
Yongzheng 40: The top person Jing Tu Lichen tells you, who said that generals are simple-minded and big men have wisdom

author:There are fish in the North Underworld

In the officialdom of the Yongzheng Dynasty, there was a military general who shocked everyone with his unique wisdom and methods. He is Tu Lichen, a seemingly rugged general, but with unimaginable resourcefulness. When the corruption case of Shanxi Governor Nuo Min surfaced, Emperor Yongzheng sent Tu Lichen and Tian Wenjing as Qin messengers to investigate. No one expected that this cross-faced Wu would become the key figure in revealing the truth.

In his unique way, Tu Lichen skillfully maneuvered through the Shanxi officialdom, using his seemingly simple but extremely deterrent means to gradually break down Nuomin's defenses. How did he get to grips with the whole case in just a few days? How did he stand out from the encirclement of many civil officials and become the most trusted minister of the Yongzheng Emperor?

Yongzheng 40: The top person Jing Tu Lichen tells you, who said that generals are simple-minded and big men have wisdom

This story not only reveals the wisdom of a military general, but also reflects the complex political ecology of the Yongzheng Dynasty. In this thrilling game of officialdom, how did Tu Lichen use his "military wisdom" to successfully complete the important task assigned to him by Yongzheng? What kind of shock will his actions bring to Shanxi officialdom?

On August 15 of the twelfth year of Yongzheng, the Yamen of the governor of Shanxi was brightly lit, and it was a joyful scene. During the Mid-Autumn Festival, Lord Nuo Min set up a banquet to entertain officials at all levels in Shanxi. However, in the midst of this joyous atmosphere, the harmony of this feast was broken by the arrival of an uninvited guest.

I saw a burly military general with a scar on his face striding into the yamen, followed by a team of menacing guards. This uninvited guest was the minister sent by Emperor Yongzheng - Tu Lichen. His sudden appearance made the entire banquet scene instantly quiet, and everyone's eyes were focused on this uninvited guest.

Lord Nuo Min hurriedly got up and stepped forward with a strong pretense of composure: "Governor Nuo Min of Chenshan Mountain, respectfully invite Saint Ann!" Tu Lichen coldly glanced at the officials present, and then said to Nuo Min: "Lord Nuo doesn't need to be polite, this official came by order to discuss important matters." "

Yongzheng 40: The top person Jing Tu Lichen tells you, who said that generals are simple-minded and big men have wisdom

Nuo Min was shocked, but he still maintained a respectful posture on the surface, and led Tu Lichen to the side hall. After the two of them sat down, Nuo Min couldn't wait to speak: "Master Tu, you came this time to ...... me."

Tu Lichen interrupted Nuo Min's words and said bluntly: "Lord Nuo, the imperial court sent me here to investigate the affairs of the Shanxi Domain. These words were like a heavy hammer, hitting Nomin in the heart fiercely.

Nuo Min forced his composure and said with a smile: "Master Tu, you came just in time. It just so happens that Lord Tian Wenjing is also in Shanxi, why don't we discuss this matter together? "

Tu Lichen nodded, and then asked, "Master Nuo, I heard that you have a lot of relationship with Long Zhongtang?" "

Nuo Min was stunned for a moment, and then showed a hint of pride: "Don't hide it, Lord Tu, Long Zhongtang does have some friendship with me. To tell you the truth, I already knew the news of your visit to Shanxi at the beginning of this month. "

When Tu Lichen heard this, a meaningful smile appeared on his face: "Oh? At that time, the will of the imperial court had not yet been issued, and Lord Nuo knew about it? "

Nuo Min realized that he had slipped his mouth, and quickly explained, "It was Takatsu-sama Takatsu who told me. "

At this moment, Tian Wenjing also came to the scene. As soon as he came in, he saluted Tu Lichen: "Chentian Wenjing, respectfully Saint Ann!" "

Yongzheng 40: The top person Jing Tu Lichen tells you, who said that generals are simple-minded and big men have wisdom

Tu Lichen waved his hand and said, "Lord Tian doesn't need to be polite. The emperor asked me to bring you a message and ask you to check the treasury in Shanxi, I don't know how it went? "

Tian Wenjing replied confidently: "Lord Hui, the minister will be able to find out within two days." "

Hearing this, Tu Lichen frowned slightly: "This is unlikely, right......"

