
The World of Warcraft national server officially declared war on the studio, and players can get up to 100,000 yuan for reporting cheats

author:Warcraft clubbing

On the third day of the return of the World of Warcraft nostalgic service, the official announced in a high-profile manner that it would punish players who use bugs to maliciously farm gold coins.

The World of Warcraft national server officially declared war on the studio, and players can get up to 100,000 yuan for reporting cheats

On the first day of the return of the World of Warcraft national server, there was a bug of mailing heirloom enchantment brush gold coins, the specific method is to buy the Northrend prestige head enchantment ( binding) at the original price of 150G on the old server, and then mail it to the new server's small 37G store, although it seems that this is a blood loss, but if it is converted according to the proportion of the gold price of the new and old servers, you will find that the efficiency of making money is comparable to that of a money printing machine. The national server officially fixed this bug on the first day of the server, but did not issue an announcement of the violation ban.

The World of Warcraft national server officially declared war on the studio, and players can get up to 100,000 yuan for reporting cheats

The principle of the North Wind Tundra Brush Gold Coin BUG is simpler.,Use a low-level trumpet to lure monsters to NPC guards to kill.,Although you can't get much experience, you can pick up and drop.,Even gray quality weapon stores have more than a dozen gold coins.,According to the price of gold coins in the first two days of the new server, even if you manually brush gold coins, you can make a lot of money.。

The World of Warcraft national server officially declared war on the studio, and players can get up to 100,000 yuan for reporting cheats

The bug of the North Wind Tundra Brush Gold Coin has been widely spread as early as during the stress test, but it has not attracted sufficient official attention, so there is a scene of the North Wind Tundra crowd after the start of the service on June 27, among which there are rib players who manually brush gold coins, but it is more of a studio script, which is really hateful while destroying the new server economic system and taking up a lot of server resources. It's a pity that even if the national server officially punishes the violating account, because the national service is currently in the free stage, the studio is not afraid of banning the account at all at 0 cost, and most of the gold coins brushed through the BUG have been sold, and they are not afraid of recovering the illegal income.

The World of Warcraft national server officially declared war on the studio, and players can get up to 100,000 yuan for reporting cheats

In the comment area of the official Weibo, some players expressed their dissatisfaction with the processing speed of the national server, but there were also other players who expressed their understanding that the processing speed of the national server was much faster than that of the Asian server, and the official national server was only an agent, and the repair of bugs and bans and punishments had to go through Blizzard, and everyone knew the efficiency of Blizzard, and all the black pots should not be deducted from the official head of the national server.

The World of Warcraft national server officially declared war on the studio, and players can get up to 100,000 yuan for reporting cheats

Perhaps in order to show players their determination to crack down on studio scripts, the national server official took the opportunity to launch a special campaign to crack down on illegal game behavior, and from now until July 28, players who successfully report the top 100 players can get Battlenet rewards.

The World of Warcraft national server officially declared war on the studio, and players can get up to 100,000 yuan for reporting cheats

If players can help the Warcraft national server officials crack down on the production, sales and dissemination of game plug-ins, they can also get a reward of up to 100,000 yuan, which is quite sincere. It may be difficult to make cheats, but selling and distributing cheats is too easy to find, and many players may have already started searching for "World of Warcraft cheats" on online shopping platforms to become "bounty hunters". The editor expressed his appreciation for the determination of the national server official to crack down on script plug-ins, and hoped that the official could return the national server players a good game environment without scripts and extra money.

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