
What is China travel? The truth behind the 144 transit visa-free is the country's top conspiracy!

author:Goshi Ryuyoshi

«——【Preamble】】 ——»

Some time ago, China's 144-hour transit visa-free policy attracted the attention of many people, especially foreigners, and with the implementation of China's transit visa-free policy, a large number of foreign tourists have emerged across the country.

What is China travel? The truth behind the 144 transit visa-free is the country's top conspiracy!

However, unlike the excitement of foreign tourists, many Chinese are very incomprehensible to the country's open transit visa-free policy, because in their opinion, the country's opening of transit visa-free can easily allow spies to sneak into the mainland and cause damage to the mainland.

What is China travel? The truth behind the 144 transit visa-free is the country's top conspiracy!

However, with the increasing number of foreigners visiting China, many people have finally understood the role of China's top-level policy of opening up the transit visa-free policy, and it can even be said that the implementation of China's policy is undoubtedly a huge challenge to Western countries.

«——【Foreigners appear in China·】——»

What is China travel? The truth behind the 144 transit visa-free is the country's top conspiracy!

Nowadays, more and more foreigners come to China for tourism, work and study, but in the early days of reform and opening up, there were not many foreign tourists coming to China to play.

What is China travel? The truth behind the 144 transit visa-free is the country's top conspiracy!

The main reason for this phenomenon was that the governments of Western countries at that time could be said to have used various means to smear China, saying that China's development was very backward and China was very insecure.

What is China travel? The truth behind the 144 transit visa-free is the country's top conspiracy!

Under the influence of this thinking, many foreigners have developed a fear of China, fearing that they will put themselves in danger by going to China.

What is China travel? The truth behind the 144 transit visa-free is the country's top conspiracy!

However, with the passage of time, there are many good articles describing China on the Internet, and the authors of these articles are basically to verify whether China is really as unbearable as the foreign media say, but when they really come to China, they find that the real China is completely different from the China described in the foreign media, not only is the economic development very good, but the most important thing is that China's security is much better than that of many Western countries.

What is China travel? The truth behind the 144 transit visa-free is the country's top conspiracy!

So they posted their real experiences in China on the Internet, and looking at the articles on the Internet, many foreigners were also moved in their hearts, wanting to go to China in person to see if it was true, and at this time, China also wanted more countries to know China and understand China.

What is China travel? The truth behind the 144 transit visa-free is the country's top conspiracy!

So it launched a transit visa-free policy And the so-called transit visa-free is when foreign tourists go to China, directly cancel all kinds of cumbersome processes, you can go to some cities designated by the mainland to play at will, but this is also time-limited, the longest period is 144 hours, that is, 6 days, and this transit visa-free policy, the mainland is not open to all countries, this time the mainland has selected a total of more than 50 countries, providing visa-free.

What is China travel? The truth behind the 144 transit visa-free is the country's top conspiracy!

With the continuous improvement of China's economic strength and international influence, more and more countries and regions have implemented visa-free policies for China, which has given more foreign tourists the opportunity to come to China and experience China's culture and history firsthand.

What is China travel? The truth behind the 144 transit visa-free is the country's top conspiracy!

However, we have also seen that many of these foreign tourists do not really come to China to enjoy the scenery and feel the Chinese culture, but just go on a shopping spree. This makes one wonder, because most people might think that there are many of the same goods to buy in foreign countries, so why spend a lot of time and money in China to go on a shopping spree?

What is China travel? The truth behind the 144 transit visa-free is the country's top conspiracy!

In fact, for these foreign tourists, they are not simply buying goods, but also value China's progress and innovation in the field of science and technology. In the minds of these foreign tourists, the main purpose of shopping is not the main purpose, but the experience of various advanced technologies.

What is China travel? The truth behind the 144 transit visa-free is the country's top conspiracy!

However, many people are concerned about the mainland's implementation of the visa-free policy, which they believe may be too risky. After all, in the eyes of many, the international situation is not stable at this stage, security problems are becoming more and more prominent, and espionage activities have become more active. Under such circumstances, why should the mainland take such a risk to continue to open up foreign tourism?

«——【Why China Opens the Visa-Free Policy·】——»

What is China travel? The truth behind the 144 transit visa-free is the country's top conspiracy!

While many people are worried, the reality is a critical blow to everyone, as the number of foreign tourists visiting China has exploded with the implementation of visa-free transit in China.

What is China travel? The truth behind the 144 transit visa-free is the country's top conspiracy!

There are even foreign tourists who dislike that the visa-free time is too short, not enough to visit at all, so they started their own operation, 6 days to spend fully on the tour, and when the time comes, they will go to China's neighboring countries, where they will take a plane to China, so that they are a foreign tourist again, continue to enjoy the visa-free tour.

What is China travel? The truth behind the 144 transit visa-free is the country's top conspiracy!

The reason why foreign tourists love to travel to China so much, on the one hand, is because of their own curiosity culture, after all, for people, when they encounter unknown things, it is a person's nature to be curious and come forward to check, and the same is true for foreigners visiting China.

What is China travel? The truth behind the 144 transit visa-free is the country's top conspiracy!

You know, China has always been synonymous with backwardness in the eyes of Western politicians and Western media, and they have told the public about the backwardness of Chinese culture more than once, and it is precisely because of this that many foreigners have become curious about China and want to go to China to see if it is as backward as the media say.