Tian Wenjing said firmly: "If you can't find out the shortcomings of the domain within two days, Tian is willing to accept the guilt!" "

When Nomin heard this, his heart became even more uneasy. He knows very well the intricacies of Shanxi officialdom, how can he find out in two days? But why is Tian Wenjing so confident? Did he already have any evidence?

Just when Nuo Min was secretly thinking in his heart, Tu Lichen suddenly stood up and said to everyone present: "Everyone, since today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, why don't we raise a glass and celebrate together?" "

This proposal seems ordinary, but it makes Nomin's heart ring. He vaguely felt that this seemingly rugged military general did not seem to be as simple as it seemed. And what happened next would completely confirm Nomin's suspicions.

After the Mid-Autumn Festival banquet in the Yamen of the Shanxi Governor's Yamen, Tu Lichen and Tian Wenjing found a secluded place for a secret meeting. Both of them knew very well that it would not be easy to find out the problems of the Shanxi Domain.

Yongzheng 40: The top person Jing Tu Lichen tells you, who said that generals are simple-minded and big men have wisdom

Tu Lichen said straight to the point: "Lord Tian, you just said that you can find out the problem of the domain treasury in two days, but what kind of tricks do you have?" "

Tian Wenjing showed a hint of a smile: "Master Tu, I have already sent someone to post a notice announcing the blockade of the domain. At the same time, we also released the news that we were going to check all the merchants and gentry who had lent money to the government. This trick will definitely make those who collude with the government restless. "

Tu Lichen's eyes lit up: "Brilliant plan! In this way, those businessmen who usually collude with the government must panic, and in order to protect their own interests, they will definitely rush to get back the money lent to the government. We just have to wait and see how much evidence we have. "

Tian Wenjing nodded and said, "That's right." That's not enough, though. We need to push further to push Nomin to show his feet. "

Turichen pondered for a moment, and suddenly said, "I have an idea. Tomorrow morning, we can suddenly announce that we are going to inspect the clothing of all officials. You and I both know that many corrupt officials like to hide something unsightly in their clothes. This trick will definitely catch them off guard. "

Tian Wenjing agreed: "Good idea! In this way, not only can officials panic, but they will also be able to search their homes. "

The two of them had agreed and began to go their separate ways. Tian Wenjing was in charge of dealing with the blockade of the domain, while Tu Lichen began to secretly observe Nuomin's every move.

Early the next morning, Turichen arrived at Nomin's mansion. He deliberately pretended to be casual and exchanged a few words with Nomin. However, he keenly noticed that Nomin's expression seemed to be more nervous than last night, and he looked out from time to time, as if waiting for someone.

Yongzheng 40: The top person Jing Tu Lichen tells you, who said that generals are simple-minded and big men have wisdom

Tu Lichen deliberately asked: "Lord Nuo, last night Lord Tian said that he would block the domain, I don't know what the situation is now?" "

Nomin replied with a forced composure, "This... Master Tu, Tian Daren's approach is probably a bit radical. The blockade of the feudal treasury is a major event, and it requires the holy decree of the imperial court. "

Tu Lichen said quietly: "Oh? Then what should be done with Lord Enoch's opinion? "

Nuo Min hurriedly said: "In my opinion, it is better to postpone the execution first." After all, there are still many victims in Shanxi who need help, and if the feudal treasury is rashly blocked, I am afraid that it will affect the disaster relief work. "

Turichen nodded and didn't say anything more. But he already had a judgment in his mind: Nomin was obviously trying to obstruct the investigation process, which further confirmed his suspicions.

At that moment, a servant hurried over and whispered a few words in Nomin's ear. Nuo Min's face turned pale in an instant, he barely squeezed out a smile, and said to Tu Lichen: "Master Tu, forgive me for being missed, there are some urgent official duties that need to be dealt with. "

Tu Lichen pretended to ask casually: "But what about the domain?" "

Nomin replied, "No... It's not, it's... It's some daily official business. With that, he hurried away.

