
The shorter the life, the more amazing, the more lustful and tough, the fact that Ming Muzong is the hero of the world is really hammered

author:There are fish in the North Underworld

In the long history of the Ming Dynasty, there was an emperor whose name was often overlooked. His reign was short, but he left an indelible mark. This emperor is Ming Muzong Zhu Zaikun, also known as Emperor Longqing. When it comes to Emperor Longqing, people often think of his lust and short life. But is the truth of history really that simple?

In that turbulent era, Emperor Longqing faced internal and external troubles. In the north, there are strong enemies eyeing the coast, and in the south, there are Japanese pirates wreaking havoc along the coast. Within the imperial court, party strife continued, and people's livelihood withered. However, it is such an emperor who is considered to be obsessed with women, but in just six years of rule, he has made jaw-dropping achievements.

The shorter the life, the more amazing, the more lustful and tough, the fact that Ming Muzong is the hero of the world is really hammered

How did he defuse the threat from the north? And how did you quell the unrest in the South? While solving these thorny problems, why did he still find time to expand his harem aggressively? What is even more puzzling is why such a seemingly absurd monarch can lay the foundation for the prosperity and stability of the Ming Dynasty? What is the true face of Emperor Longqing? Is he really as incompetent as the rumors say? Or is there a hidden heart behind this lustful emperor?

Zhu Zaikun's early life and ascension to the throne

In the thirty-sixth year of Jiajing (1557), Zhu Zaikun was born in the Forbidden City, as the third son of Emperor Jiajing, his childhood was not as rich and comfortable as he imagined. Emperor Jiajing was known for his strictness, and his discipline of his children was even more severe. Zhu Zaikun has lived in the shadow of his father since he was a child, trembling and walking on thin ice.

Growing up in such an environment, Zhu Zaikun developed a cautious and low-key personality. He knew very well that in this royal family, one careless person could be doomed. His two elder brothers are the best examples: the eldest brother Zhu Zaiyuan was excluded from the heir competition early because he was not favored; The second brother Zhu Zaiyan was overly favored, which caused the dissatisfaction of the courtiers, and he was finally deprived of the crown prince.

Zhu Zaikun is well aware of the truth, and he understands that if he wants to survive in this complex environment, he must be cautious in his words and deeds. Every day, he carefully tried to figure out his father's thoughts, and tried his best to show a deferential and humble appearance. Even in the palace, he rarely got close to women, for fear of leaving anyone with any truth.

This life lasted until the forty-fifth year of Jiajing (1566), when Zhu Zaikun had reached the age of nine. In this year, Emperor Jiajing finally decided to establish a prince. The ministers of the court and the central government all thought that the emperor would choose the older prince, but they didn't expect Jiajing to unexpectedly choose Zhu Zaikun. This decision shocked the entire government and the opposition, and also completely changed the fate of Zhu Zaikun.

However, becoming the crown prince did not make Joo Jae-kun's life easier. On the contrary, he was under more pressure. He must always be on the lookout for threats from his brothers, and at the same time deal with the temptations of the ministers of the court. In this environment, Zhu Zaikun became more reticent, burying his head in the classics all day long, trying to improve his ability.

In December of the forty-fifth year of Jiajing, Emperor Jiajing died. Zhu Zaikun, who was only ten years old, hurriedly ascended the throne and became the twelfth emperor of the Ming Dynasty. At the beginning of his ascension to the throne, the situation faced by Zhu Zaikun can be described as internal and external troubles. The Tatars in the north are eyeing each other, the Japanese in the south are raging, and the party struggle between the DPRK and China is becoming increasingly fierce.

The shorter the life, the more amazing, the more lustful and tough, the fact that Ming Muzong is the hero of the world is really hammered

Faced with such a situation, the young Emperor Longqing was not at a loss. On the contrary, he showed extraordinary calmness and intelligence. He began by consolidating his power base and promoting a number of loyal ministers. At the same time, he also began to solve various problems facing the country.

However, what everyone didn't expect was that the young emperor suddenly showed a completely different personality while dealing with state affairs. He began to expand his harem aggressively, drafted frequently, and accepted hundreds of concubines in just a few years. This sudden shift has left many people confused.

Some people say that this is a rebound after a long period of repression by Emperor Longqing; Others say that this is a smokescreen for him to hide his true intentions. In any case, this superficial extravagance contrasts sharply with the wisdom and decisiveness he showed in dealing with state affairs. This contrast also cast a veil of mystery over the reign of Emperor Longqing.

