
Wang Xiaotang, China's first female general: Losing a son and a husband, sonorous roses will eventually bloom in the soil of suffering

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Wang Xiaotang, China's first female general: Losing a son and a husband, sonorous roses will eventually bloom in the soil of suffering

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Wang Xiaotang, China's first female general: Losing a son and a husband, sonorous roses will eventually bloom in the soil of suffering

If suffering had a name, maybe she would be called Wang Xiaotang.

In 1955, "The Mysterious Traveling Companion" was born, and Wang Xiaotang of "Xiao Liying" became a goddess idol in the hearts of thousands of people.

Wang Xiaotang, China's first female general: Losing a son and a husband, sonorous roses will eventually bloom in the soil of suffering

With her pretty face and bright eyes, her every move is unforgettable.

In the play, she gained sincere feelings, and Wang Xiaotang outside the play also got a wishful husband.

Wang Xiaotang, China's first female general: Losing a son and a husband, sonorous roses will eventually bloom in the soil of suffering

thought that the two would grow old in a quiet and happy day.

However, fate played a huge joke on this woman who had suffered for half her life.

first lost his only son at the age of 17 in middle age, and then lost his husband who had been with him all his life at the age of 58.

Wang Xiaotang, China's first female general: Losing a son and a husband, sonorous roses will eventually bloom in the soil of suffering

But even so, in her later years, she still did not bow to fate.

In 2024, she made a surprise appearance at CCTV's "Classic Night" party.

Wang Xiaotang, China's first female general: Losing a son and a husband, sonorous roses will eventually bloom in the soil of suffering

The 90-year-old Wang Lao is in good spirits under the screen, and his indifferent face is still the same.

Coming from the soil of suffering, what stories did Wang Xiaotang experience? Is she okay now?

Wang Xiaotang, China's first female general: Losing a son and a husband, sonorous roses will eventually bloom in the soil of suffering

The family is harmonious and the career is smooth

In 1955, actor Wang Xiaotang and Peking Opera actor Yan Xiaopeng formed an enviable happy family.

Wang Xiaotang, China's first female general: Losing a son and a husband, sonorous roses will eventually bloom in the soil of suffering

The birth of his only son, Yanqun, made this sweet family of two even more happy.

After the birth of his son, Wang Xiaotang's career was also booming.

After starring in many films such as "Beacon Fire in the Border Village", she became a well-known actress.

Wang Xiaotang, China's first female general: Losing a son and a husband, sonorous roses will eventually bloom in the soil of suffering

Her acting skills are delicate and sincere, and her expressive eyes are full of emotions conveyed to the audience.

And because she danced a rumba dance in "Heroes and Tiger Courage", she became the "most beautiful female spy" in the hearts of the people.

Wang Xiaotang, China's first female general: Losing a son and a husband, sonorous roses will eventually bloom in the soil of suffering

Later, in "Wildfire Spring Breeze Fighting Ancient City", she played two roles again, playing her sister Jinhuan and sister Yinhuan.

Wang Xiaotang, China's first female general: Losing a son and a husband, sonorous roses will eventually bloom in the soil of suffering

When I first received this role, many people were not optimistic about Wang Xiaotang playing her sister.

feels that Wang Xiaotang can only play a gentle and pure role like his sister Yinhuan, but Wang Xiaotang, who is bold and resolute like his sister Jinhuan, can't play it.

Wang Xiaotang, China's first female general: Losing a son and a husband, sonorous roses will eventually bloom in the soil of suffering

But as soon as the movie was released, Wang Xiaotang impressed the audience with her sincere and delicate acting skills, and also moved people who were not optimistic about her before. This brought Wang Xiaotang's career to a peak.

Wang Xiaotang, China's first female general: Losing a son and a husband, sonorous roses will eventually bloom in the soil of suffering

The success of her career is inseparable from the support of her husband behind her.

Since Wang Xiaotang gave birth to his son Yan Qun, the relationship between the couple has become deeper, and the big and small affairs of the family are handled by Yan Xiaopeng.

The couple work hand in hand to create a warm and happy family atmosphere.

Wang Xiaotang, China's first female general: Losing a son and a husband, sonorous roses will eventually bloom in the soil of suffering

Bumpy childhood, you have to meet nobles

However, the artist's childhood was not so smooth, and the contrast to his youth was full of ups and downs.

