
The education system of Tiefeng District held a commendation meeting to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party and the "Red Candle Pilot Ode to the Party".

author:Hecheng Evening News

On the morning of June 29, the Party Group of the Tiefeng District Education Bureau held a commendation meeting to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the "Red Candle Pilot Ode to the Party" in the gymnasium of No. 29 Middle School.

Cui Yahui, Secretary of the Tiefeng District Party Committee, Li Ling, Deputy Secretary of the Tiefeng District Party Committee and Head of the Government, Guo Yongquan, Director of the Tiefeng District People's Congress, Xu Zhenhai, Chairman of the Tiefeng District CPPCC, Shen Hong, Deputy Mayor of the Tiefeng District Government, Tong Lin, Vice Chairman of the Tiefeng District CPPCC, Zhu Tianlong, Secretary of the Party Committee of China Feihe Dairy Group and Chairman of the Feihe Charity Foundation, Lan Tianwei, Secretary of the Party Branch and Vice Chairman of the Heilongjiang Feihe Charity Foundation, and Wang Zhenlong, Secretary General of the Longjiang Public Welfare Action Special Project of China Feihe Teaching Assistant, were invited to attend the meeting. Director He Jia and other cadres of the organs and all party members and teachers of each branch attended the meeting.

Before the meeting, the leaders visited the party building exhibition boards of 15 schools. All grass-roots party organizations, with the creation of the "Red Candle Fortress Education Pioneer" party building brand as the starting point, to highlight the "one school, one product" as the basis, from the ideological and political guidance, party organization construction, the role of party members, the development of red education activities, the development of ideological and political courses, ideological work, etc., the party building work will be fully integrated into the whole process of running schools, governing schools and educating people.

At 9 o'clock in the morning, the Tiefeng District Education System "Red Candle Pilot, Ode to the Party" Commendation Conference kicked off, which was divided into three chapters: "Commendation of Excellence", "Co-construction of Party Organizations" and "Ode to the Party".

At the beginning of the event, through the broadcast of the propaganda film of the achievements of education party building, the party organizations at all levels of the education system have made great progress in implementing the deployment of the education work of the district committee, comprehensively strengthening the construction of party organizations, and giving full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members since the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

In his speech, Shen Hong, deputy head of Tiefeng District Government, affirmed the achievements of the education system, emphasized the important position of education in the party's cause, and called on all party members, cadres and teachers in the education system to take "first" as an example to educate people for the party and the country.

The No. 7 Primary School of Tiefeng District, with the theme of "Remembering the Hundred Years of Wind and Frost and Taking Root in the Fertile Longjiang", profoundly tells the respect and inheritance of educators for the history of the party.

Comrade Hou Wenbo, deputy director of the Tiefeng District Education Bureau, read out the "Decision of the Party Group of the Tiefeng District Education Bureau of the Communist Party of China on Commending Outstanding Communist Party Members, Outstanding Party Workers and Advanced Grassroots Party Organizations", and awarded Ma Lin and other 46 comrades the honorary title of outstanding Communist Party members in the education system of the whole district; Huo Yulei and other 21 comrades were awarded the honorary title of outstanding party workers in the education system of the whole region; It was awarded the honorary title of advanced grass-roots party organization of the education system of the whole district and 7 party organizations including the general party branch of the 29th middle school of the district and the party branch of the district teachers' training school.

The education system of Tiefeng District held a commendation meeting to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party and the "Red Candle Pilot Ode to the Party".

Guo Yongquan, director of the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress, and Xu Zhenhai, chairman of the District Political Consultative Conference, presented awards to the winners.

Cui Yahui, Secretary of the Tiefeng District Party Committee, Li Ling, Deputy Secretary of the District Party Committee and District Mayor, Guo Yongquan, Director of the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress, and Xu Zhenhai, Chairman of the District Political Consultative Conference, awarded medals and certificates to the "first-class".

The education system of Tiefeng District held a commendation meeting to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party and the "Red Candle Pilot Ode to the Party".

Li Ling, deputy secretary of the district party committee and head of the district, presented awards to the winners.

Comrade He Jia, director of the Tiefeng District Education Bureau, comprehensively summarized the achievements and shortcomings of the party building work in the education system, and required all party members, cadres and teachers in the education system to thoroughly implement the general requirements of party building in the new era, conscientiously implement the requirements and deployment of the district committee for education work, strengthen ideological arming, strengthen organizational construction, enrich work carriers, strengthen ability and style, and must achieve the grand goal of revitalizing Tiefeng education.

The education system of Tiefeng District held a commendation meeting to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party and the "Red Candle Pilot Ode to the Party".

Cui Yahui, Secretary of the Tiefeng District Party Committee, presented awards to the winners.

The Party Group of the Education Bureau and the Party Branch of the Feihe Charity Foundation jointly launched the unveiling ceremony of "Party Organization Co-construction".

District Education Bureau, Teacher Training School and other 6 units carried out a theatrical performance, party members, cadres and teachers with singing to interpret the party's enthusiasm and the firm pursuit of education, the conference in a warm applause successfully concluded.

The education system of Tiefeng District held a commendation meeting to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party and the "Red Candle Pilot Ode to the Party".

An ode to the party

At the end of the event, all the participants sang in unison "Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China", and the impassioned melody lingered in their ears.

The education system of Tiefeng District held a commendation meeting to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party and the "Red Candle Pilot Ode to the Party".
The education system of Tiefeng District held a commendation meeting to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party and the "Red Candle Pilot Ode to the Party".
The education system of Tiefeng District held a commendation meeting to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party and the "Red Candle Pilot Ode to the Party".
The education system of Tiefeng District held a commendation meeting to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party and the "Red Candle Pilot Ode to the Party".
The education system of Tiefeng District held a commendation meeting to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party and the "Red Candle Pilot Ode to the Party".

The heavy responsibility is on the shoulders, and there is only struggle. Tiefeng education in the new era is facing new development, and new brilliance needs to work harder. Every Communist Party member will establish the awareness that ideological and political work is the lifeline, the quality of education and teaching is the career line, and safety and stability are the bottom line, and it is the duty to become the leader and pioneer of this road of struggle.

Correspondent: Liu Chang

Reporter: Song Yanjun text/photo

Editor: Chen Li

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