
In the second half of the first round of the 2024 U.S. presidential debate, Trump won

author:South Gate pot pot

The duel between the madman and the fool, I explained the pot yesterday, the debate between Biden and Trump in the first half, and then the second half.

In the second half of the first round of the 2024 U.S. presidential debate, Trump won

The views of the two are more intense than the other, let me first introduce the current situation of the two, Biden is 81 years old, although he took medicine before the game, but he has been arguing with high intensity and understanding for more than half an hour, and there has been a crash, he has read it back, and he can't control his emotions, so this debate is for the Democratic Party, and if the old man is not pulled on the spot, it is considered a passing grade, and Trump's golden sentences on the other side are frequent, if it weren't for the restrictions of the rules of the game, I think this debate is his personal talk show, so since Biden died once, Winning this debate is easy for the Republican Party, so the next thing Trump has to do is to expand the results and let the American people know that the old man opposite him is not as reliable as me, okay, the game begins, and the differences between the two about the Russia-Ukraine war are still quite big.

In the second half of the first round of the 2024 U.S. presidential debate, Trump won

I summarized Trump's point of view in three points. One, when I was in power, they were afraid of me and respected me, so they didn't dare to start a war to attack the United States, and the whole world exploded when Biden was in office, so the pot was Biden's. Second, the United States provided Ukraine with 200 billion US dollars, and the driver took 60 billion at one time, he is the greatest salesman in history, the above title is not a pot pot I came up with, it is Trump's original words, why do you say that Trump has a bright brain, you see how advanced people's ridicule is. Third, before I am elected on January 20 next year, I will be able to solve the Russian-Ukrainian war, good guys, this game has not yet started, Trump unilaterally declared himself a winner, worthy of understanding the king, in general, Trump's proposition is that I can solve the trouble caused by Biden, and these things will not happen if I am in office, Biden's point of view is all a piece of soup, we will skip it.

In the second half of the first round of the 2024 U.S. presidential debate, Trump won

Next is the Middle East issue, which is Biden's biggest headache, support Israel, the Americans say that he is not peace-loving to increase casualties, do not support Israel, and the people in the country will definitely not agree, so Biden proposed a plan to solve the Middle East problem, which is divided into three steps. The first step is to exchange hostages for a ceasefire. The second step is to agree to part of the conditions, and the third step is the end of the war. I was stunned when I saw this three-step plan, what is the difference between saying it and not saying it, and you agree to a ceasefire, and now the key to the problem is that the two sides of the fight do not agree to a ceasefire, and then Biden took a few minutes to explain his confidence in this plan, and Trump on the side was laughed at by Biden's plan, and Trump's expression was like this

In the second half of the first round of the 2024 U.S. presidential debate, Trump won

Why Trump can't help it, it's not how funny the plan is, because Biden said such a sentence. We are the country that supports Israel the most in the world. When Trump heard this, he knew he was stable. Can the above sentence be openly nonsense? First, what will the Middle Eastern countries think when they hear this? Second, what do Americans think when they hear this? Everyone ponders this sentence for themselves, I won't go into details, and then it's time for Trump to speak, Trump did not directly oppose Biden's plan, but said that Israel is the one who wants to continue the war, and Trump also said that Biden is like a Palestinian, he is weak. This sentence is very Trump.

The debate on foreign affairs is over, and it has finally arrived in the United States, and the next thing to be debated is the issue of democracy, and the two of them talk about democracy issues are more miscellaneous, in general, around two things, the first is the Capitol Hill incident, which is particularly unfavorable to Trump, so Trump has been avoiding it, and has not answered substantively, Biden said that he was outside Congress on January 6, and Trump did nothing to stop those people from destroying Congress, and even supported them, so they are all guilty.