Wang Xiaotang, China's first female general: Losing a son and a husband, sonorous roses will eventually bloom in the soil of suffering

Because of her premature birth, Wang Xiaotang was born with eye disease, and doctors and parents had no hope that she would survive.

But she grew up safe and healthy.

Wang Xiaotang, China's first female general: Losing a son and a husband, sonorous roses will eventually bloom in the soil of suffering

However, the times were turbulent, and she was not very stable when she was a child.

He has followed his parents to Wuhan, Nanjing and other places, and hunger is the deepest memory of Wang Xiaotang's childhood.

Wang Xiaotang, China's first female general: Losing a son and a husband, sonorous roses will eventually bloom in the soil of suffering

Even so, parents attach great importance to their daughter's education.

She worshipped Peking Opera actor Lang Dingyi as her teacher, but her master Lang Dingyi died of illness two years later.

Wang Xiaotang, China's first female general: Losing a son and a husband, sonorous roses will eventually bloom in the soil of suffering

In 1952, Wang Xiaotang was exceptionally admitted to the Peking Opera Troupe of the General Political Art Troupe of the Chinese People's Liberation Army under the strong recommendation of Huang Zongjiang.

Wang Xiaotang, China's first female general: Losing a son and a husband, sonorous roses will eventually bloom in the soil of suffering

Later, she was transferred to the General Political Repertory Troupe and met her husband, who had been with her all her life.

Wang Xiaotang, China's first female general: Losing a son and a husband, sonorous roses will eventually bloom in the soil of suffering

On the occasion of a New Year's Day, an accident will become the place where Wang Xiaotang's dream begins.

The movie "The Mysterious Traveling Companion" has started filming and is recruiting actors.

Wang Xiaotang, China's first female general: Losing a son and a husband, sonorous roses will eventually bloom in the soil of suffering

But the choice of the heroine was delayed, and director Lin Nong saw Wang Xiaotang by chance and decided to let her play the role of Xiao Liying.

Wang Xiaotang, China's first female general: Losing a son and a husband, sonorous roses will eventually bloom in the soil of suffering

It turns out that the director is really smart.

As soon as the movie was released, it received rave reviews, especially the heroine Xiao Liying, which left a deep impression on the audience.

And Wang Xiaotang, who was young and immature at that time, will eventually rely on himself to go to a higher and broader world.

Wang Xiaotang, China's first female general: Losing a son and a husband, sonorous roses will eventually bloom in the soil of suffering

Fall in love at first sight and start a family

When Wang Xiaotang was on her way to success, she and her husband Yan Xiaopeng met in the Chinese People's Liberation Army General Political Cultural and Artistic Peking Opera Troupe.

Wang Xiaotang, China's first female general: Losing a son and a husband, sonorous roses will eventually bloom in the soil of suffering

Yan Xiaopeng was born into a Peking Opera family, and almost all of his family devoted themselves to artistic creation.

Under the teaching of words and deeds, Yan Xiaopeng also became an actor.

Wang Xiaotang, China's first female general: Losing a son and a husband, sonorous roses will eventually bloom in the soil of suffering

He fell in love with his wife Wang Xiaotang at first sight, and Xiaopeng's unsmiling temperament also deeply attracted Wang Xiaotang.

The two young men quickly fell in love, and the nine-year age difference was not worth mentioning in the eyes of two like-minded people.

After the two confirmed their hearts to each other, they got married in 1955.

Wang Xiaotang, China's first female general: Losing a son and a husband, sonorous roses will eventually bloom in the soil of suffering

After marriage, Yan Xiaopeng was willing to become his wife's "virtuous helper" and take care of all affairs.

He is willing to be his wife's green leaf, and fully supports his wife, so that his wife has the energy to fully devote herself to work, which is also one of the important reasons why Wang Xiaotang's career can be successful.

Wang Xiaotang, China's first female general: Losing a son and a husband, sonorous roses will eventually bloom in the soil of suffering

Sudden change of heart, son died

Wang Xiaotang's family life is happy, and there are some undercurrents lurking under this calm and waveless life.

Wang Xiaotang, China's first female general: Losing a son and a husband, sonorous roses will eventually bloom in the soil of suffering

In the special political background of the 60s, Wang Xiaotang's career suffered a blow.

Someone deliberately slandered the role of "Golden Ring" played by her as a shrew, and Wang Xiaotang's reputation was greatly affected.

But she didn't give up, and she has been fighting against the voices that slandered her and tried to prove her innocence.

