
There are 5 "hidden" services on the plane, as long as the passengers take the initiative to speak, the flight attendant will not refuse

author:Eagle Exploration Station

With the development of technology, it is no longer difficult for many people to take a plane.

What was originally a journey of more than ten hours may only take a few hours to arrive.

On the plane, there are actually many "hidden services" that passengers don't know, but as long as the passengers take the initiative to speak, the flight attendants will generally not refuse.

There are 5 "hidden" services on the plane, as long as the passengers take the initiative to speak, the flight attendant will not refuse

"Intimate service"

On the plane, the air conditioning is turned on all year round, and the temperature in the cabin is kept at room temperature, which is basically very comfortable for passengers.

However, this temperature is not suitable for everyone's physique, some people may feel cooler, but this temperature cannot be adjusted by itself, and the entire cabin is adjusted as a whole, which is also to maintain a constant temperature in the cabin.

There are 5 "hidden" services on the plane, as long as the passengers take the initiative to speak, the flight attendant will not refuse

If we feel that the temperature on the plane is a little cold, we can actually ask the flight attendant for a blanket, and this is also free.

But the premise is that we have to take the initiative to find the flight attendants ourselves, rather than waiting for them to ask.

In TV dramas, we can often see flight attendants who will be very considerate to bring blankets to passengers.

There are 5 "hidden" services on the plane, as long as the passengers take the initiative to speak, the flight attendant will not refuse

And those who have this kind of service in the play are basically rich "bosses", so everyone will default to the fact that only business class has such a service.

But in fact, when you take a plane, whether it is business class or economy class, there is this kind of service.

It's just a slight difference that blankets will be placed in advance in business class, or the flight attendant will take the initiative to give them, but if people in economy class need blankets, they need to take the initiative to ask for them.

There are 5 "hidden" services on the plane, as long as the passengers take the initiative to speak, the flight attendant will not refuse

Because the number of blankets on the plane is limited, and the flight attendants need to be allocated according to the needs of the passengers and the actual situation of the flight.

However, it is important to note that passengers only have the right to use the blanket on the plane, and do not have the right to own it.

When you get off the plane, you need to put a blanket on your seat.

There are 5 "hidden" services on the plane, as long as the passengers take the initiative to speak, the flight attendant will not refuse

"Refill Service"

Before boarding the plane, our suitcases and bags are subject to security checks.

All the water in our bags is not allowed.

At this time, in fact, many passengers will feel very strange, during the whole flight, can they not even drink a sip of water?

There are 5 "hidden" services on the plane, as long as the passengers take the initiative to speak, the flight attendant will not refuse

In fact, when we get on the plane, we can take the initiative to ask the flight attendant for free drinking water or beverage service.

Taking into account the drinking needs of passengers, the airline also provides passengers with free drinks.

Under normal circumstances, flight attendants will ask passengers if they need drinks or water when they distribute in-flight meals, and if so, they will give them to passengers.

There are 5 "hidden" services on the plane, as long as the passengers take the initiative to speak, the flight attendant will not refuse

Many people will think that when the flight attendant asks, these drinks or water should be charged, and maybe it will be more expensive than buying it in other places, so everyone will directly refuse.

But in reality, all of these drinks are free.

In addition to the time of the flight attendant's unified distribution, we can also take the initiative to find the flight attendant to drink.

There are 5 "hidden" services on the plane, as long as the passengers take the initiative to speak, the flight attendant will not refuse

When they receive your request, they will offer to bring the water.

What's more, if you don't have enough water for a bottle, there is actually a free refill service on the plane, we can press the call button on the seat, and then take the initiative to find a flight attendant to refill the drink for free.

There are 5 "hidden" services on the plane, as long as the passengers take the initiative to speak, the flight attendant will not refuse

But all of this must be premised on taking the initiative to find a flight attendant, otherwise, no one will guess what you want.

In addition to drinks, there is also a "one more" service for the food on board.

