
The first round of the 2024 U.S. presidential debate, a showdown between the madman and the fool

author:South Gate pot pot

The duel between the madman and the fool, this is the first TV debate of the US presidential election the day before yesterday, everyone's evaluation of Trump and Biden, for Americans, this presidential campaign debate, in fact, Trump is proving to the American people that he is not crazy, and Biden is proving to the American people that he is not stupid, these two sentences can be said to be the summary of yesterday's debate.

The first round of the 2024 U.S. presidential debate, a showdown between the madman and the fool

Next, I will explain this debate competition to you, 90 minutes is a bit long, I mainly talk about the wonderful and interesting places, Biden and Trump are full of gunpowder as soon as they come up, there is no opening remarks The two did not shake hands, only said hello to the host, and started directly, the rules are also very simple, each candidate will have two minutes to answer questions, and one minute to respond and refute. The microphones of the two are controlled, and only when it is the turn of the "debater" to speak, the microphone will be turned on, so there is no possibility for both sides to interject, which is obviously beneficial to Biden, after introducing the rules of the game, the host first asked Biden a question, the United States inflation is very high, and the price is too high, Biden has been preparing for this moment for more than a week, and in the next four minutes, Biden is like a primary school student memorizing the answer, and he expounded his views very fluently.

The first round of the 2024 U.S. presidential debate, a showdown between the madman and the fool

I have summarized it for you, a total of four points. One, the bad economy is the mess left by Trump. Second, the epidemic is serious because the previous president said that it is not serious, just inject a little bleach into your arm, but I, Biden, still solved it. Three, I, Biden, have worked hard to restore all of this to the way it was, adding 15,000 new jobs to the United States and creating 800,000 new manufacturing jobs. Four, although I did so well, but I will still work hard, these four minutes Biden can be said to be in one go, people who don't know still think that he has no Alzheimer's, but I seriously suspect that he took medicine, because he did not blink during the whole process, like a robot, and Biden also refused to accept the drug test before taking office, to Trump spoke, the first time I saw him, what I thought of was that the red scarf on this man's chest was still so bright.

The first round of the 2024 U.S. presidential debate, a showdown between the madman and the fool

Trump also took a few minutes to elaborate his point, and I still summarized four points for you. One, I was in power when Trump was great in the United States, there was no war, no illegal immigration. Two, when I gave the United States to him, the American stock market was bullish, and third, the jobs he created were given to immigrants. Fourth, Biden ruined the United States, and I am here to save the United States. Here is a detail for you, do you feel that when Trump speaks, Biden is sleeping with his eyes closed.

The first round of the 2024 U.S. presidential debate, a showdown between the madman and the fool

Actually, no, Biden is just keeping his head down and taking notes, and it's Biden's turn to speak again, Biden criticized the huge fiscal deficit created for the United States when Trump was in office, how many people in the United States lost their jobs, and how many people were killed by the withdrawal from Afghanistan, the above three criticisms are not painful, but then Biden praised himself, I can't hold back this pot, how does Biden praise himself, I'll tell you what Biden said, I'm the only one who hasn't in this century, The president who let American soldiers die anywhere in the world, because the translation problem is a bit messy, Biden actually wants to say that he led the United States to withdraw troops from Afghanistan and reduce the casualties of American soldiers, Trump counterattacked very sharply, Trump said that I was withdrawing from Afghanistan when I was in office, but when I withdrew, the United States withdrew with dignity and strength, but when Biden withdrew, it was the most humiliating day in American history, and everyone saw that even the President of the United States admitted that the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan was another Saigon moment, the Americans know very well, this is their humiliation just they don't say it, and in the next ten minutes, the two debated the issue of the national debt and the number of new crown deaths, Trump increased his debt by 8.4 trillion during his tenure, and Biden increased by 4.3 trillion during his tenure, Trump's point of view is, I gave Biden an incredible situation, I developed all the treatments and everything, and he didn't do what I did, Trump also emphasized that it was the surge in the number of deaths during Biden's tenure, what does it probably mean, more than the dead, most of the credit is to you Biden, because I Trump said that everyone doesn't like vaccines, and when I said this, Biden, who was originally sleepy, woke up with joy all of a sudden, and everyone looked directly at Biden's expression.

The first round of the 2024 U.S. presidential debate, a showdown between the madman and the fool

Biden didn't get entangled with Trump about the new crown, Biden's point of view is that you Trump is the president with the highest financial increase to the government in the history of the United States, you only give tax cuts to the rich, the United States does not need so many rich people, at this time, the two sides have each other's wins and losses, and I think they will be more and more exciting next, but I didn't expect that in just ten minutes, Biden's battery was low and began to shut down. It's really hard for Biden for an 81-year-old man to work so hard for the United States, and Trump saw that Biden was about to die, so he replied.

It was from this time that Biden's debate was obviously at a disadvantage, and he didn't know what he was talking about several times, and even Biden himself broke his defense, but immediately Trump broke up a big melon, Trump said that American veterans and soldiers can't tolerate Biden, they also think that Biden is the worst commander-in-chief ever, and I, Trump, am their favorite person, let's debate, don't engage in personal attacks, Trump's words blew Biden angry.

The next topic is the Russian-Ukrainian war, I summarized it, Trump's attitude is like this, if I am in office, they will never dare to invade Ukraine, just like Israel will never be invaded by Hamas, but Biden has been doing it for four years, and the whole world is exploding, Trump also said that he will solve the Russian-Ukrainian war before becoming the president of the United States, to be honest, this is me and I will also say it, anyway, I can't confirm it and don't have to be responsible, Biden's answer is, I've never heard so much nonsense in my life, okay, all of the above, It's the content of the first part of the Biden and Trump debate, if you are interested, please like it, and I will seize the time to do the second half.

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