
A nerd and a criminal have a big TV debate, and the criminal says "you are afraid of China"!

author:The headline of Kunlunce Research Institute
A nerd and a criminal have a big TV debate, and the criminal says "you are afraid of China"!

The German media described the performance of incumbent President Joe Biden in the first televised debate of the 2024 US presidential election as "a disaster". Actually, I'm not trying to defend Biden, but as far as my perception of national leaders or business leaders is concerned, it's really not that what is said is better than what is sung, and it must be the most capable. However, the electoral system of the United States determines that it will never be possible for a clumsy tongue to get ahead in this system. I believe that in the United States, in fact, there are many people who are very capable in governing the country, but they lose in the mouth, and often the mouths of American politicians are used to brag and lie in different ways, and this is the fundamental problem of the United States. Take the current CNN TV defense as an example, the Americans are using this way to declare to the world, look, this is our democracy!

A nerd and a criminal have a big TV debate, and the criminal says "you are afraid of China"!

[Biden and Trump debate scene, to be honest, they are not outstanding]

In the past, when China was widely known, they touted the United States and said that the American democratic system was very superior, that is, they tied a pig to a chair in the White House, and the United States was still the United States. I watched some clips of the debate between Biden and Trump, and I really think that the current electoral system in the United States can only elect pigs. God knows why the more than 300 million Americans have to choose one of these two people, and then they have to say that this is democracy, and shout long live democracy.

However, I have also seen some other arguments that the reason why the Democrats accepted to let Biden and Trump defend themselves on television this time is that they want to replace Biden in the final stage of the election, or let Biden find a step for himself to announce his withdrawal from the election, and then make room for others. This statement is about having a nose and an eye, saying that the Democratic Party has now prepared two back-ups.

A nerd and a criminal have a big TV debate, and the criminal says "you are afraid of China"!

[Obama's wife Mitchell will replace Biden? Can the American people accept it? 】

One is Obama's wife, Mitchell Obama, and the other is California Governor Gavin Newsom.

To be honest, it confused me, isn't it a democratic election? Biden has been able to get to where he is now, and he has accumulated step by step in accordance with the democratic election process, if Biden is replaced at the last moment, and Mitchell Obama or Gavin Newsom is replaced, what is the legitimacy? Isn't it unfair that they haven't participated in a single day of election, and that doesn't do that to others who have participated? Wouldn't Trump be happy to have his daughter Ivanka replace him?

In fact, Gavin Newsom is an American politician who has made a good impression on us, having visited China last year to prepare for the Sino-US summit in San Francisco in November, and later hosted the Chinese leader in California. During his visit to China, he also made some seemingly objective positive comments about China, but I don't know how many bad things about China he said behind his back.

One of the best things about Newsom, I remember, was that he once boasted to Chinese that California had a well-developed Internet service. To what extent? He has an app on his phone, which is specially used to locate the corners of California cities where there will be human, and help people avoid human when walking. He really can't catch this kind of showing off to us Chinese, it's not that I make up stories for him, it's true. Moreover, this is really incomparable to China, Americans can defecate in the open, and people have rich human resources.

Okay, so let's get back to the Biden-Trump debate, where they're battling on a number of issues, including inflation, abortion, immigration, and regional security. Biden's hoarse voice and repeated incoherent statements have made some Democratic politicians express "concern" about Biden as a candidate.

The 81-year-old man looked very frail, slow-moving, slow-headed, and had a cold. The main concerns of Americans before the televised debate are: first, whether Biden is flexible enough to dispel concerns about his age, the US media said; Second, whether Trump is worthy of the presidency. There is a second problem, because Trump is now a prisoner who has been convicted of a felony by the court, and he deserves to be in prison.

What is certain from this debate is that Biden has not achieved his goals, and Biden has not been able to give the impression of being energetic and even a little disoriented. However, I think that Trump's performance is also very average, he talks about his favorite topics again and again, and he can explain it in one sentence, but he prefers to say a lot of words. For example, attacking how the problem of illegal immigration caused by Biden's policies is destroying the United States.

In addition, Trump has blatantly lied, and more than once. He bragged that during his presidency, in 2017-2021, the U.S. border was the safest "in the history of our nation." But to his shame, it was immediately said that the number of illegal immigrants entering the United States during Trump's presidency was higher than during the Obama administration, according to the Poynt College fact-checkers.

Chinese netizens have long given these two people nicknames, Biden is the "sleeping king" and Trump is the "understanding king". But to be honest, although Trump's performance in this TV debate was much better than that of his opponent, it is estimated that hardcore Sichuan fans will be disappointed, because the "king who understands" no longer seems to understand everything this time, and there are questions that he dare not answer.