Wang Xiaotang, China's first female general: Losing a son and a husband, sonorous roses will eventually bloom in the soil of suffering

Wang Xiaotang's acting career suffered a lot of turmoil, her reputation was damaged, and all the movies she participated in were banned.

Wang Xiaotang, China's first female general: Losing a son and a husband, sonorous roses will eventually bloom in the soil of suffering

In 1966, she was sent to work on a farm with her husband.

Not only are the conditions here difficult, but Wang Xiaotang is also burdened with unwarranted infamy.

Wang Xiaotang, China's first female general: Losing a son and a husband, sonorous roses will eventually bloom in the soil of suffering

Despite this, Wang Xiaotang has not diminished his enthusiasm for acting.

She organizes theatrical performances on the vast forest farms and shows off her talent to the fullest.

Wang Xiaotang, China's first female general: Losing a son and a husband, sonorous roses will eventually bloom in the soil of suffering

His son, Yanqun, left his parents when he was nine years old and was placed in foster care with relatives.

Although they are not by their son's side, the hearts of the husband and wife have always been closely connected with their son.

But the bad news came that his 17-year-old son was suffering from liver disease.

Wang Xiaotang, China's first female general: Losing a son and a husband, sonorous roses will eventually bloom in the soil of suffering

The couple was far away on the farm, and they couldn't do anything but pray for their son silently.

However, due to the difficult conditions, Yan Qun could not get timely treatment, and finally passed away at the age of 17.

Wang Xiaotang, China's first female general: Losing a son and a husband, sonorous roses will eventually bloom in the soil of suffering

The news of his son's death was undoubtedly a heavy blow to Wang Xiaotang.

When he first heard the tragic news of his son's death, Wang Xiaotang was stunned, and huge despair and sadness shrouded his heart.

Wang Xiaotang, China's first female general: Losing a son and a husband, sonorous roses will eventually bloom in the soil of suffering

Wang Xiaotang in those days was just a mother, and she couldn't recover for a long time in the face of the blow of her son's death.

Wang Xiaotang once choked up in an interview: "As a mother, I can't accept this fact. ”

Wang Xiaotang, China's first female general: Losing a son and a husband, sonorous roses will eventually bloom in the soil of suffering

Live strongly, transform successfully

The well-cultivated only son left the husband and wife in this way.

Fortunately, with the company of her husband Yan Xiaopeng and the help of well-wishers, Wang Xiaotang used her work to dilute the sadness in her heart, and gradually walked out of the grief of her son's death.

Wang Xiaotang, China's first female general: Losing a son and a husband, sonorous roses will eventually bloom in the soil of suffering

At the same time, her fans are silently praying for her.

I hope she can survive this difficult period and return to normal life.

Wang Xiaotang also lived up to expectations and came out of his grief.

Wang Xiaotang, China's first female general: Losing a son and a husband, sonorous roses will eventually bloom in the soil of suffering

The first thing I thought about was to give back to the people and create a people's film.

In 1972, Wang Xiaotang and her husband washed away all the slander on themselves and returned to the familiar studio.

Wang Xiaotang, China's first female general: Losing a son and a husband, sonorous roses will eventually bloom in the soil of suffering

But when Wang Xiaotang returned to this place that carried her dreams, she was 41 years old and middle-aged, but she fell into a situation where there was no drama to play.

But Wang Xiaotang didn't give up, and if she couldn't act in a movie, she went to make a movie, transforming from an actor to a director.

Wang Xiaotang, China's first female general: Losing a son and a husband, sonorous roses will eventually bloom in the soil of suffering

With a solid literary foundation, Wang Xiaotang created the literary work "Xiang" and decided to adapt it into a movie.

As the heroine, she wrote, directed and acted by herself, so that the audience could see a more capable Wang Xiaotang.

Wang Xiaotang, China's first female general: Losing a son and a husband, sonorous roses will eventually bloom in the soil of suffering

At first, everyone was very optimistic about her as if they heard that Wang Xiaotang was going to play her sister Jinhuan, and felt that this was an extremely difficult thing.

But Wang Xiaotang was silent, and only did his own thing with peace of mind.

Wang Xiaotang, China's first female general: Losing a son and a husband, sonorous roses will eventually bloom in the soil of suffering

In "Fragrant Oath", Wang Xiaotang gave up some professional actors and used some people to act in the crew.

What Wang Xiaotang wants is the natural expression of emotions between the masses, which is precious for a movie.

