
Scrambled eggs don't have a smooth texture? Because you've added less of this secret weapon!

Scrambled eggs don't have a smooth texture? Because you've added less of this secret weapon!

The scrambled eggs you eat in the restaurant always melt in your mouth, and the fluffy and dense texture is unforgettable, but why are the scrambled eggs always hard and dry? What exactly is the secret to scrambling smooth eggs? Learn the trick of scrambling eggs right away, and you can scramble delicious scrambled eggs at home at the restaurant level!

What is the secret weapon for extra points?

Milk: Milk contains casein, which can make eggs gradually harden at low temperatures, and scrambled eggs at low temperatures will taste very slippery!

Egg mixture: Generally, the amount of milk for scrambled eggs does not need to be too much, and about 1 teaspoon (15ml) of milk can be added to three eggs.

Scrambled eggs don't have a smooth texture? Because you've added less of this secret weapon!

Warm water: If you don't eat milk, you can add water instead, stir well in the ratio of 1 egg to 1 tablespoon of water, and stir-fry slowly over low heat to make a large amount of fluffy and delicious eggs.

Scrambled eggs don't have a smooth texture? Because you've added less of this secret weapon!

After the scrambled eggs are served with water, you should grasp the time to eat them while they are hot, so as not to affect the taste of the water after too long.

Sugar: Adding a little sugar to the beaten egg can slow down the coagulation of proteins, and the sugar can absorb a certain amount of water, making the scrambled eggs more dense.

Scrambled eggs don't have a smooth texture? Because you've added less of this secret weapon!

Add butter and stir-fry in butter: Add the melted butter to the egg mixture, mix well, and then pour it into the pan and stir-fry.

In the same way, you can also use butter instead of ordinary oil and put it in a pan, melt it and then pour in the egg mixture, and you can also stir-fry scrambled eggs that are tender and fragrant.

Scrambled eggs don't have a smooth texture? Because you've added less of this secret weapon!

What other tips should I pay attention to?

1 Slowly stir the egg mixture

Scrambled eggs don't have a smooth texture? Because you've added less of this secret weapon!

Do not use too much force when beating the egg mixture, if the force is too strong, a large amount of air will be injected into the protein, causing the egg liquid to lose moisture and elasticity.

2 Use a small pot

Scrambled eggs don't have a smooth texture? Because you've added less of this secret weapon!

If you use a pan that is too large, the egg mixture will quickly spread out after being poured in, and it will be fully cooked at once, turning into a large "fried egg". Therefore, it is recommended to use a smaller pan, which is heated more evenly and can be fried more tenderly.

3 Stir-fry over low heat

Scrambled eggs don't have a smooth texture? Because you've added less of this secret weapon!

After turning the heat to low heat, add an appropriate amount of oil, pour in the egg mixture, gently shake the pan to let the egg mixture spread, do not stir in a hurry; If the egg juice is bubbly, you can use chopsticks to pop the bubbles to reduce the air in the egg bubbles to make the scrambled eggs more delicate.

Scrambled eggs don't have a smooth texture? Because you've added less of this secret weapon!

After the egg liquid is slightly solidified and the egg juice is wrinkled and folded, then use a spatula or chopsticks to push the egg liquid clockwise from the edge of the pot to the center, use the heat of the egg itself to simmer the half-cooked place, fry until the egg juice is medium-rare, turn off the heat, and stir-fry slightly with residual temperature.

Tips: If eggs are added with whole milk, you can put less oil in the pan.

4 Stir-fry over water

If you are worried that the heat is not easy to master, you can also try to stir-fry with water: prepare a large pot of boiling water, soak a small frying pan in it, and heat the eggs with water, so as to avoid the heat being too big and making the eggs charred and dry!


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