Yongzheng 40: The top person Jing Tu Lichen tells you, who said that generals are simple-minded and big men have wisdom

Tu Lichen looked at the back of Nuo Min's departure, and a meaningful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He knew that Tian Wenjing's strategy had begun to work.

That afternoon, Turichen gathered a few reliable guards and quietly followed Nomin. Sure enough, they discover that Nomin has secretly met with several businessmen, apparently to discuss how to deal with the current situation.

In the evening, Tu Lichen and Tian Wenjing met again secretly and exchanged information in their possession.

Tian Wenjing said excitedly: "Master Tu, there are already many businessmen who have come to get back the money lent to the government today. We found some suspicious accounts, and it seems that the problem of the domain treasury is far more serious than we thought. "

Tu Lichen nodded and said, "Not bad." I also found out today that Nomin seems to be secretly colluding with some people. It seems that our strategy has worked. "

After the two deliberated, they decided to take action in the morning of the next day. They want to take advantage of the fact that Nuo Min and others have not yet reacted to expose the corruption problem of Shanxi officialdom in one fell swoop.

Turichen proposed: "Tomorrow morning, we might as well have a surprise attack." I led the guards directly into the lobby and told all the officers to take off their coats and be examined. In this way, the officials who hide the stolen goods will definitely panic. "

Tian Wenjing agreed: "Good idea! Coupled with the previous investigation of the domain, we believe that those corrupt officials will be able to show their feet. "

Yongzheng 40: The top person Jing Tu Lichen tells you, who said that generals are simple-minded and big men have wisdom

After the two agreed on the strategy, they each went back to prepare. They all know that tomorrow will be a thrilling contest, and the result of this contest is not only related to the fate of Shanxi officialdom, but also related to Emperor Yongzheng's trust in them.

In the early morning of the next day, in the yamen of the governor of Shanxi, a thrilling contest was being staged.

When Nomin and the other officials arrived in the hall to prepare for the morning pilgrimage, as was customary, they were surprised to find that Turichen had already led a group of guards waiting there. Tu Lichen's face was serious, his eyes were like torches, and he glanced at everyone present.

"According to the emperor's secret order, a surprise inspection will be carried out on all of you here today." Tu Lichen's voice echoed in the lobby, "Please cooperate, take off your coats, and be examined." "

This sudden order made the officials present panic. Some looked frightened, others began to whisper, and others tried to quietly exit the lobby.

Nuo Min pretended to be calm, stepped forward and said, "Master Tu, what does this mean?" We are all officials of the imperial court, how can we be treated like this? "

Tu Lichen looked at Nuo Min coldly: "Lord Nuo, are you questioning the emperor's will?" "

Nomin was speechless for a moment, and could only take a step back. At this moment, Tian Wenjing also entered the lobby with a team of officers and soldiers. He held a list in his hand and announced loudly: "The following officials, please follow me to the domain treasury immediately for investigation." "

Yongzheng 40: The top person Jing Tu Lichen tells you, who said that generals are simple-minded and big men have wisdom

There was an uproar in the lobby. The faces of several officials whose names were named turned pale in an instant, and some even began to tremble slightly.

Seeing this, Nuo Min hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Lord Tian, these are my right-hand men, they work diligently on weekdays, and there can be no problems. Why don't you let me vouch for them? "

Tian Wenjing was unmoved: "Lord Nuo, this is the emperor's will, how can you and I change it at will?" I would like to ask these adults to come with me immediately. "

Just then, an officer suddenly rushed to the lobby door and tried to escape. Turichen's eyes were quick, and he stepped forward with an arrow and grabbed the official's collar.

"Bold!" Tu Lichen shouted, "What do you mean by this? Is there a ghost in my heart? "

The official suddenly collapsed to the ground, trembling and said, "Big... Spare your life! Small... The villain is just confused for a moment......"

Turichen ordered the guards to search the official's clothes, and sure enough, some documents and silver tickets were found in his underwear. Tu Lichen took a look and found that the accounts recorded on it were some shady accounts.

