
The 770 billion Sinopec was re-elected, the board of directors was replaced, and the new management team was exposed

author:Wildfire Finance

Sinopec, one of the "three barrels of oil", completed the re-election at the end of June, and the chairman, president and chairman of the board of supervisors were all re-elected.

At the 2023 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Sinopec": 600028) held on June 28, Ma Yongsheng, Zhao Dong, Zhong Ren, Li Yonglin, Lv Lianggong, Niu Xuanwen, Wan Tao and Yu Baocai were elected as executive directors or non-executive directors, and Xu Lin, Zhang Liying, Liao Zibin and Zhang Xiliang were elected as independent directors, with a total of 12 members of the board of directors, with 1/3 of the independent directors participating.

The 770 billion Sinopec was re-elected, the board of directors was replaced, and the new management team was exposed

Compared with the previous board members, Niu Xuanwen, Wan Tao, Zhong Ren, and the four independent directors are all new faces, accounting for more than half of the 12-member board of directors.

The general meeting of shareholders also elected Zhang Shaofeng, Wang An, Dai Liqi, Tan Wenfang, Yang Yanfei and Zhou Meiyun as supervisors, plus Zhang Zheng, Bian Fengming and Zhang Chunsheng as employee supervisors, a total of 10 people formed the board of supervisors.

The first meeting of the ninth board of directors elected Ma Yongsheng as chairman and Zhao Dong as vice chairman. At the same time, the Board of Supervisors elected Zhang Shaofeng as the chairman of the ninth Board of Supervisors.

Ma Yongsheng also serves as the chairman of the Strategy Committee, the Sustainable Development Committee, and a member of the Nomination Committee, and Zhao Dong is also a member of the Strategy Committee. The Board of Directors continued to appoint Zhao Dong as President.

The 770 billion Sinopec was re-elected, the board of directors was replaced, and the new management team was exposed

The three directors of the Board of Directors, the Supervisory Board and the management were all re-elected. Born in 1962, Ma Yongsheng, 62, has been chairman since November 2021. Born in 1972, Zhang Shaofeng, 52, was the Chairman of the Supervisory Board at the end of May 2021.

The 770 billion Sinopec was re-elected, the board of directors was replaced, and the new management team was exposed

Born in 1971, the 53-year-old Zhao Dong has been president since April 2024 and also served as chairman of Sinopec's supervisory board from June 2017 to May 2021.

The 770 billion Sinopec was re-elected, the board of directors was replaced, and the new management team was exposed

In the management team, the board of directors also appointed Li Yonglin, Lv Lianggong, Niu Xuanwen, Wan Tao and Yu Baocai as senior vice presidents, Shoudong Huawei as chief financial officer, Huang Wensheng, Guo Hongjin, Xu Yi and Li Yuxing as vice presidents, Guo Xusheng as chief geologist, and Liu Jiahai as safety director. Huang Wensheng also served as the secretary of the board of directors. Yu Baocai, who was born in 1965, was originally president, but was transferred to vice president in April.

The 770 billion Sinopec was re-elected, the board of directors was replaced, and the new management team was exposed

Among them, Guo Hongjin, Xu Yi, and Li Yuxing are new faces. Born in 1970, Shou Donghua is the only woman in the executives. From the perspective of age structure, there is no post-75 generation in Sinopec's management team, and the youngest is Niu Xuanwen in 1974.

The 770 billion Sinopec was re-elected, the board of directors was replaced, and the new management team was exposed
The 770 billion Sinopec was re-elected, the board of directors was replaced, and the new management team was exposed
The 770 billion Sinopec was re-elected, the board of directors was replaced, and the new management team was exposed
The 770 billion Sinopec was re-elected, the board of directors was replaced, and the new management team was exposed

Sinopec's controlling shareholder is Sinopec Group, which holds more than 68% of the shares, and PetroChina also holds 1.78%.

At the level of Sinopec Group, Ma Yongsheng served as chairman and secretary of the party group; Zhao Dong served as director, general manager and deputy secretary of the party group, and Zhang Shaofeng served as a member of the party group and chief accountant.

Zhong Ren served as director and deputy secretary of the party group, and Li Yonglin, Lv Lianggong, Niu Xuanwen and Wan Tao all served as members of the party group and deputy general manager.

As of June 30, Sinopec's total market value was about 770 billion yuan, lower than CNOOC (600938) and PetroChina (601857), the two major petrochemical listed central enterprises.

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