CNN, for example, dug a big hole for Trump in advance and set a key question: Will you accept the election results? Trump declined to say whether he would accept the results of the upcoming election, regardless of who wins. Why? Because this question was designed for the Capitol Hill incident that took place after the last election. In 2020, Trump refused to accept election defeat and publicly claimed that the Democrats rigged the election, even after both the recount and the court verdict proved that there was no election fraud. This partly encouraged his right-wing supporters, and tens of thousands of people stormed the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, causing bloodshed. In the words of our Northeast people, we just can't afford to play, we play donkey, and we almost succeeded in playing donkey.

A nerd and a criminal have a big TV debate, and the criminal says "you are afraid of China"!

[Since the United States once again accepts Trump as its presidential candidate, it has to bear the risk of a second Capitol Hill incident]

In that incident, a female officer retired from the U.S. Air Force was shot by agents inside while climbing the gates of Congress, and Trump was hiding in a surveillance room to watch the country's jokes and see how brain-dead fans have become cannon fodder.

A nerd and a criminal have a big TV debate, and the criminal says "you are afraid of China"!

[Ashley Babbitt, a fanatical former U.S. military officer, was shot dead on the spot during the Capitol Hill incident on January 6, 2021]

The main reason why the Capitol Hill incident happened and so many people died during and after the event is that Trump lied, he did not have evidence of Democratic fraud, but he talked nonsense with a big mouth, causing so many ordinary people to stand up and pay their lives to defend democracy. But this time they put Trump on the presidential bench again.

Some comments after the debate said that while Biden was not doing well, the Democrats still had a chance to nominate another candidate to run for president and fight Trump before or during the Democratic National Convention in August. That is, Biden's poor performance "sparked a discussion about how the Democrats could prevent Biden from running again", not to help Biden run, but to prevent Biden from running.

However, as I said earlier, if Biden is really replaced, it will fully prove that American democracy is really a child's game.

However, this debate between the "sleeping king" and the "understanding king" is not without nutrition for us Chinese. When commenting on the U.S. drug problem, Trump criticized China on the spot for "killing the United States", and also called Biden a "Manchurian candidate" who was bought by China, and the English is Manchurian candidate, that is, a person who is controlled by China and harms the interests of the United States. And Trump also said that Biden is "afraid to deal with China." He said Biden never lifted the high tariffs he imposed on China during his administration, and also put the U.S. relationship with China at its worst: "If you continue to let them [i.e., China] do what they are doing to our country, China will beat us." Interestingly, Biden didn't take his stubble too seriously.

Trump said that Biden is "afraid of dealing with China", which is a very hard-core information point, just on this word "afraid", a former US president said that the current president is afraid of China, and a presidential candidate says that another presidential candidate is afraid of China, which is not just a personal attack on the other side, but inadvertently exposes the mentality of American politicians: fear of China. This is the most valuable part of this debate, the more intense the debate, the more unscrupulous personal attacks, the more the most real and undisguised content will be revealed.

I believe that our country will also attach great importance to this TV debate, and if nothing else, it is estimated that we will have to prepare for Trump to come to power again. A true expert will look for clues in the details, and any psychologist, linguist, or even somatologist and lip linguist will surely make a different discovery. I'm not an expert, but I think the most important sentence in the whole debate for China is what Trump said, Biden is "afraid to deal with China"! In fact, this does not speak to Trump's own thoughts, and he is also "afraid of dealing with China".

As a matter of fact, I have said many times that China must now dare to show strength, magnanimity, and courage to the United States, because the United States is afraid of China. As I said, China should give the United States a choice question: electric cars, fentanyl, or communism, which one do you choose? Don't keep chatting with Lao Tzu endlessly; As I said, China should dare to say to the United States that I am big, because many things are slowly changing; Regarding the United States' distortion of China's "overcapacity", I think it is to tell the United States that I am big, and the United States should learn to kneel, and you will not be able to withstand the second wave of "China shock", and there will be a third wave; Also, as I said, why should China dare to say to the United States that I am great, because the United States is becoming a gang leader and no longer a world leader; When I talked about the issue of China's nuclear stockpile, I said that why the Western media are now repeatedly touching China with "500 nuclear warheads" is not all because they want to smear you, but that China is too big to hide it, so don't cover it up anymore.

This time, I finally got the answer from Trump's mouth, which is consistent with my previous judgment, the current president of the United States is afraid of China, and Trump is also afraid. Find this base point, and everything will turn around. It doesn't matter who is the president of the United States, as Chinese intellectuals once said, whoever is in charge can treat him as a pig. Therefore, China now lacks a pig-killing mentality.

(Author: Sima Pingbang, Special Researcher, Kunlun Ce Research Institute; Source: Kunlun Ce Network [Author's authorization], reproduced from "Sima Pingbang Said", revised and released)

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