"Okay," Tu Lichen sneered, "It seems that the officialdom in Shanxi is even more corrupt than I thought. How do you explain this, Lord Nuo? "

Yongzheng 40: The top person Jing Tu Lichen tells you, who said that generals are simple-minded and big men have wisdom

Nomin was already in a cold sweat at this time, and he forced himself to calm down and said, "This... This must have been framed by someone! Master Tu knows everything clearly, and he will not be blinded by these little tricks, right? "

Ignoring Nomin's arguments, Turichen turned to the other officials: "Everyone, now give you a chance. Those who take the initiative to confess can be lightly punished. Otherwise, once it is verified, it will not be spared! "

These words were like a hammer, shattering the last luck of the officials present. Suddenly, there was chaos in the lobby. Some people began to confess their crimes, while others blamed each other, and the scene got out of control for a while.

At that moment, a guard hurried into the lobby and whispered a few words in Tu Lichen's ear. After hearing this, Tu Lichen's face suddenly became more serious.

"Nomin!" Tu Lichen shouted, "Are you guilty? "

Nomin's face was already earthy at this time, and he asked tremblingly, "Figure... Figure, what is the crime of the villain? "

Tu Lichen sneered: "What is the crime? Just now, my people found a large number of ledgers and silver bills in your house, which are all evidence of your corruption! What's more, we have found evidence of your collusion with some businessmen. What else do you have to say? "

When Nuo Min heard this, he suddenly felt like he had been struck by lightning, his legs weakened, and he fell to the ground. He knew that his crime had been exposed, and there was no day to turn over.

Yongzheng 40: The top person Jing Tu Lichen tells you, who said that generals are simple-minded and big men have wisdom

Tuli Pi pointed at everyone and said sharply: "Everyone, today's events are enough to prove that Shanxi officialdom has become corrupt!" From now on, all officials will be subject to intense scrutiny. Anyone who has committed corruption and malpractice will be severely punished! "

There was silence in the lobby, and everyone was speechless from the shock of this sudden change. And Tu Lichen and Tian Wenjing glanced at each other, and they both understood that this was only the first step in uncovering the corruption of Shanxi officialdom. Ahead, there are even more difficult tasks that await them.

Just then, a swift messenger burst into the lobby, holding a decree. Tu Lichen took the decree and unfolded it, a smile appeared on his face.

"Ladies and gentlemen," Tu Lichen announced in a loud voice, "the emperor has learned of the corruption in Shanxi officialdom, and has appointed me to deal with this matter with full authority. From now on, all officials in Shanxi province will be subject to strict scrutiny. Anyone who dares to obstruct the investigation of the case is against the emperor! "

This decree was like a hammer, completely shattering the last hope of those officials who still had a fluke mentality. There was an uproar in the lobby, with some people beginning to confess their crimes, while others began to accuse each other. Tu Lichen and Tian Wenjing, on the other hand, began to arrange the next step of the investigation, knowing that the real challenge had just begun.

With the success of the early dynasty raids, Tu Lichen and Tian Wenjing began a comprehensive investigation of Shanxi officialdom. They know that the breakthrough on the surface is only the tip of the iceberg, and the real challenge has just begun.

In order to ensure the impartiality and efficiency of the investigation, Turichen decided to set up a special investigation team. He hand-picked a group of loyal and reliable officials, including some young officials who had recently been transferred from the capital, and a small number of local people who were not implicated. This team became a sharp sword in his hand, and began to conduct an all-round review of Shanxi officialdom.

The investigation team began by looking at the ledgers and documents found in the Nomin house. These documents are like a key that opens the door to corruption in Shanxi officialdom. By combing through the accounts, they gradually unraveled a complex web of corruption.

Yongzheng 40: The top person Jing Tu Lichen tells you, who said that generals are simple-minded and big men have wisdom

In this network, Nomin plays a key role. Not only did he embezzle huge sums of public money himself, but he also colluded with a number of local officials and businessmen to form an intertwined interest group. This group has enriched its own pockets by manipulating grain prices, falsely reporting the disaster situation, embezzling disaster relief funds, and other means, causing huge losses to the people of Shanxi.

During the investigation, Tu Lichen and Tian Wenjing faced many obstacles. Some local officials and businessmen have tried to obstruct the investigation through various means, and some have even tried to bribe investigators. What's more, some powerful people in the capital who are related to Nuomin have also begun to secretly exert pressure in an attempt to influence the results of the investigation.

