
A man doesn't care about you, just look at "WeChat" to understand

author:Momo is in love
A man doesn't care about you, just look at "WeChat" to understand

Whether a man loves you or not is traceable.

Especially in the modern information age, there are so many ways to judge a person's mind, and WeChat is one of them.

To exchange feelings between two people, there is not so much time to meet, WeChat has become the easiest and most convenient way, the notes he gave you, the messages he sent you, have become the most favorable evidence.

Actually, men don't care about you, just look at "WeChat" to understand!

A man doesn't care about you, just look at "WeChat" to understand

1. The man who cares about you will keep chat records

For the person who loves you, everything he says and does with you will be remembered by heart, and he will keep all the chat records.

In his opinion, these are precious memories, one day I miss you, and I can't chat with you in time, then you can turn out these records to take a look at them to relieve the lovesickness.

Once, when I saw my friend Lin's WeChat chat interface, it was very clean and tidy, which was his usual habit, not keeping any records, and usually deleting it immediately after chatting about things.

But you will see that there is always a name in his interface that stays there, it turns out to be his girlfriend, he said, only every one of her records, reluctant to delete, this is also the beauty we share.

The man who cares about you will keep the chat history between each other, and he will not feel that it is a troublesome thing, on the contrary, he will feel that it is a very happy thing.

Even if the content of the chat is some boring trivialities, nothing more than bits and pieces about life, he will not feel meaningless.

A man doesn't care about you, just look at "WeChat" to understand

Second, the man who cares about you has your presence in the circle of friends

Some people may say that the circle of friends in modern society is a social occasion, and you can't post content casually, let alone your personal emotional status.

But the man who cares about you doesn't care so much, you will see that his circle of friends is full of you, and you exist everywhere.

Sometimes you will tell him to keep a low profile and not be so conspicuous, but he said: "If you can't even occupy a place in the circle of friends, then how can you see my heart for you?" ”

If a man loves you very much, he will want to record the beauty of the two people, and posting it in the circle of friends is also a good way, he is not worried about the eyes of others, as long as he is happy.

At the same time, he also wants to declare the world in this way, you are the most important thing in his heart, he is not willing to leave you for a minute, he just wants to be by your side all the time.

A man doesn't care about you, just look at "WeChat" to understand

3. People who don't care about you are also perfunctory to chat with you

Xiaoqin is very depressed, she said, every time she chats with the other party, she can feel his perfunctory, either "um", "ah", or "know", and there is no other word, but if you ask him what's going on, he will say, it's okay, you think about it more.

When the two of them get along alone, they also play their own games, he is busy playing games and chasing dramas, every time she says something, she won't say more, so back and forth a few times, Xiaoqin also chose to be silent, since the other party has a perfunctory attitude, it is useless to be serious.

In fact, it can be judged from the attitude of this boy that he doesn't care about Xiaoqin, so when he chats with her, he is always perfunctory and completely inappropriate.

Counting, this is also a kind of cold violence, two people are reluctant to communicate with each other, and they don't want to chat deeply, they only focus on their own world, and such two people can't last long.

And if this person really cares about you, I believe he won't do it, because his heart is full of you, where can he care about playing games?

A man doesn't care about you, just look at "WeChat" to understand

To judge whether a man cares about you or not, WeChat is the best way, and it is also the easiest and most efficient.

A man who cares about you usually keeps a record of your chats, and he has your presence in his circle of friends, although they are all small things, but the details witness love.

The man who doesn't care about you, he chats with you perfunctory, and even has no patience with you, thinking that you are wasting his time and unwilling to be alone with you.

If you are lucky enough to meet someone who cares about you, you must cherish it, not everyone can treat you like this.