
In order to keep the Chinese reflecting, these people really refuse to let go of any opportunity

author:The headline of Kunlunce Research Institute
In order to keep the Chinese reflecting, these people really refuse to let go of any opportunity

Because a recent criminal case involving Japanese in Suzhou has given some people an opportunity to turn into a public opinion campaign to smear China's image and indict patriotism.

Hu Youping was stabbed several times by criminal suspects in order to save a Japanese mother and son, and unfortunately passed away after rescue efforts failed, her behavior showed the spirit of great love of the Chinese, but her death was used by some people to consume and smear Chinese patriots.

In order to keep the Chinese reflecting, these people really refuse to let go of any opportunity

One of the sentences that made me particularly wary was that "Hu Youping saved China's international image." Implicit in this sentence is a malicious assumption: without Hu Youping this time, China's international image will not be guaranteed, and the implication is that China's image will almost be ruined because of this single case.

How much of a negative perception of China do these people have, how many double standards and how many generalizations do they have to make in order to design such an issue? Elevating a criminal case to the level of whether it has a bearing on China's overall image or not, and imagining a case, can completely negate China's overall public security situation.

The fact that China has one of the best security in the world will not change because of this criminal case. The criminal cases in the United States are dozens of times that of China, and some are against Chinese or Chinese, such as the murder case of Zhang Yingying, which impressed me the most, and the murderer's methods were so cruel, I have not seen these people say that the image of the United States has collapsed because of this. The fact that the population of the United States is only a quarter of that of China, but the number of detainees is the largest in the world, does not delay these people from continuing to worship the United States obsessively.

However, one thing is indeed true, if Hu Youping does not come out to save people this time, these people will definitely aim public opinion at China's social order, spray Chinese collective xenophobia, and use partial generalizations to say that China is bad, and this is exactly what the mainstream Western media have been doing.

Recently, many foreign bloggers have traveled to China and found that China is not as backward and insecure as their mainstream media tells them, but instead finds that China is more modern than their country and can go out late at night without worrying about safety.

These people have followed the mainstream media of the West to connote China's public security.

In order to keep the Chinese reflecting, these people really refuse to let go of any opportunity

They are accustomed to double standards, and as long as there is a criminal case in China, it is that China's public security situation is worrying. And more criminal cases in foreign countries do not delay them to take a few photos of queuing in front of the embassy or consulate in China and post them online, proving how foreign countries have a strong attraction to Chinese.

This time, Hu Youping, as a Chinese, paid for his own life in order to save a pair of Japanese mothers and sons, and did not delay some of them, saying that foreigners were hurt in China, and that they were xenophobic Chinese, and they even pointed their guns at Chinese, implying that the thinking of the whole Chinese society was "abnormal" because it was "spreading hatred against foreign countries" and "learning from advanced countries and civilized society."

In order to keep the Chinese reflecting, these people really refuse to let go of any opportunity

Radical nationalism, ultra-nationalism, populism, xenophobia, all kinds of hats are coming. What are their so-called advanced countries and civilized societies? It refers to the United States and the West, mainly the United States, which supports Israel's genocide of Palestinian civilians, and Japan, which refuses to apologize for its history of aggression against China. These people have also called Israel an advanced civilized country and have justified its massacre of civilians.

Many people in China have finally come out of Western worship, and there are still many people who are intoxicated by Western worship.

Last time, there was also a criminal case in Jilin's Beishan Park where foreigners were injured, and a Chinese came out to stop the suspect and was injured, but it did not affect such people, replacing the suspect with "they", implying that foreigners were injured because Chinese were xenophobic.

In order to keep the Chinese reflecting, these people really refuse to let go of any opportunity

If the Chinese are as extreme and xenophobic as they say, will the Chinese internet be allowed to be flooded with their counter-nationalist voices? Will they be allowed to smear China for the sake of the United States? Will they be allowed to blame China's position for Japan's nuclear discharge? Moreover, these people are hypocritical, because they hate this country, so they can't tolerate someone who loves this country.

They are still intoxicated with more than a decade ago, they are close to success, the peak of their power to demonize patriotism, and they are angry that they have been hindered by Chinese patriots again and again in their so-called enlightenment, and they will not miss any opportunity to smear patriots.

Obviously, their praise of Hu Youping's rescue is not an end at all, but a means.

The Chinese are the kindest people in the world, and even though Japan's invasion of China has caused so much disaster and pain to China, the Chinese still have not retaliated against the Japanese women and children who remained in China at that time. In particular, our Eighth Route Army, the New Fourth Army, treated Japanese prisoners of war with special humanitarianism, so to detain the label of national narrow-mindedness to the Chinese not only did not respect basic facts, but also lacked basic conscience.

