
Ambassador Lu Shaye briefed the West that if Taiwan is recovered, the mainland will give the island two options

Ambassador Lu Shaye briefed the West that if Taiwan is recovered, the mainland will give the island two options

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Text丨Bohn's History of Words

Editor丨Bohn History

On June 26, the mainland's ambassador to France, Lu Shaye, attended a symposium on the 60 th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France.

Ambassador Lu Shaye briefed the West that if Taiwan is recovered, the mainland will give the island two options

So what is the mainland's path to Taiwan, and where should Taiwan go?

1. Lu Shaye's message to Western countries

In 1964, France established diplomatic relations with the mainland, and as the first Western power to establish diplomatic relations with the mainland, France and the mainland lived in peace for 60 years, and the two sides reached cooperation in many fields.

Therefore, Lu Shaye, the mainland's ambassador to France, affirmed the past Sino-French relations and achievements, and at this seminar, Ambassador Lu Shaye also expressed his views on many issues, which also allowed Western countries to see China's attitude.

Ambassador Lu Shaye briefed the West that if Taiwan is recovered, the mainland will give the island two options

Ambassador Lu Shaye said that for a long time, Western countries have been wrong in their view of China, and China's rise is not a threat to Western countries, let alone anything that infringes on the interests of other countries, so there is no need for Western countries to worry about China.

On the contrary, as the world's second largest economy, the mainland not only has a full set of industrial facilities, but also exports China's industrial products to the world to serve many countries in the world.

Economic globalization has brought many new development opportunities to all countries in the world, and this is also a rare opportunity for China and France, so there should not only be competition between countries in the world, but also cooperation.

As a country that has established diplomatic relations with the mainland for many years, France is more aware of the mainland's external principles and positions, so Ambassador Lu Shaye hopes that France can strengthen cooperation with the mainland and looks forward to new achievements in more fields.

Ambassador Lu Shaye briefed the West that if Taiwan is recovered, the mainland will give the island two options

At the same time, Ambassador Lu Shaye also said at the seminar that he hoped that the two sides could respect each other, the most important of which was to respect each other's territorial integrity.

The implication of Lu Shaye's remarks is that he hopes that France and other Western powers will not interfere in the mainland's territorial integrity and sovereignty, let alone interfere in the Taiwan incident.

Ambassador Lu Shaye said: The Taiwan issue is an issue left over from the mainland's civil war, so this is our internal affair, so no country has the right to interfere.

2. Taiwan's two roads

Due to the instigation and instigation of the United States, the Taiwan independence forces in Taiwan have become more and more rampant.

Ambassador Lu Shaye briefed the West that if Taiwan is recovered, the mainland will give the island two options

In particular, since Lai Qingde came to power in May, he has not only made Taiwan independence remarks in a vain attempt to separate Taiwan from the mainland of the motherland, but has even not allowed Taiwan compatriots to go to the mainland of the motherland to participate in cross-strait exchange meetings, but has even tried in vain to prevent the convening of the Twin Cities Forum.

This act of the Taiwan independence forces has naturally aroused the indignation of patriotic people and the mainland of the motherland, so Ambassador Lu Shaye also pointed out two paths for Taiwan at this Sino-French seminar.

Taiwan's first way is to return to the embrace of the motherland and accept the leadership of the mainland of the motherland in accordance with the principle of "one country, two systems."

Ambassador Lu Shaye briefed the West that if Taiwan is recovered, the mainland will give the island two options

In order to resolve the problems left over from history, such as Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macao, the mainland has put forward the idea of "one country, two systems" in light of the actual development needs and historical trends, and this is also to ensure the stable development of these regions.

Since the return of Hong Kong and Macao in 1997 and 1999, these two regions have developed very well, and the people of Hong Kong and Macao have become increasingly close to the mainland of the motherland, and their prosperity and development have once again proved the success and superiority of one country, two systems.

Therefore, if Taiwan can peacefully return to the motherland, then we will continue to lead in accordance with the principle of one country, two systems, and I believe that under the implementation of this system, Taiwan can also achieve good development.

Ambassador Lu Shaye briefed the West that if Taiwan is recovered, the mainland will give the island two options

Ambassador Lu Shaye said: If the Taiwan region cannot peacefully return to the mainland of the motherland, then there is only one way left for Taiwan, and that is "one country, one system."

Ambassador Lu Shaye briefed the West that if Taiwan is recovered, the mainland will give the island two options

We have never given up the armed way of recovering Taiwan, Taiwan is an inalienable part of the mainland of the motherland, and anyone who wants to separate Taiwan from the mainland of the motherland will certainly be sanctioned by us.

On June 21, the Supreme People's Court on the mainland issued an opinion on separatist elements, saying that the highest sentence would be the death penalty for diehards who tried to split the country, and that even if they did not attend, they would be tried and tried.

The promulgation of this opinion shows that the mainland will not compromise with the separatist forces and separatists.

Ambassador Lu Shaye briefed the West that if Taiwan is recovered, the mainland will give the island two options

If Lai Qingde and other Taiwan independence elements insist on going all the way to the dark and continue to collude with the United States and other external forces, then the only thing that awaits them is the armed forces of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) to take back Taiwan.

Taiwan will also practice the same system as the mainland of the motherland, and those who vainly attempt to split the country will also be tried by the motherland and the people.

3. Taiwan's future

No external force wants to separate Taiwan from the mainland of the motherland, and we will never compromise with Taiwan independence elements.

Therefore, this year, the mainland held a military exercise in the Taiwan Strait, in which the mainland's aircraft carrier squadron and 055 destroyers took part, and the exercise was a complete success.

Ambassador Lu Shaye briefed the West that if Taiwan is recovered, the mainland will give the island two options

Through this exercise, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) not only demonstrated its determination to recover Taiwan, but also announced to Taiwan and external forces that we have absolute strength to recover Taiwan.

With regard to the Taiwan independence forces in Taiwan, the mainland has also adopted certain economic measures, and we have abolished the preferential import tax policies for more than 100 agricultural products in the Taiwan region, and at the same time, to a certain extent, the economic foundation of the Taiwan independence forces has been shaken.

Taiwan and the mainland of the motherland share the same root and origin, but because the remnants of the Kuomintang were defeated and retreated to Taiwan in 1949, this led to today's situation of separation between the two sides of the strait, but the compatriots on both sides of the strait have been working hard for the peaceful reunification of the mainland of the motherland, especially since the policy of opening up the Taiwan region in 1987, Taiwan and the motherland have become more closely connected.

Therefore, for Taiwan and the vast number of Taiwan compatriots, only striving to return to the embrace of the motherland at an early date is their best choice.

Ambassador Lu Shaye briefed the West that if Taiwan is recovered, the mainland will give the island two options

We hope to recover Taiwan through peaceful means, but if any external forces want to interfere or obstruct it, we will resolutely fight back.

Ambassador Lu Shaye's remarks at the Sino-French seminar have once again proved our attitude, and at the same time, they have also sent an important message to the Western countries led by the United States: The red line of interfering in mainland territory cannot be touched, and if any country dares to challenge China's bottom line and continue to maintain contact with the Taiwan independence forces in Taiwan, then it will certainly meet with our counterattack and forceful response.

As far as Taiwan is concerned, only by returning to the embrace of the motherland at an early date can it prosper together with the mainland of the motherland.


Observer Network "Ambassador to France Lu Shaye: In a certain sense, China's civil war has not ended, and the current Taiwan regime is a rebel regime"

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