
"Landmark" catering has become popular, and the Chaoshan system has also rolled up

author:Retail operations QPBLUE
"Landmark" catering has become popular, and the Chaoshan system has also rolled up

Total No. 3901

Author | Restaurant boss internal reference internal ginseng Jun

"Landmark" catering has become popular, and the Chaoshan system has also rolled up

Chaoshan brand goes in all directions,

The business circle of "Chaoshan Master" has expanded

The label "Chaoshan" began to "brush your face wildly" in major restaurants and tea shops.

In particular, Chaoshan's "master" (immortal) is even busier this year. Not only in Chaoshan, but also in Chaoshan brands across the country have launched a variety of "Lao Ye Bao No/He" peripherals.

"Landmark" catering has become popular, and the Chaoshan system has also rolled up

The Chaoshan brand began to go out of Chaoshan.

First and foremost, tea brands. In the first half of this year, the Chaoshan Gongfu tea brand "Yingge Soul" finally went out of Guangdong and opened its first store in Shanghai.

Tema Tea House, another tea brand that focuses on "one bite to Chaoshan", has taken a cross-regional route from the beginning, opening more than 50 stores in Shanghai alone. Heytea's high-end tea brand, Yecuishan, has also launched the "Chaoshan Houguo Ice Theme Store". In the Dianping App, Yecuishan directly updated all the store names to "Yecuishan Chaoshan Houguo Bing".

"Landmark" catering has become popular, and the Chaoshan system has also rolled up

In Guangdong, the emerging Chaoshan Gongfu tea brand represented by "Chayue Mountain" is also rising rapidly. Chayueshan's product positioning is "only making single fir tea", and it currently has more than 40 stores in Guangdong. It is understood that this store only opens 3~4 times a year, but it sells well, and the monthly revenue of the 20-square-meter store alone reaches 300,000 yuan.

The common denominator of these brands is that they all highlight strong "regional characteristics". The first is brand positioning, either the main "Chaoshan Gongfu tea", or the emphasis on the origin of Chaoshan; The second is that the design is full of "Chaoshan elements", the most direct is to play the word "Chaoshan" on the wall and cup sleeve, or such as Chayue Mountain, the cup lid is designed into the shape of the bowl of Chaoshan Gongfu tea, or like the soul of Yingge, which is integrated into the Chaoshan Ying song and dance culture.

"Landmark" catering has become popular, and the Chaoshan system has also rolled up

The innovation of Chaoshan people in tea should not be underestimated. It is understood that the owners of tea brands such as tart lemon, 7 points sweet, and a cup of Chaocha are also Chaoshan nationals. The Chaoshan single fir tea is like duck feces fragrant, and Chaoshan fruits such as oil oranges are also popular ingredients in the tea drinking rivers and lakes in recent years.

Three years ago, Xie Huancheng, the founder of 7 Fentian, talked about the idea of making tea in his hometown of Chaoshan in an interview with the media: "You should find your own living space, such as focusing on "regional culture"....... After the Chaoshan area is done, it will go to Guangzhou and Shenzhen, where there are many people in Chaoshan, to open stores, first occupy the Guangdong market, and then reformulate the strategy when it goes out of Guangdong in the future. ”

Nowadays, these Chaoshan tea brands are also gradually breaking through across regions with the route of "regional culture".

"Landmark" catering has become popular, and the Chaoshan system has also rolled up

Chaoshan cuisine is also "crazy"

The number of stores increased by 56.4% year-on-year

At the same frequency as Chaoshan gongfu tea, there are also Chaoshan snacks and Chaoshan dishes that are "swiped" all over the country.

"Tiger Head Fried", a brand that focuses on "Chaoshan South Milk Fried Chicken", has opened more than 100 stores across the country this year; "Chaoshan Chief", which specializes in Chaoshan raw pickles, has also opened more than 10 stores in Guangzhou; In the first half of this year, Chaoshan lo-mei brand "Wuzhi Marinated Goose" received a strategic investment of 40 million yuan from Shengyin Capital, and said that it would accelerate the expansion of the East China market.

"Landmark" catering has become popular, and the Chaoshan system has also rolled up

The most famous "Chaoshan beef hot pot" has also played a lot of new tricks. Previously, in the Chaoshan beef hot pot track, hundreds of stores have been opened in Baheli, Zuoting and Right Courtyard, and Chaofa and Chen Ji Shunhe have also opened dozens of stores.

This year, Chaoshan beef hot pot is taking advantage of the explosion of "self-service", and the innovative form is "fresh-cut beef buffet", which has blossomed across the country. For example, Jiuji Chaoshan fresh-cut fresh beef buffet hot pot in Changsha, Tan Sanniang fresh-cut beef buffet hot pot in Chengdu, etc., are all in the rapid expansion of stores.

In addition, Teochew cuisine has a long reputation in the high-end market. According to Chenzhi catering data, the number of Chaozhou cuisine stores will reach 18,000 in 2023, a year-on-year increase of 56.4%, and the growth rate is higher than that of other Cantonese cuisine categories.