In the past two years, in order to sow discord between China and Russia and cooperate with the US strategy of defeating China and Russia, these people who say that the Chinese are xenophobic and narrow-minded have not shown their extreme nationalist sentiments, and many people have even pretended to be loyal to the most radical nationalists, brought up the historical problems of China and Russia, and incited the Chinese to collectively hate Russia. At this time, not only did they not criticize national narrow-mindedness, but they were also trying to create national narrow-mindedness.

But as long as it involves the countries of the US and Western camps, they immediately revert to their docile appearance and attack Chinese narrow-minded and populist ......

Countries like Japan, which not only do not reflect on historical issues, but also obstruct China's reunification in reality, not only do not mention historical issues, but also do not even mention practical issues, and blindly blame the Chinese for not being tolerant and friendly enough to Japan.

In order to keep the Chinese reflecting, these people really refuse to let go of any opportunity
In order to keep the Chinese reflecting, these people really refuse to let go of any opportunity

If you pay a little attention, you will find that the countries that are hostile to China in reality are the countries they love. Countries that have good relations with China are all countries they want to be hostile to and slander, including Russia, Iran, North Korea and other countries, and many of them have smeared, provoked, and incited hatred.

There is no other reason, because many of them really hate this country, and they are afraid that if this country develops well, they will prove that their choice is wrong.

Has anyone made any racist remarks about some countries in the United States and the West? Yes, but it is definitely not mainstream, and some of them are still people who deliberately make such remarks by pretending to be loyal, setting their own targets, and changing accounts to fight by themselves.

Most Chinese love their country and are extremely rational and friendly to foreigners, but there are those who want to stigmatize Chinese patriots in a generalized way. It is the vast majority of people who love the country in China, and by doing so, they are tantamount to discrediting the main body of the Chinese.

In 2012, so many anti-Japanese demonstrations were held all over the country, and the whole was orderly, but because of a "U-lock" incident in Xi'an, the perpetrators were not necessarily patriots. Because our opponents like to follow Chiang Kai-shek's example of the ruffians and hooligans in Shanghai who pretend to be workers' pickets, create incidents and excuses, and set up targets for their attacks.

In order to keep the Chinese reflecting, these people really refuse to let go of any opportunity

In 2016, on the day when the so-called award of the farce of the South China Sea arbitration case was concocted, an American fan went to the door of KFC to pull a banner, took a photo and uploaded it to Weibo, preparing to attract the fire of the hating Kuomintang and accuse China's patriots of extremism, narrow-mindedness, and populism.

I have always had doubts about the true three views of the murderer who made the "U-lock" case. If this person is really a patriot, after so many years, someone will definitely go to the bottom to expose this person, after all, these people control so many mainstream media, and they are not like patriots, mainly relying on spontaneous people's cyber warfare. Isn't it strange to see that these people are digging three feet into the ground for Sima Nan, Zhang Weiwei and others, but they are not interested in the situation of the murderer of the "U-shaped lock"?

What these people are best at is stalking their targets, and they can repeat a lie for ten years. Every year, they use the inexplicable "U-lock" incident to discredit the Chinese patriot community. I want to use a "U-shaped lock" to symbolize and fix the image of Chinese patriots. In order to achieve this goal, they used the right to speak in their hands and wrote an unknown number of small essays.

But so what? In recent years, the image of the bad street is still known, and it is the so-called opinion leaders they support who lament the failure of the thirty years of enlightenment. Using some logical traps and concepts to steal can only distort the merits for a while. These people, no matter how they are packaged, and what gimmick they use as a banner of freedom, human rights, and the rule of law, they can't hide the stench of their hatred of China.

Looking at some of these people's comments in this Suzhou criminal case, "our nation really should wake up" and "sometimes feel ashamed of themselves as Chinese", you can see how deep their hatred and resentment are against our country and nation.

In order to keep the Chinese reflecting, these people really refuse to let go of any opportunity

The father-in-law who starved to death in Japan knew that she cursed China like this before starving to death, as if it was China, not Japan, that made her hungry. Japan starved her to death with indifference, but her love for Japan did not change.

What is Stockholm Syndrome? Here it is. This is a group of species that are mentally unsubstantiated and masochistic and addicted to the West.

They still fantasize about enlightening the Chinese, and they hope that the enlightened Chinese will become the same lowly people as them.

What I look down on most about this kind of people is not only their stance on eating steak, but also their double standard that they rely on all the time.

For example, there have been some criminal cases in China, because the victims are Chinese, and their kind will come out because they defend the suspects, or use so-called reasons such as "honest people", "murderers, fathers" to exonerate the murderers. Either they will point the question to our system and say, "A good system can make bad people good, and a bad system can make good people bad," or they will discredit the land where they were born and nurtured as "the land where the flower of evil blooms."