Emperor Longqing's harem life

After Emperor Longqing ascended the throne, he changed his cautious style in the past, and showed a staggering "majestic style" in the life of the harem. The young emperor seemed to want to release the pent-up desires that had been suppressed for many years at one time, and his behavior of expanding the harem on a large scale attracted widespread attention from the government and the opposition.

According to historical records, during the reign of Emperor Longqing, a large-scale draft was held almost every year. This kind of frequent concubine selection is rare in the history of the Ming Dynasty. Normally, the emperor chooses his concubine once every few years, but Emperor Longqing turned it into an annual event. At each draft, hundreds of young and beautiful women were sent to the palace for the emperor to choose.

This kind of large-scale concubine selection activity is not only staggering in number, but also unprecedented in size. Emperor Longqing personally participated in the process of selecting concubines, and carefully examined every woman selected. He even formulated a set of strict criteria for selecting concubines, requiring not only outstanding appearance, but also talent. This almost demanding requirement makes every draft a fierce competition.

The shorter the life, the more amazing, the more lustful and tough, the fact that Ming Muzong is the hero of the world is really hammered

Interestingly, Emperor Longqing's enthusiasm for choosing concubines seems to far exceed his concern for court politics. It is said that at an important court meeting, Emperor Longqing was enthusiastic to discuss the matter of choosing a concubine with the ministers, which made the ministers present feel very embarrassed.

However, this behavior of Emperor Longqing was not without controversy. Many ministers in the court complained about this, believing that the emperor was obsessed with women and violated the ancestral system. In particular, Gao Gong, the first assistant of the cabinet at that time, wrote many times to advise, hoping that the emperor could control the life of the harem and concentrate on governing the country. But these exhortations did not seem to have had much impact on Emperor Longqing.

In the face of the criticism of the courtiers, Emperor Longqing had his own set of rhetoric. He publicly stated that he chose a concubine in order to continue the royal bloodline and ensure the stability of the country. Although this argument could not completely quell the controversy, it also silenced those who opposed it for a while.

Emperor Longqing's attention to the harem is not only reflected in the selection of concubines, but also in the careful arrangement of harem life. He built many exquisite gardens in the palace to provide an elegant and comfortable living environment for his concubines. At the same time, he often held various court activities, such as poetry parties, tea parties, etc., to enrich the life of the harem.

This kind of luxurious harem life undoubtedly requires a lot of financial and material resources. In order to meet these needs, Emperor Longqing even did not hesitate to use the treasury funds. This behavior naturally aroused the displeasure of some ministers, who believed that the emperor was too profligate and detrimental to the interests of the state.

The shorter the life, the more amazing, the more lustful and tough, the fact that Ming Muzong is the hero of the world is really hammered

However, what is surprising is that despite Emperor Longqing's indulgence in harem life, he has shown extraordinary ability in dealing with court affairs. He was able to take time out of his busy harem life to attend to state affairs, and his decisions often showed great political wisdom. This contrast has puzzled many people.

What is even more puzzling is that although Emperor Longqing accepted the harem, he did not abandon the government because of this. On the contrary, under his rule, the national power of the Ming Dynasty increased. He implemented a series of important reforms, such as opening up the sea ban and reforming the tax system, which injected new vitality into the economic development of the Ming Dynasty.

The people also have different opinions on Emperor Longqing's concubine selection. Some people think that the emperor is extravagant, while others think that it is the emperor's prerogative. Some folklore even portrays Emperor Longqing as a suave and talented man, which is in stark contrast to his image in the official history.

In general, Emperor Longqing's harem life can be described as luxurious and extravagant. His passion for women is rare in the history of the Ming Dynasty. However, this apparent obscenity did not affect his ability to govern the country. On the contrary, during his short reign, the Ming Dynasty presented a thriving scene. This contradictory phenomenon also adds a bit of mystery to the image of Emperor Longqing.

Longqing New Deal: the forerunner of reform and opening up

In the history of the Ming Dynasty, although the Longqing period was short, it was a period full of change and innovation. Emperor Longqing reigned for only six years, but he implemented a series of far-reaching reforms, which were collectively known as the "Longqing New Deal" by later generations. These reforms not only injected new vitality into the Ming Dynasty, but also provided valuable experience for the development of later generations.

The shorter the life, the more amazing, the more lustful and tough, the fact that Ming Muzong is the hero of the world is really hammered

The core contents of Longqing's new policy mainly include opening up the sea ban, reforming the tax system, rectifying the rule of officials, and adjusting foreign policy. Among them, the most striking is the decision to open the sea ban.