There are 5 "hidden" services on the plane, as long as the passengers take the initiative to speak, the flight attendant will not refuse

"One more service"

Just like the drink, it's the "food" on the plane.

Under normal circumstances, we will provide in-flight meals on our planes, and this is also distributed at the specified time, and these are also free of charge.

If the flight time is longer than three hours, the flight will provide free food.

There are 5 "hidden" services on the plane, as long as the passengers take the initiative to speak, the flight attendant will not refuse

When it's time to eat, the flight attendants on the plane will push the dining cart and give the passengers in-flight meals, and everyone has a little.

However, if the time of the meal is different, the food served on the plane will also be different.

The food on the plane is not freshly made, because there is no galley in the cabin, so it is prepared directly on the ground and then packed into cold storage.

There are 5 "hidden" services on the plane, as long as the passengers take the initiative to speak, the flight attendant will not refuse

An hour before the flight's departure, the food is delivered to the plane in advance, and then it is heated up again before it can be distributed to passengers.

Not only that, but if you don't think it's enough to eat after eating one, you actually take the initiative to ask the flight attendant for another one.

Therefore, in fact, the food on the plane can also be "one more".

There are 5 "hidden" services on the plane, as long as the passengers take the initiative to speak, the flight attendant will not refuse

Leisure services

On the plane, our mobile phones are either turned off or in airplane mode, and we can't watch videos or play games normally.

It's actually a very boring thing for a few hours to travel, and it seems like there's not much to do other than sleep.

On the plane, passengers are also provided with "newspapers" to pass the time.

There are 5 "hidden" services on the plane, as long as the passengers take the initiative to speak, the flight attendant will not refuse

On the folding car at the bridge, there will be a lot of newspapers, and there are Chinese and English, which can be selected by yourself.

If we didn't have a newspaper at this time, we could have taken the initiative to ask the flight attendant for a newspaper when the plane took off.

There are 5 "hidden" services on the plane, as long as the passengers take the initiative to speak, the flight attendant will not refuse

When we told the flight attendants what we needed, they would bring it for us.

However, on some flights, we will put the newspaper directly in the back pocket of the plane seat, and if necessary, we can just take it and read it.

There are 5 "hidden" services on the plane, as long as the passengers take the initiative to speak, the flight attendant will not refuse

Unlike blankets, the newspapers are completely ready to go when the plane lands.

During a few hours of flying, newspapers are actually a great way to have a relaxing pastime.

There are 5 "hidden" services on the plane, as long as the passengers take the initiative to speak, the flight attendant will not refuse

"Pharmaceutical Services"

Some passengers may experience airsickness when making a plane.

After all, airplanes fly high in the air, which is completely different from how we feel when we take trains and high-speed trains.

If it is the first time to fly, then there is a high chance of airsickness, such as dizziness, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.

There are 5 "hidden" services on the plane, as long as the passengers take the initiative to speak, the flight attendant will not refuse

Many people will think that this is not a big deal, and they will just endure it.

But in fact, at this time, we can take the initiative to ask the flight attendant for airsickness medicine, which can greatly alleviate the symptoms of airsickness.

Don't worry, these medications are also free.

There are 5 "hidden" services on the plane, as long as the passengers take the initiative to speak, the flight attendant will not refuse

Because airplanes are different from other means of transportation, flying at high altitudes for a long time, once there is a medical problem, it is actually very difficult to deal with, so the crew will carry out preventive and emergency related measures, and medicine is one of the very important "measures".

There are 5 "hidden" services on the plane, as long as the passengers take the initiative to speak, the flight attendant will not refuse

In addition to motion sickness medicine, there are actually many other medicines on board, such as cold medicine, headache medicine, etc.

On the plane, there is generally a standing motion sickness medicine, and when we need it, we only need to take the initiative to ask the flight attendant for it, which is actually to ensure the safety of passengers.

Information sources: "5 kinds of "hidden services" on the plane, flight attendants will not take the initiative to tell you", 2018-11-21

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