojo, the Japanese prime minister and army general during World War II, was a representative figure of Japanese militarism and Japanese fascism. He was known as the "Razor General" for his arbitrariness, ferocity and brutality. He played a key role in planning the "918" incident of aggression against Northeast China and the massacre of anti-Japanese soldiers and civilians in Northeast China.

[5. Okamura Ninji: The fanatical executor of the "Three Lights Policy"]

The 10 Japanese that Chinese should "remember" the most

As a high-ranking general of the Japanese Army, Okamura Ninji frantically pursued the "three-light policy" of burning, killing, and robbing all the money in the war of aggression against China. He caused tragedies in Shandong, Shanghai and other places, and forced the Kuomintang authorities to sign the humiliating Tanggu Agreement on behalf of the Japanese side. His brutal acts have brought profound disasters to the Chinese people.

[6, Umezu Mijiro: Stubborn War Maniac]

The 10 Japanese that Chinese should "remember" the most

As a high-ranking Japanese general, Umezu Mijiro played an important role in the war of aggression against China. He forced He Yingqin, Minister of Military Affairs of the Kuomintang government, to sign the He-Mei Agreement, which undermined China's sovereignty. In the early days of the occupation of Nanjing, he commanded the Japanese army to carry out a large-scale mass massacre, creating the tragic "Nanjing Massacre".

[7, Gu Shoufu: "One of the culprits of the "Nanjing Massacre"]

The 10 Japanese that Chinese should "remember" the most

Toshio Tani, a lieutenant general in the Japanese Army, was one of the main culprits in the Nanjing Massacre. He emphasized that "plunder, robbing, and rape during combat are important means of maintaining morale", and this idea was widely spread among the Japanese army, leading to the Nanjing Massacre and other tragedies. After the war, Tani was sentenced to death, paying the due price for his crimes.

[8, Shiro Ishii: Bacterium Killer]

The 10 Japanese that Chinese should "remember" the most

As the commander of Japan's Unit 731, Shiro Ishii carried out a large number of bacteriological warfare criminal activities in the war of aggression against China. He personally led the team to participate in the bacteriological warfare against Ningbo, Changde and other places, which brought profound disasters to the Chinese people. After the war, Shiro Ishii was sentenced to death by hanging, paying the due price for his crimes.

[9, Kenji Dohihara: The spy leader of the Japanese army invading China]

The 10 Japanese that Chinese should "remember" the most

As a high-ranking Japanese general and spy leader, Kenji Dohihara played an important role in the war of aggression against China. He presided over intelligence work, established a vast network of spies, and provided important support for the Japanese invasion. His espionage activities spread all over China and caused great harm to the Chinese people. After the war, Kenji Dohihara was sentenced to be hanged, paying the due price for his crimes.

[10, Shintaro Ishihara: Japan right-wing political black]

The 10 Japanese that Chinese should "remember" the most

On April 11, 1999, he was elected governor of Tokyo and is the author of "Japan Must Be Said". He insisted on calling China "China" and was the first to publicly declare that the Nanjing Massacre was exaggerated and fabricated. He landed on the Diaoyu Islands and claimed that if the United States could not assist Japan in protecting its "sovereignty," it would demand that Japan take back the US military base in Tokyo.

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