Since the implementation of the maritime ban policy in the early years of the Ming Dynasty, China's overseas trade has been in a state of contraction. Although this policy curbed the activities of the Japanese to a certain extent, it also seriously restricted the economic development of the coastal areas. After Emperor Longqing came to power, he decisively decided to relax the sea ban and allow private merchant ships to go to sea for trade.

Behind this decision was Emperor Longqing's accurate judgment of the international situation. He recognized that with the rise of European nations, maritime trade had become an important part of national power. If we continue to close ourselves to the rest of the country, we will not only lose opportunities for economic development, but we may also fall behind in international competition.

The policy of opening up the sea ban soon had a noticeable effect. Commercial activities in coastal areas such as Fujian and Guangdong flourished rapidly, and large quantities of silver flowed into China through trade. This not only stimulates the development of the domestic economy, but also provides sufficient financial support for the national finance.

However, the lifting of the sea ban has not been without its challenges. Some conservative ministers objected to this, fearing that the lifting of the ban would lead to an increase in Japanese activities and endanger national security. In the face of these doubts, Emperor Longqing took a series of supporting measures. He strengthened coastal defenses and encouraged the formation of armed merchant ships to develop trade and defend against the Japanese. This flexible policy effectively balances the needs of economic development and national security.

In terms of tax reform, Emperor Longqing adopted the "One Whip Law". This policy simplifies the original complicated tax items into one, greatly reduces the burden on the people, and also improves the efficiency of tax collection. This reform has not only won the support of the people, but also increased the country's fiscal revenue.

The shorter the life, the more amazing, the more lustful and tough, the fact that Ming Muzong is the hero of the world is really hammered

It is worth mentioning that Emperor Longqing took a gradual approach when implementing this reform. He first piloted it in economically developed areas such as Jiangnan, and then gradually promoted it to the whole country after success. This prudent attitude has avoided the social turmoil that may be brought about by the reform and created favorable conditions for the smooth implementation of the policy.

In terms of official governance, Emperor Longqing also took a series of measures. He vigorously promoted honest and capable officials, and at the same time severely punished corruption. On one occasion, he even made a private visit to observe the people's situation and understand the work of grassroots officials. This kind of hands-on approach was rare among the emperors of the Ming Dynasty.

Emperor Longqing also attached great importance to the selection of talents. He repeatedly ordered special imperial examinations to be held to select talented people with practical talents. Under his initiative, the content of the examination was no longer limited to the Four Books and Five Classics, but increased the examination of practical problems. This kind of reform selected a large number of capable talents for the country, and laid a talent foundation for the later Ming Dynasty Zhongxing.

In terms of foreign policy, Emperor Longqing adopted a more flexible attitude. He reversed his previous hardline policy toward Mongolia and instead advocated trade as a way to keep the peace. This policy of "using commerce to control the country" has effectively eased the tension on the northern border and saved the state a lot of military spending.

At the same time, Emperor Longqing also actively developed relations with other countries. He sent envoys to neighboring countries to promote cultural exchanges and trade. This open foreign policy not only enhanced the influence of the Ming Dynasty in the international arena, but also created a favorable environment for domestic economic development.

The shorter the life, the more amazing, the more lustful and tough, the fact that Ming Muzong is the hero of the world is really hammered

The implementation of the Longqing New Deal brought a rare period of prosperity to the Ming Dynasty. The economy has developed rapidly, the social order has been stable, and the national strength has been markedly enhanced. These achievements not only won the support of the people, but also won the recognition of the courtiers. Even those ministers who had been dissatisfied with Emperor Longqing's style had to admit his talent in governing the country.

The paradox of history, however, is that the emperor, who introduced so many reforms, was often overlooked in later generations. People remember his debauchery more than his political achievements. This may be because his reign was so short, and the effects of many policies became apparent only after his death. But in any case, as an important reform attempt in the history of the Ming Dynasty, the influence of the Longqing New Deal far exceeded the Longqing Dynasty and continued until the later Wanli Dynasty.

Emperor Longqing and Gao Gong: Monarchs and ministers get along with each other and conflict with political opinions

The relationship between Emperor Longqing and Gao Gong can be called one of the most complicated relationships between monarchs and ministers in the history of the Ming Dynasty. The high degree of consistency in the political ideas of the two monarchs and ministers, as well as the fierce conflicts that followed, not only affected the political trend of the Longqing Dynasty, but also left many historical topics worth discussing for future generations.

High arch, the word Suqing, the number of pavilions, Henan Xinzheng people. He was known for his outstanding talent during the Jiajing period, but he was demoted because he offended the powerful minister Yan Song. After Longqing ascended the throne, the high arch was reactivated, and he soon became the most relied on minister of the Longqing Emperor.

