
"Clam loofah soup" that I want to drink in the summer! Sweet and plump, you can eat it all

"Clam loofah soup" that I want to drink in the summer! Sweet and plump, you can eat it all


A loofah

Clams half a catty

Ginger shreds to taste

Goji berries to taste


1. After removing the head and tail of the loofah, peel off the outer skin, cut the loofah into slices with a thickness of 0.8 cm, and then cut all of them in half for later use.

"Clam loofah soup" that I want to drink in the summer! Sweet and plump, you can eat it all

2. After heating the pan, pour in the olive oil, add the ginger shreds and stir-fry until fragrant.

"Clam loofah soup" that I want to drink in the summer! Sweet and plump, you can eat it all

3. Put in the cut loofah and fry it until it is soft and sweet, then add an appropriate amount of water to flood the loofah, and then add wolfberry to increase the color.

"Clam loofah soup" that I want to drink in the summer! Sweet and plump, you can eat it all

4. After the loofah is boiled soft, put in the clams, and cook until the clams are fully boiled.

Tips: Because clams have a natural salty taste, it is recommended that no additional seasoning is required.

"Clam loofah soup" that I want to drink in the summer! Sweet and plump, you can eat it all

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