
Why are the inscriptions on the stele written in cursive? Instantly recognizable is a master, which is conducive to the spread of calligraphy?

author:Xiao Bai Kan calligraphy

Reading guide: calligraphy culture has been popularized, or encountered obstacles, for this issue, has been, is also debated, on the surface, calligraphy culture has been disseminated, but, for the public, it is still a kind of "blind spot", I don't know, have you ever noticed such a phenomenon, in many places, there will be the most significant signs, and this most significant sign, more than a kind of stone inscription, why these inscriptions are cursive? Is it a phenomenon that can be recognized at a glance as a master, which is conducive to the spread of calligraphy?

Life needs cultural edification, and calligraphy culture is one, but also the most influential one, such as the following four pictures broken, the handwriting on the stele, are the form, you don't have to say, on the whole, but also very imposing, but also very attractive, the most important thing is not to know what is written?

Why are the inscriptions on the stele written in cursive? Instantly recognizable is a master, which is conducive to the spread of calligraphy?

For example, the first picture, the level of calligraphy is really good, not only the overall demonstration of a strong pen force, and, the pen and pen, the words together, the expression of this rhyme is very hearty, but also very happy, is to get the best performance, but these three words do you know? The author has been reading for a while, and I really know it, and the last word seems to be "book", and I am not sure, you who love calligraphy, do you know these three words?

Why are the inscriptions on the stele written in cursive? Instantly recognizable is a master, which is conducive to the spread of calligraphy?

And the second word, at a glance, you can feel a strong antique rhyme, especially highlighting the beauty of the charm of the "Book Book", however, although the round pen is applied easily, and the change of lines, excessive, are very natural, some dot paintings, not only smart, but also present a kind of elegant posture, this posture is intoxicating, but unfortunately the author does not know, do you know?

Why are the inscriptions on the stele written in cursive? Instantly recognizable is a master, which is conducive to the spread of calligraphy?

The third piece feels more imposing, we can see that this inscription work, not only the ancient method is prominent, but also the brushwork of the Republic of China, but also very well performed, especially with Shen Yinmo's brushwork, such as the writing of the word "building", it is a good show of Shen Yinmo's way of using the pen, at the same time, that kind of fluency, but also very perfect, although it is written in cursive here, but, it is a sign of word disconnection, this kind of processing, is it also amazing to you? Anyway, the author looks good, but I don't know it, which is also a pity.

The last feeling is more prominent in the expression of the brushwork of the "two kings", especially the echoing relationship between the dot paintings, the performance is very close, in and out of the law, the law is rigorous, but, the author is not talented, for the handwriting on these four works, basically a state of "illiterate", such writing, is it conducive to the inheritance and dissemination of calligraphy culture? May I ask?

Why are the inscriptions on the stele written in cursive? Instantly recognizable is a master, which is conducive to the spread of calligraphy?

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