Emperor Longqing's trust in Gao Gong was first reflected in the recognition of his talents. According to the "History of the Ming Dynasty", Emperor Longqing publicly praised Gao Gong's talent in the court many times. Once, Emperor Longqing even said in front of the Manchu Dynasty's civil and military personnel: "I have a high arch, just like the Duke of Zhou to become a king." This kind of high evaluation is extremely rare in the history of the Ming Dynasty.

The talent of the high arch is truly extraordinary. During his tenure as Cabinet Minister, he actively promoted a number of important reforms. For example, he strongly supported Emperor Longqing's decision to open the sea ban and proposed a specific implementation plan. Gao Gong also played an important role in the tax reform, and he personally drafted the specific provisions of the "One Whip Law", which made an important contribution to the smooth implementation of this reform.

The shorter the life, the more amazing, the more lustful and tough, the fact that Ming Muzong is the hero of the world is really hammered

However, Gao Gong's political talent is not only reflected in the formulation of specific policies, but also in his ability to control the entire government. He is good at balancing the forces of all parties and resolving the contradictions between the DPRK and China. For example, when dealing with the eunuch party, Gao Gong adopted a strategy that was neither fierce confrontation nor too compromised, and effectively maintained the stability of the government.

The relationship between Emperor Longqing and Gao Gong can be said to be intimate in the early days. It is said that Emperor Longqing often summoned Gao Gong in the middle of the night to discuss state affairs with him. Sometimes the discussion was late at night, and Emperor Longqing would even let Gao Gong stay in the palace. This kind of treatment is extremely rare in the history of the Ming Dynasty.

However, as time passed, the contradiction between Emperor Longqing and Gao Gong gradually emerged. This contradiction is mainly reflected in the view of the distribution of power.

As the chief assistant of the cabinet, Gao Gong often acted arbitrarily when dealing with court affairs. He believed that the emperor should delegate more power to the cabinet and let capable ministers handle specific matters. This view limited the imperial power to a certain extent.

At first, Emperor Longqing was not disgusted by this. He thought that this practice would reduce his burden and give him more time to enjoy his harem life. However, over time, Emperor Longqing came to realize that relying too much on ministers could weaken imperial power.

The flashpoint of the contradiction was an important personnel appointment. In the fourth year of Longqing, Emperor Longqing wanted to appoint an official he trusted to an important position, but Gao Gong believed that this official was incompetent and resolutely opposed it. The two sides quarreled over the matter, which eventually led to a serious political crisis.

The shorter the life, the more amazing, the more lustful and tough, the fact that Ming Muzong is the hero of the world is really hammered

This conflict made Emperor Longqing aware of the problem of too much power in Gao Gong. He began to take steps to gradually reduce the influence of the high arch. For example, he began to listen more to other ministers and no longer relied solely on the advice of the high arch.

Gao Gong also sensed the change in the emperor's attitude. He tried to win back the emperor's trust by various means, and even wrote several letters asking for his resignation. However, instead of changing the situation, these actions deepened Emperor Longqing's suspicions.

Eventually, in the sixth year of Longqing, Gao Gong was removed from his position as the first assistant of the cabinet. This decision shocked the entire government and the opposition. Many believe that Gao Gong's departure from office means the end of the Longqing New Deal.

However, this concern turned out to be unfounded. Despite Gao Gong's dismissal, many of the reforms he promoted continue to be implemented. Although Emperor Longqing had a conflict with Gao Gong, he did not deny Gao Gong's political achievements.

After Gao Gong left office, Emperor Longqing began to deal with court affairs more personally. He worked hard to learn how to govern the country and showed extraordinary political talent. This surprised many ministers, who realized that the emperor, who was thought to be obsessed with women, was in fact a monarch with extraordinary political wisdom.

The relationship between Emperor Longqing and Gao Gong fully reflects the complex interaction between monarchy and power in ancient Chinese politics. It not only shows the important role of virtuous ministers in the development of the country, but also reflects the emperor's determination to maintain the power of the monarch. This history has left many topics worth pondering for future generations.

The shorter the life, the more amazing, the more lustful and tough, the fact that Ming Muzong is the hero of the world is really hammered

Historical Evaluation of Emperor Longqing: Merit and Controversies

Emperor Zhu Zaigao of Longqing was a controversial figure in the history of the Ming Dynasty. Although his reign was short, the series of reforms he introduced had a profound impact on the development of the late Ming Dynasty. However, due to his personal life style and certain political decisions, the historical evaluation of Emperor Longqing has always been controversial.