"Landmark" catering has become popular, and the Chaoshan system has also rolled up

Another set of data also proves the potential energy of Teochew cuisine. According to Meituan, among all cuisines since the release of the "Black Pearl Restaurant Guide", Chaoshan cuisine has seen the fastest increase among all cuisines in the past four years, with a compound annual growth rate of more than 31% in the number of restaurants on the list, covering Shantou, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Beijing and other cities.

Teochew cuisine is expanding from Guangdong to major coastal cities. For example, Chaojie, which focuses on the Shanghai market, focuses on cost performance, and currently has 22 stores. The family Chaoshan Cuisine, Haimen Fish Boy, Chaoshan Flavor, which are deeply cultivated in the Guangdong region, have also opened more than a dozen stores. "Chen Pengpeng Goose Meat Restaurant", which already has more than 30 stores in Shenzhen, has now been renamed "Chen Pengpeng Chaoshan Cuisine", transforming and upgrading from a single Chaoshan braised goose store to a comprehensive catering store with Chaoshan braised goose as the main focus and diversified Chaoshan cuisine.

"Landmark" catering has become popular, and the Chaoshan system has also rolled up
"Landmark" catering has become popular, and the Chaoshan system has also rolled up

Why more and more brands,

Striving to be a "Chaoshan landmark"?

More and more brands are labeling "Chaoshan" and striving to be "Chaoshan landmarks", which is partly due to the popularity of "landmark" catering in recent years.

The first is a brand with a distinct "regional label", which has expanded rapidly from the region to the whole country.

It is particularly prominent in the tea beverage track, such as Yunnan's Bawang Tea Ji, Guangxi's Grandma's handicraft, Guizhou's Tea Mountain, Xi'an's Tea Talk....... "landmark" tea brand team is growing day by day. In other fields, regional brands such as Chef Fei and Lan Xiangzi in the Hunan cuisine track have become popular in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen from the regional market.

The cross-regional opening of brands such as Yingge Soul, Tiger Head Fried, and Wuzhi Marinated Goose are all nationwide expansions with regional labels. Whether they can break a path in this track is a great test of the comprehensive strength of these brands, including supply chain and talent organization.

Under the popular trend of Tianshui Malatang and Zibo barbecue, more and more young people are keen to "go to a city for a meal".

In the latter, the Chaoshan brand has "innate advantages". On October 31, 2023, UNESCO announced that Chaozhou has been awarded the title of World Capital of Gastronomy, making it the sixth city in China to receive the title of World Capital of Gastronomy.

For the sake of food, going to the Chaoshan area has become a popular trend. According to data from Meituan and Dianping, during the 2023 National Day holiday, the number of dine-in orders contributed by consumers from other places in Shantou, Chaozhou, Taizhou, Yangzhou and other places will increase by more than 500% compared with 2019.

"Landmark" catering has become popular, and the Chaoshan system has also rolled up

◎Data source: Meituan, Dianping

September 29 - October 4, 2023

Chaoshan cuisine has gone through thousands of years of development, and the "food gene" formed is also the underlying advantage of the development of local brands.

The local area is rich in products and has the advantage of ingredients. In ancient times, when logistics was not developed, products largely determined the choice of ingredients for local cuisines. The ultimate pursuit of ingredients is the biggest feature of Teochew cuisine. "Fresh" has also become the most prominent highlight of Chaoshan catering.

The long-term food culture also provides cultural advantages for the Chaoshan brand. As the only tea-making technique selected as a national intangible cultural heritage project, Chaozhou Gongfu Tea is famous all over the world, and it is also the key point for this regional brand to break through the homogenized "siege" and make innovations.

The spread of Chaoshan cuisine by Chaoshan merchants. Since the Ming and Qing dynasties, a large number of Chaoshan people have migrated to many cities in China and even overseas. Whether it was the "red-headed boat merchants" who operated the sugar industry during the Qing Dynasty, or the modern Chaoshan merchants who rose after the opening of Shantou, they naturally spread Chaoshan cuisine to further afield.

"Landmark" catering has become popular, and the Chaoshan system has also rolled up

brief summary

Although Chaoshan cuisine is famous, it has not yet run a chain brand of the scale of Sichuan hot pot, Hunan cuisine, and Leshan fried skewers.

"Ingredients are also made into ingredients, and ingredients are difficult to eat", Chaoshan's cuisine pays more attention to ingredients, which has also become a "stumbling block" on the road to scale. In addition, Chaoshan cuisine, which pays attention to the "fresh" taste, has a light taste, unlike Sichuan, Xiangyun, Guizhou and other places that are heavy and sour, spicy and spicy, and lacks aggressiveness. The above two points determine the difficulty of the scale of the Chaoshan brand.

In the "snack and drink" track, the rapidly rising Chaoshan Gongfu tea, Longjiang pork knuckle rice, Chaoshan kuay teow, casserole porridge, raw pickles and other categories are rapidly branding and scale, and there will also be opportunities to run more large-scale chain brands.

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