In the second half of the first round of the 2024 U.S. presidential debate, Trump won

The second is that Trump was found guilty of 34 felonies, which is not the point, the focus is on the following question, the moderator asked Trump, if you are re-elected president, will you use the power of the president to retaliate against your political opponents, the political opponent is Biden, Trump replied like this, I said that my revenge is success, I want to make this country successful again. Is there someone who didn't understand Trump's answer, I'll translate it for you, Trump is saying, my revenge is to make America great again, because this guy on the other side has made America terrible, please put the word pattern on the public screen, this is really beautiful. As for whether Trump wants to retaliate against Biden, it depends on whether this thing can make the United States great again, if so, it is estimated that Trump does not mind letting Biden go to jail at all, experience my taste, and rush to Trump this answer, this game Trump won completely, so far the debate lasted for nearly an hour, to be honest, two eighty-year-old men did not eat or drink, and fought for an hour, this physical fitness is really good, the next topic is the issue of African Americans, this problem is in general, The situation of African Americans is now too poor compared to that of white people, and how the two presidents are prepared to improve this situation, Biden's answer I summarized in three points. One, when I was in office, I did a lot of things, provided a lot of benefits to African Americans, they had subsidized housing, higher wages, and guaranteed to have children. Second, African-Americans are historically the best compared to before. Three, although everyone is a little miserable now, but this is all caused by inflation, I will solve it as soon as possible, the above is the pot I summarized for Biden, and when it was Trump's turn to answer, Trump also helped Biden summarize it, and Trump came up to be the king of the bomb. He caused inflation, and as a result he shifted the blame to inflation.

In the second half of the first round of the 2024 U.S. presidential debate, Trump won

Do you see it, what is called grasping the main contradiction, Trump grabbed it as soon as he came up, and I announced that Trump had defeated Biden in this game, but there was such a scene in this process that was very interesting. That is when Trump expounded his opinion, Biden turned his head to look at Trump suddenly, and looked at it for more than ten seconds.

In the second half of the first round of the 2024 U.S. presidential debate, Trump won

So far, the main issues in this debate have been said in the same way, and then there are climate issues, social security issues, child care issues, and addicts, which are very messy, but Trump still grasps the main contradiction, that is, all the above problems are caused by immigrants, why are there more addicts because Mexicans are coming, why are child care fees increasing, there are more illegal immigrants, why are there no social security payments, and it is also caused by immigration, Trump can always lead all kinds of problems to the immigration issue, Biden is really an immigrant, a defeat is also an immigrant, there is no way this is his weakness, and he will skip anything else that is not interesting, but Trump's complaint is too powerful, Trump said that he dared to fire people because others did not do well, and Biden was afraid of offending people, so he never fired people. Every time the two of them express their views, they don't forget to belittle each other as the worst president of the United States. And Biden directly took out the data, who is the worst president in the history of the United States, there is a ranking from the best to the worst, and the worst ranked one is next to him, we call him a presidential historian, and now the debate has been going on for about 80 minutes, and the host asked the two of them a question that everyone is most concerned about, that is, the two of you are so old, can you still be qualified for the job of the president of the United States, Biden did not answer directly, and he couldn't answer, so he said that he was once the second youngest Senate in the United States, is now the oldest president of the United States, and then Biden also said that although the guy next to him is three years younger than himself, his ability is much worse than himself, and the host can't force too hard to get to this position, so he let Biden go, Trump answered very directly, I did two cognitive tests, I got full marks, I often do physical examinations, the doctor said I have no problem, the guy next to me doesn't dare to do any of them, I want to see what he looks like when he does it once, just do the easiest first five questions, Let's see what Biden's expression looked like at the time.

In the second half of the first round of the 2024 U.S. presidential debate, Trump won

Then Trump also said that he had just won two club championships, and he thought that his physical condition was as good as that of 25 years old, and this wave was another Trump victory, I am 25, you are 81, what are you going to fight with me, and the two-minute summary of the two at the end of the debate is a draft prepared in advance, and there is no point in skipping it, so in the end, I ended this video with a passage from Trump killing Biden.

In the second half of the first round of the 2024 U.S. presidential debate, Trump won

I hope he's a great president, because then I don't have to be here. I just want America to be great again. What a simple and unpretentious ideal, and this comes from the mouth of a 78-year-old American man, this is the MAGA in my heart.

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