
62-year-old Gao Yingxin took the helm of Minsheng Bank again, with a salary of 3.73 million last year, or about 510,000 yuan per capita

author:Wildfire Finance
62-year-old Gao Yingxin took the helm of Minsheng Bank again, with a salary of 3.73 million last year, or about 510,000 yuan per capita

【Executives】Minsheng Bank (600016), which has a highly dispersed shareholding, completed its re-election at the end of June, and the board of directors changed.

The 2023 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of Minsheng Bank elected Gao Yingxin, Wang Xiaoyong and Zhang Juntong as executive directors. Zhang Hongwei, Liu Yonghao, Shi Yuzhu, Song Chunfeng, Zhao Peng, Liang Xinjie and Lin Li were elected as non-executive directors.

Qu Xinjiu, Wen Qiuju, Song Huanzheng, Yang Zhiwei, Cheng Fengchao and Liu Hanxing were elected as independent directors. A total of 16 directors are appointed to form the ninth board of directors of Minsheng Bank.

The former executive directors Zheng Wanchun and Yuan Guijun retired in March this year, and the former non-executive directors and vice chairman Lu Zhiqiang stepped down.

The general meeting of shareholders also elected Weng Zhenjie, Wu Di and Lu Zhongnan as shareholder supervisors, and Lu Zhongnan and Li Yu as external supervisors; Together with the employee supervisors Long Ping and Yang Yu, the ninth board of supervisors was formed.

Gao Yingxin also serves as the Chairman of the Strategic Development and Consumer Rights Protection Committee, and a member of the Nomination Committee and the Remuneration and Appraisal Committee. Interestingly, Minsheng Bank has also set up a special related party transaction control committee, whose members are all independent directors and chaired by Song Huanzheng.

62-year-old Gao Yingxin took the helm of Minsheng Bank again, with a salary of 3.73 million last year, or about 510,000 yuan per capita

The first meeting of the ninth board of directors of Minsheng Bank elected Gao Yingxin as the chairman of the ninth board of directors, and elected Zhang Hongwei, Liu Yonghao and Wang Xiaoyong as vice chairmen. Gao Yingxin, born in 1962, is 62 years old and became the chairman of Minsheng Bank in July 2020.

62-year-old Gao Yingxin took the helm of Minsheng Bank again, with a salary of 3.73 million last year, or about 510,000 yuan per capita

Liu Yonghao became vice chairman in March 2009, and Zhang Hongwei has been vice chairman since 2000, making him the longest-serving member of the current board. The reason why they have been standing on the board of directors for so long is related to the fact that they actually control New Hope Liuhe Investment and Oriental Group are the top ten shareholders of Minsheng Bank.

It should be noted that Oceanwide Holdings holds a total of 4.12% of the shares of Minsheng Bank and is still the seventh largest shareholder, but Lu Zhiqiang has not been re-elected as a director.

62-year-old Gao Yingxin took the helm of Minsheng Bank again, with a salary of 3.73 million last year, or about 510,000 yuan per capita

The board of supervisors elected Yang Yu as the vice chairman of the board of supervisors and the convener of the board of supervisors, and Weng Zhenjie as the vice chairman of the board of supervisors; Zhang Juntong stepped down as chairman of the supervisory board in March, and the position remains vacant.

62-year-old Gao Yingxin took the helm of Minsheng Bank again, with a salary of 3.73 million last year, or about 510,000 yuan per capita

The Board of Directors re-appointed Wang Xiaoyong as President, Zhang Juntong, Shi Jie, Li Bin, Lin Yunshan and Huang Hongri as Vice Presidents, Li Bin as Secretary of the Board of Directors, Zhang Bin as Chief Information Officer, and Gong Zhijian as Business Director.

Shi Jie was born in 1965, Li Bin, Zhang Bin, and Gong Zhijian were all born in 1967, and the rest of the executives are post-70s, with half of the post-65s and post-70s. Wang Xiaoyong was born in 1970, and Zhang Juntong was the youngest in 1974.

62-year-old Gao Yingxin took the helm of Minsheng Bank again, with a salary of 3.73 million last year, or about 510,000 yuan per capita

Among the large joint-stock banks, the overall remuneration of senior executives of Minsheng Bank is at a relatively high level. Last year, Chairman Gao Yingxin had the highest salary, more than 3.73 million yuan, the former presidents Zheng Wanchun and Zhang Juntong also exceeded 3 million yuan, and the salaries of other senior executives were basically more than 2 million yuan, but without exception, compared with 2022, there was a significant decline; Gao Yingxin and Zheng Wanchun both cut their salaries by more than 2 million yuan, and most of the others also exceeded one million yuan.

62-year-old Gao Yingxin took the helm of Minsheng Bank again, with a salary of 3.73 million last year, or about 510,000 yuan per capita

As of the end of 2023, Minsheng Bank has a total of about 63,700 employees, with an average profit of 562,000 yuan and an average salary of about 510,000 yuan last year, a slight decrease of 4,600 yuan from 2022.

As of June 30, the total market value of Minsheng Bank was about 166 billion yuan, and the price-earnings ratio was less than 5 times.

(Note: The "salary" or "per capita salary" mentioned in this article includes wages and bonuses, employee benefits, five insurances and one housing fund, enterprise annuity, supplementary retirement benefits, etc., and is pre-tax; The data in the article comes from Straight Flush iFind, Oriental Fortune Choice and Wind Terminal)

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