During the reign of Emperor Longqing, the Ming Dynasty saw significant improvements in politics, economics, and diplomacy. His "Longqing New Deal", especially the policy of opening up the sea ban, injected new vitality into the Ming Dynasty. This policy not only promoted the economic development of the coastal areas, but also brought a large amount of silver revenue to the country, relieving the financial pressure.

In terms of tax reform, the "One Whip Law" implemented by Emperor Longqing simplified the tax system, reduced the burden on the people, and also improved tax efficiency. This reform is considered by later scholars to be an important milestone in the reform of the ancient Chinese tax system.

Emperor Longqing's flexible attitude towards foreign policy was also positively evaluated. He reversed the previous hard-line policy of the Ming Dynasty towards Mongolia and adopted a strategy of "using commerce to control the country", which effectively eased tensions on the northern border. This pragmatic foreign policy saved the Ming Dynasty a lot of military expenditures and created a favorable environment for economic development.

However, Emperor Longqing was also criticized for his personal style of life. According to historical records, Emperor Longqing was obsessed with women and often abandoned the government. Once, he even went to court for many days because he was addicted to harem life, which caused strong dissatisfaction among the courtiers. This behavior not only damaged the prestige of the emperor, but also affected the normal operation of the government.

In his attitude towards ministers, Emperor Longqing also showed a certain degree of repetition. He initially trusted and reused the high arch, but later deposed him due to a power struggle. This practice is considered by some historians to reflect the immaturity of Emperor Longqing's handling of the relationship between monarchs and ministers.

The shorter the life, the more amazing, the more lustful and tough, the fact that Ming Muzong is the hero of the world is really hammered

Another issue that caused controversy was Emperor Longqing's attitude towards eunuchs. Although he showed intent to limit the power of the eunuchs in the early years of his reign, the influence of the eunuchs began to gradually increase over time. This was considered by some historians to be a major political mistake of Emperor Longqing, which laid a hidden danger for Zhang Juzheng's dictatorship and eunuch interference.

In terms of cultural policy, Emperor Longqing's performance also caused some controversy. Although he supported the reform of the imperial examination and encouraged the selection of practical talents, he did not pay enough attention to the development of academic culture. This is in stark contrast to his father, Emperor Jiajing, who, although politically criticized, was generally recognized for his cultural contributions.

However, some scholars have pointed out that the evaluation of Emperor Longqing should not be limited to his performance during his reign. The effects of many of his policies, especially economic reforms, became apparent only after his death. These policies laid the foundation for the later Wanli Dynasty, and from this point of view, Emperor Longqing's contribution to the Ming Dynasty cannot be ignored.

Interestingly, Emperor Longqing's evaluation among the people is often higher than that in the official history books. In folklore, Emperor Longqing is often portrayed as a monarch who is sympathetic to the people's feelings, diligent and loves the people. For example, there is a legend that Emperor Longqing once made a private visit to observe the people's feelings, and formulated many policies that benefited the people based on what he saw and heard. Although the authenticity of these legends is difficult to verify, they reflect the general favorability of the people towards Emperor Longqing.

The shorter the life, the more amazing, the more lustful and tough, the fact that Ming Muzong is the hero of the world is really hammered

In the historical research of later generations, the evaluation of Emperor Longqing has also undergone a process of change. Early research was often influenced by traditional history books, and the evaluation of Emperor Longqing was relatively negative. However, with the deepening of the historical research of the middle and late Ming Dynasty in modern times, scholars have begun to re-examine the historical status of the Longqing Emperor.

For example, some scholars have found that the fiscal situation of the Longqing period improved significantly through the study of the financial history of the Ming Dynasty, which was directly due to a series of economic reform measures of the Longqing Emperor. Through the study of the history of foreign relations of the Ming Dynasty, some scholars believe that Emperor Longqing's flexible foreign policy won a rare period of peaceful development for the Ming Dynasty.

At the same time, some scholars have pointed out that the evaluation of Emperor Longqing cannot be separated from the historical background in which he lived. By the time he succeeded to the throne, the Ming Dynasty had already had serious political, economic, and social problems. Under these circumstances, Emperor Longqing was able to implement a series of reform measures and achieve certain results, which has already shown extraordinary political talent.

In general, the historical evaluation of Emperor Longqing remains a controversial topic. His merits and demerits, as well as his influence on the history of the Ming Dynasty, need to be comprehensively and objectively examined in a broader historical context. This controversy itself reflects the complexity of historical research and the pluralism of the evaluation of historical figures.

The shorter the life, the more amazing, the more lustful and tough, the fact that Ming Muzong is the hero of the world is really hammered