On May 12, 2008, a major earthquake struck Wenchuan. On May 14, they published an earthquake message on the A32 page of the Southern Metropolis Daily on May 14, "Is this a heavenly send? The victim is not a worker. This is not a curse, so why should a great earthquake crack it on the Buddha's birthday? On May 15, another article published in Southern Weekly's "Freedom Talk" under the name of "Pray for China" again used the "Divine Punishment Theory": "In 2008, how could God be so unfair to our Chinese people, first the snow disaster in South China, then the car accident in Shandong, and then the catastrophic earthquake. ”

The use of the "doctrine of heavenly damnation" in natural disasters and the curse of Chinese is particularly popular among groups like them, and these two particularly representative "doctrines of heavenly damnation" are from a "scholar" who is famous for feeding Chinese students with the "milk of the history of civilization" in the West, and an old writer who curses the Chinese system. In the face of the condemnation of netizens, the writer also pointed to China's engineering construction, saying, "After so many years, the opening of mountains and mountains, the transformation of mountains and rivers, the construction of dams, the construction of reservoirs, the making way of large rivers, and the low mountains have not affected the natural ecology of Sichuan and its surroundings at all?" ”

The "damnation theory" of natural disasters in China invented by such people has been regarded as a treasure by the mainstream media in the United States. On May 15, local time, Time magazine in the United States published an article entitled "China: After the Deadly Earthquake", saying that "some people claim that the recent series of disasters, including devastating snowfall, the outbreak of epidemics that killed many children, and deadly train accidents, are some kind of manifestation of God's unhappiness." ”

American star Sharon Stone faced a reporter's question: "Do you know that there was an earthquake in Sichuan, China? Sharon Stone also replied using the "damnation theory": "Now that this earthquake is happening, it should be ...... Retribution! ”

When Westerners and Western media curse Chinese China's natural disasters, who have criticized the Americans and the American media for engaging in ethnic narrow-mindedness Chinese those who have repeatedly attacked them?

No matter how righteous these people are disguised when they need it, you only need to grasp their double-standard attitude towards American Westerners and Chinese, and you will know how ugly these people's hearts are. They have no feelings for the Chinese and the Chinese, they have no sympathy, and their kindness is only given to the foreigners in their hearts.

It's just that they love the United States and Japan, but do the United States and Japan love them?

There are some people who are really brainwashed very badly by these people, imagining the United States as a paradise on earth, so they go to the United States, go to Japan, and as a result, they encounter the torture of the real United States and the real Japan. Starving to death, starving to death, wandering to the streets.

In order to keep the Chinese reflecting, these people really refuse to let go of any opportunity

The ones who really like to play ethnic hatred are precisely the Americans they admire the most. After the outbreak of the Pacific War, the Americans put Japanese Americans in the United States in concentration camps, imprisoned their freedom, and confiscated their property, no matter how many of them loved the United States more than Japan, and in the eyes of the Americans, they were all aliens who needed to be guarded against.

In order to keep the Chinese reflecting, these people really refuse to let go of any opportunity

A Chinese doctor in Australia, after venting his hatred for Chinese on a TV program, was slapped in the face by the host on the spot, "If China and the United States go to war, you will definitely be sent to a concentration camp, you know?" This Gao Hua had an embarrassed look on his face, and he didn't dare to refute.

In that "American Civil War", an American soldier met a man who claimed to be from Hong Kong, muttered a "Chinese", and immediately shot and killed, which made a group of colonists collectively break the defense. Because this scene full of realism style is very inconsistent with their beautiful imagination of America. They think that if they are loyal to the Americans, the Americans will treat them well.

In Australia, the initiator of the Xinjiang cotton incident, on an Australian TV show, even the Chinese giant pandas hated, saying, "These pandas are too lazy, so they are going extinct, and they deserve it." "I'm more loyal than pandas, and if Australia had to choose between pandas and me, I'd be the best." The host and other guests laughed.

In order to keep the Chinese reflecting, these people really refuse to let go of any opportunity
In order to keep the Chinese reflecting, these people really refuse to let go of any opportunity

is self-deprecating, and will not be looked down upon anywhere. Because the United States and the West are developed, they have taken spiritual refuge in the United States and the West, and they do not like their motherland anywhere. When China is more developed than the West, are these people's loyalty to the United States and the West still reliable?

Westerners are not stupid, only those who are accustomed to betrayal will have such fanatic fanaticism of converts.

Although some people are still in China, their hatred of China is no less than that of the above-mentioned Gao Hua who is already abroad.

There are both educational issues and their own reasons. There are not only ideological issues, but also practical interest factors.

The strength of China is not in the interests of these people and conflicts with the choices of these people. The ideological cognition and economic interests of these people have been linked to the strength of the United States and the West, and only when China will always be backward than the West can they find a sense of nobility than the Chinese, and they can obtain their own benefits from the comprador interest chain. They believe that China's strength has affected the development of the United States and the West, so they maintain a stubborn rejection of China's strength.

(Author: Yin Guoming, researcher of Kunlun Policy Research Institute; Source: Kunlun Ce Network [Author's Authorization], transcribed from the WeChat public account of "Mingren Mingcha", revised and released; The picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted)

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