
"Huawei tax" is also coming? $100 for a transaction and $20 for a transaction

author:Literature and Social Sciences

Many people must have heard that the iPhone app store needs to be taxed, the tax rate is about 30%, and if you want to enter the iPhone app store, you also need to go through Apple's review. In fact, this happens not only in iPhones, but also in other Apple electronic devices, which use the IOS system, will take a tax on the software that enters the app store, and even the Android system.

"Huawei tax" is also coming? $100 for a transaction and $20 for a transaction

In fact, this kind of tax is also the main source of revenue for Android and IOS, and these fees alone can bring tens of billions of dollars to Apple and Google every year. However, what people didn't expect was that not long ago, Huawei also reported that the app store of the Hongmeng system will also take a commission, with a proportion of about 20%. Previously, the commission of Android and IOS systems was also known as Apple tax and Google tax, and now after Huawei's news was made public, many people said: Huawei tax is also coming.

According to the current public information, the percentage of the application store of the Hongmeng system is 20%, which also means that subsequent users buy some applications in the app store, for every 100 yuan of revenue, Huawei can get 20 yuan, and the income of application software developers is only 80 yuan.

"Huawei tax" is also coming? $100 for a transaction and $20 for a transaction

This is not surprising, since this has always been the case in the world of operating systems. For Huawei, the development of the HarmonyOS system originally required a lot of investment in funds and R&D teams, and even after the R&D was completed, it needed to be continuously maintained and upgraded, and a large amount of expenses were also required in the future.

For software developers, they need to rely on the operating system platform, and naturally they also need to share a certain cost. The most important thing is that compared to Google and Apple, Huawei's commission ratio is actually very low. What's more, the IOS system itself is still closed, and there is no way for third-party apps to pay funds to enter the IOS app store, although Apple announced that it has opened the sideload of the IOS system in the European market, it also needs to be reviewed and commissioned.

"Huawei tax" is also coming? $100 for a transaction and $20 for a transaction

Judging from the current news, in fact, many application software manufacturers are willing to accept Huawei's requirements, after all, this proportion is not only within a reasonable range, but also much less than Android and IOS.

Judging from the current situation, the reason why Huawei chose this way, on the one hand, is to hope to maintain these commissions in a normal range, after all, from the previous time when Huawei collected patent licensing fees in the field of communication technology, especially 5G technology, the rate charged is actually much lower than that of Qualcomm, Ericsson and other American and Western manufacturers, Huawei has also won the recognition of a large number of communication companies, and has a great effect on Huawei's market influence and reputation.

"Huawei tax" is also coming? $100 for a transaction and $20 for a transaction

On the other hand, Huawei also hopes to get more support from application software developers in this way. After all, judging from the current situation, the ecological environment of Huawei's HarmonyOS system is still under construction, and the number of native applications of the HarmonyOS system exceeds 4,000, but it has not yet reached 5,000.

Huawei plans to build 500,000 HarmonyOS native apps by 2027, and Shenzhen has also issued a requirement to make the number of HarmonyOS native apps account for about 10% of the total number of domestic applications. However, the number of native applications of the HarmonyOS system continues to grow, and Huawei also needs the support of more application software vendors to continue to build the ecosystem of the HarmonyOS system.

"Huawei tax" is also coming? $100 for a transaction and $20 for a transaction

It is precisely because of this series of reasons that Huawei has chosen to reduce the percentage of application software, and it is not difficult to see from the current situation that Huawei's approach has actually attracted a lot of application software manufacturers for Huawei, and the number of Huawei's native applications is increasing rapidly, and many well-known domestic Internet companies and application software developers have also expressed their intention to cooperate with Huawei.

At the same time, many people in the industry also believe that if Huawei sets the application software commission of the HarmonyOS system at 20%, it will also bring a lot of pressure to Google and Apple. After all, the rapid development of the Hongmeng system is obvious to all, judging from the data published by the American research agency, the market share of the Hongmeng system in the Chinese market has surpassed IOS, becoming the second largest operating system in the domestic market.

"Huawei tax" is also coming? $100 for a transaction and $20 for a transaction

This not only means that the HarmonyOS system has broken the market monopoly of Android and IOS in the field of operating systems, but also means that the HarmonyOS system can compete with Android and IOS on the same stage. Originally, the development of the Hongmeng system was very rapid, and now the Hongmeng system has taken a key step again, and there are advantages in terms of commission, there will inevitably be more application software manufacturers to cooperate with Huawei, which will further accelerate the construction of the ecological environment of the Hongmeng system, which is obviously more beneficial to the development of the Hongmeng system.

You know,Previously, there were many international manufacturers who wanted to independently develop operating systems,The problem is the lack of sufficient ecological environment support,Now Huawei has basically solved this problem,The development of the HarmonyOS system has begun to continue to accelerate。

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