Wang Xiaotang, China's first female general: Losing a son and a husband, sonorous roses will eventually bloom in the soil of suffering

Wang Xiaotang lived up to expectations and won the Golden Rooster Award for Best Screenplay with the movie "Fragrant Oath".

Wang Xiaotang, China's first female general: Losing a son and a husband, sonorous roses will eventually bloom in the soil of suffering

In addition to these two self-written, directed, and acted films.

Wang Xiaotang also supervised a series of high-quality films such as "The Big Turn", "The Great March" and "Competition", these red movies are well-known, allowing the audience to see a new Wang Xiaotang.

But Bayi Film Studio is already at the end of its strength in the storm.

Wang Xiaotang, China's first female general: Losing a son and a husband, sonorous roses will eventually bloom in the soil of suffering

In 1992, Wang Xiaotang resolutely took the position of director of Bayi Film Factory.

sacrificing his personal time and working overtime 16 hours a day made the film studio turn from crisis to safety, turning losses into profits, from the original loss to the purchase of a large-scale film and television base.

Wang Xiaotang, China's first female general: Losing a son and a husband, sonorous roses will eventually bloom in the soil of suffering

Wang Xiaotang's career can usher in a second spring, in addition to her own excellence, her husband also silently supports her behind her.

Since the death of his only son Yan Qun, her husband Yan Xiaopeng wants to have another child, but Wang Xiaotang thinks: "It is not him to have another one." ”

Wang Xiaotang, China's first female general: Losing a son and a husband, sonorous roses will eventually bloom in the soil of suffering

The husband said that Xiaopeng respected his wife, supported his wife's decision, and only silently helped her take care of all affairs behind him, so that his wife no longer had to worry about the future and devoted herself to her career.

Wang Xiaotang, China's first female general: Losing a son and a husband, sonorous roses will eventually bloom in the soil of suffering

Lose your husband and never lose your love

But the sky is unpredictable, and I thought that with the support and strength of her husband, this weather-beaten strong woman would gradually be able to relieve the pain of losing her child.

Wang Xiaotang, China's first female general: Losing a son and a husband, sonorous roses will eventually bloom in the soil of suffering

But her husband, who has always applauded her in her glory, and her husband, who silently accompanied her and gave her strength during the trough period, was killed by death at the age of 58 in 1993 at the age of 67.

Wang Xiaotang, China's first female general: Losing a son and a husband, sonorous roses will eventually bloom in the soil of suffering

The news of her husband's death was a thunderbolt for her.

Her husband is Wang Xiaotang's only relative in the world, and Wang Xiaotang, who lost her son in middle age and her husband in her later years, was grief-stricken after losing two relatives.

Wang Xiaotang, China's first female general: Losing a son and a husband, sonorous roses will eventually bloom in the soil of suffering

She once wrote on social media: "Losing you, my world collapsed in an instant. ”

But she did not let herself indulge in grief, but relied on her perseverance to get out of the swamp of grief step by step.

She remembers her relatives in her heart, mourns them in her own way, and actively devotes herself to public welfare undertakings to help those in need.

Wang Xiaotang, China's first female general: Losing a son and a husband, sonorous roses will eventually bloom in the soil of suffering

Indomitable and eventually a legend

Wang Xiaotang experienced the blow of her husband's death in previous years.

She turns her grief into motivation, avoids her longing and devotes all her energy to her work.

She returned to the film studio and was promoted to major general, becoming China's first female general.

Wang Xiaotang, China's first female general: Losing a son and a husband, sonorous roses will eventually bloom in the soil of suffering

She has won numerous awards in her life and created one brilliant career after another.

She said: "My performance is only for the people."

Wang Xiaotang, China's first female general: Losing a son and a husband, sonorous roses will eventually bloom in the soil of suffering


Wang Xiaotang is now 90 years old, and he has been miserable for half of his life, but now he can enjoy his old age in peace.

She is an admirable artist and a legendary woman in the hearts of the people.

Wang Xiaotang, China's first female general: Losing a son and a husband, sonorous roses will eventually bloom in the soil of suffering
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Wang Xiaotang, China's first female general: Losing a son and a husband, sonorous roses will eventually bloom in the soil of suffering
Wang Xiaotang, China's first female general: Losing a son and a husband, sonorous roses will eventually bloom in the soil of suffering
Wang Xiaotang, China's first female general: Losing a son and a husband, sonorous roses will eventually bloom in the soil of suffering

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