In the face of these pressures, Turichen did not flinch. On the one hand, he strengthened the protection of the investigation team, and on the other hand, he also constantly reported the progress of the investigation to the Yongzheng Emperor to gain more support.

At a secret meeting, Tian Wenjing reported the latest findings to Tu Lichen: "My lord, when we checked the accounts of the feudal treasury, we found that there were major problems in the use of disaster relief funds due to several major droughts in Shanxi in recent years. There is evidence that Nomin and others took the opportunity to embezzle disaster relief funds on a large scale, resulting in many victims not receiving timely assistance. "

When Tu Lichen heard this, his face was solemn: "This is a great sin!" Continue to investigate in depth and be sure to find out. "

Just as the investigation is in full swing, an unexpected discovery complicates the situation. During the interrogation of a businessman close to Nuomin, the investigation team unexpectedly learned the startling news that there appeared to be a secret private silver coin workshop in Shanxi.

This news was like a bombshell, and the whole investigation was plunged into a deeper vortex. Privately minting silver coins was not only a felony, but also a direct threat to the financial foundations of the imperial court. Turichen realized that this might involve a bigger conspiracy than they had imagined.

In order to find out the truth about this secret workshop, Tu Lichen sent an elite team, led by Tian Wenjing himself. They disguised themselves as businessmen and began to investigate secretly in various parts of Shanxi.

Yongzheng 40: The top person Jing Tu Lichen tells you, who said that generals are simple-minded and big men have wisdom

After several days of arduous searching, Tian Wenjing finally found clues in a remote mountain village outside Taiyuan City. In an abandoned mine, they found a large number of coinage tools and raw materials, as well as some unfinished silver coins.

What is even more shocking is that among the evidence, they found a list of officials and businessmen involved in this illegal activity. This list is like a sharp knife, pointing directly at the corrupt core of Shanxi officialdom.

Tian Wenjing immediately reported this major discovery to Tu Lichen. Turichen realized that this case had gone far beyond an ordinary corruption case, but a major case that endangered the country's financial security.

Tu Lichen immediately decided, on the one hand, to continue the secret investigation, expand the scope of the search, and strive to catch them all; On the other hand, he personally drafted a detailed report to be presented to the Yongzheng Emperor.

However, on the eve of Tulichen's preparation to send the report to the capital, an accident happened. The messenger in charge of delivering the secret message was attacked on the way, and important evidence documents were snatched. This sudden incident made Turichen realize that they were working against a large and hidden force.

Turichen immediately called a meeting of the core members. At the meeting, he said in a deep voice: "Ladies and gentlemen, the situation is more serious than we imagined. Obviously, some people don't want our findings to reach the emperor. We must be doubly careful, but we must also speed up the investigation. No matter what the cost, we must find out the truth of this matter! "

After the meeting, Tu Lichen and Tian Wenjing began to redeploy. They decided to divide their troops into two routes: one was to continue the in-depth investigation of the case of illegal minting of silver coins, and the other was to strengthen the comprehensive investigation of Shanxi officialdom. At the same time, they have also strengthened their own security precautions against further actions of the enemy.

In this way, an even more difficult struggle quietly unfolded on the land of Shanxi. Turichen and his investigative team are facing unprecedented challenges.

Yongzheng 40: The top person Jing Tu Lichen tells you, who said that generals are simple-minded and big men have wisdom

As the investigation deepened, Tu Lichen and Tian Wenjing finally had enough evidence to prepare for the final trial of the corrupt elements in Shanxi officialdom. On this day, the atmosphere in Taiyuan City was tense, the streets were full of officers and soldiers patrolling, and the people were also talking about the upcoming big event.

In a makeshift public trial hall, Tu Lichen sat at the top of the list, with Tian Wenjing and other members of the investigation team on either side. Outside the hall, a large number of people gathered, waiting for the outcome of the judgment.

With the sound of a gong, the escort officer brought Nuo Min and other main people involved in the case to the front of the hall. These once-high-ranking officials are now embarrassed, some bow their heads and remain silent, while others are still justifying.

Tu Lichen announced sharply: "At the behest of the emperor, the Shanxi officialdom corruption case will be openly tried today. Nuo Min and others are officials of the imperial court, but they are corrupt and pervert the law, and they should be punished for their crimes! "

Then, Tian Wenjing began to read out the indictment. It can be clearly seen from this that Nuomin and others not only embezzled huge amounts of public funds, but also colluded with businessmen to manipulate grain prices, and even participated in the major crime of privately minting silver coins. Each accusation was supported by solid evidence, which made the people present angry.

When the case of private minting of silver coins was mentioned, there was an uproar in the hall. Tu Lichen said sternly: "This incident not only endangers the locality, but also a great crime that shakes the foundation of the country. Participants, regardless of officials and businessmen, will be dealt with severely! "

The trial lasted three full days. During this time, new witnesses and evidence were constantly brought to the court. Some of the petty officials collapsed under pressure and confessed more inside information. There are also some businessmen who have exposed other accomplices in order to protect themselves.

In the end, Tu Lichen announced the verdict: Nuomin and other major criminals were sentenced to be executed, and the rest of the officials involved were punished to varying degrees according to the severity of the crime, ranging from exile to dismissal. Merchants involved in the smuggling of silver coins were also sentenced severely, and all their family property was confiscated.

Yongzheng 40: The top person Jing Tu Lichen tells you, who said that generals are simple-minded and big men have wisdom

When the firing squad escorted Nuo Min and others to the execution ground, the people along the way all applauded. Years of pent-up resentment have finally been released.

However, Turichen is well aware that it is not enough to punish these people. In order to fundamentally rectify the officialdom in Shanxi, more efforts are needed.

In the days that followed, Tulichen began to work on rebuilding political order in Shanxi. He first cleared out the middle and lower-level officials who were implicated in Nuo Min and others, and at the same time transferred a group of new officials from the capital to fill the vacancy.

In order to prevent the recurrence of similar corruption, Turichen has developed a series of new management systems. He required all officials to disclose their assets on a regular basis and established a strict system of inspections. At the same time, he also encouraged the people to report the wrongdoing of officials, and promised to reward and protect those who made meritorious reports.

On the economic front, Turichen has also taken a series of measures. He ordered a re-examination of the use of disaster relief funds to ensure that every penny was being spent. In response to previously manipulated food prices, he adopted a policy of stabilizing prices and encouraged businessmen to operate with integrity.

In order to put an end to the practice of minting silver coins, Tulichen strengthened the management of mining areas and smelting workshops. He dispatched a special monitoring team to conduct regular surprise inspections and severely punish violators.

The implementation of these measures has not been without its challenges. Some remnants of the old forces are still secretly obstructing, and some local officials are also passive and slacking off because they do not want to lose their vested interests. In the face of these difficulties, Turichen took even more drastic measures and never tolerated those who violated the rules of the yang and the yin.

At the same time, Turichen also noted the importance of people's livelihood issues. He went to the grassroots many times to understand the suffering of the people. Under his leadership, a number of livelihood projects have been carried out, such as the construction of water conservancy facilities and the improvement of road conditions, which have greatly improved the lives of the people.

Yongzheng 40: The top person Jing Tu Lichen tells you, who said that generals are simple-minded and big men have wisdom

With the passage of time, Shanxi's political ecology gradually improved. Officials have become more incorruptible, and government decrees are better enforced. The people felt the real changes, and their trust in the court grew day by day.

However, Turichen was not satisfied. He is well aware that it will take longer and greater efforts to completely eradicate the accumulated malaise. He continues to be vigilant, keeping a close eye on every corner of Shanxi, ready to deal with new problems that may arise.

In a report to Emperor Yongzheng, Tu Lichen wrote: "Although the ministers have tried their best to rectify the officialdom in Shanxi, the deep-rooted evils cannot be eliminated overnight. The ministers will continue to devote themselves to the rule of officials and return Shanxi to a clean and clean government. "

What began as a whistleblower eventually turned into a political revolution that affected the entire Shanxi province. It not only punished a number of corrupt officials and corrupt officials, but more importantly, it laid the foundation for Shanxi's long-term peace and stability. The impact of this change will be felt in the years to come.