What is China travel? The truth behind the 144 transit visa-free is the country's top conspiracy!

But more foreign tourists come to China because they have seen the quiet and peaceful beauty of China, and for foreigners, this beauty is undoubtedly what they have been longing for.

What is China travel? The truth behind the 144 transit visa-free is the country's top conspiracy!

There are also the implementation of the visa-free policy can greatly promote the development of the domestic economy, there may be many people who say, don't look at Western countries to call themselves developed countries, but there are not many people who really have the ability to travel and consume, but even so, this part of the consumption is still a huge number, which can play a great role in the improvement of China's economy.

What is China travel? The truth behind the 144 transit visa-free is the country's top conspiracy!

The most important thing is to break the Chinese filter made by Western countries, after all, many tourists who come to China to travel, after feeling the traversal of China, will share what they have seen and heard with their relatives and friends, and then they will also go to China to feel the beauty of China.

«——【China's top conspiracy shocks the West·】——»

What is China travel? The truth behind the 144 transit visa-free is the country's top conspiracy!

It can be said that the implementation of China's visa-free policy this time is indeed something that Western countries did not expect.

What is China travel? The truth behind the 144 transit visa-free is the country's top conspiracy!

After all, for Western countries led by the United States, they have always wanted to strangle China, and when China was backward in development, they launched a blockade against China to cut off China's ties with the rest of the world, but it did not achieve much results, and even allowed China to take advantage of this time to develop and grow.

What is China travel? The truth behind the 144 transit visa-free is the country's top conspiracy!

Later, with the implementation of reform and opening up, China's strength has also been further enhanced, in this case, the United States wants to impose a blockade on China is no longer helpful, so it will impose sanctions on China from many fields, after all, China has only been developing for decades, compared with other countries, the gap in development time alone is a big number.

What is China travel? The truth behind the 144 transit visa-free is the country's top conspiracy!

In addition, in order to suppress China, the United States has joined forces with its allies to distort and slander China's image. He deliberately portrays China as a "dirty and messy" country with human rights violations, virus spread, backward development, and insecure security, and has repeatedly refused China to join US-led international organizations on this ground. It can be said that Western politicians have used various filters and rhetoric on the international stage to exaggerate the portrayal of China as a place hostile to foreign investment and unwelcoming or even forbidden to foreigners.

What is China travel? The truth behind the 144 transit visa-free is the country's top conspiracy!

But this time the implementation of the visa-free policy is definitely a strong counterattack to Western politicians, not only that, among the visa-free countries released by the mainland, many of them are allies of the United States, which is undoubtedly a blow to the United States, but the United States has nothing to do about it, after all, China's implementation of the policy is its own business, and it has no right to interfere at all.

What is China travel? The truth behind the 144 transit visa-free is the country's top conspiracy!

As for their allies, it is impossible to prevent them from going to China, after all, the huge number of people is not something you can stop, and people are normal tourists, and you can't find any reason to stop them.

What is China travel? The truth behind the 144 transit visa-free is the country's top conspiracy!

And as foreigners learn more about China, they will also sigh about China's development, and will post their feelings about China on social media accounts, and invite more people to visit China.

What is China travel? The truth behind the 144 transit visa-free is the country's top conspiracy!

While the 144-hour visa-free journey may seem short in terms of length, its importance cannot be overlooked. In fact, this is a decisive link of exchange, which has built a bridge for friendly exchanges between China and foreign countries. For example, this initiative can attract friends from all over the world to set foot on Chinese soil, personally appreciate China's profound cultural heritage and historical charm, and deeply experience China's remarkable achievements in terms of economic prosperity, political stability and order, cultural prosperity and diversity. In the process, they will have a deeper understanding of China, which will undoubtedly further promote friendly exchanges and mutual learning between China and foreign countries.

What is China travel? The truth behind the 144 transit visa-free is the country's top conspiracy!

Immersing yourself in the charm of China is like indulging in the colorful life, as if time is moving slowly here.

What is China travel? The truth behind the 144 transit visa-free is the country's top conspiracy!

In just 144 hours, they can appreciate China's prosperity and history, visit those ancient cities with a history of thousands of years, and enjoy the unique scenery of modern cities.

What is China travel? The truth behind the 144 transit visa-free is the country's top conspiracy!

For expatriates, participating in this activity can give an in-depth understanding of Chinese characteristics, and it will be difficult to part with this land from now on. They can talk to the people on the streets, taste authentic food, and experience the customs of China.

What is China travel? The truth behind the 144 transit visa-free is the country's top conspiracy!

In addition, they can also experience leisure in the park square and feel the friendly warmth of the Chinese people. During the journey, they had the opportunity to meet different types of people and experience various life experiences, and those small moments of communication were enough to make them deeply feel the friendly warmth of the Chinese people.

What is China travel? The truth behind the 144 transit visa-free is the country's top conspiracy!

Prior to this, some foreign media reported negative news about China, but now, these negative news have been quietly forgotten and replaced by the in-depth understanding and appreciation of China by foreigners.

What is China travel? The truth behind the 144 transit visa-free is the country's top conspiracy!

China's choice to open visa-free travel not only reflects its rapid economic growth, but also demonstrates its rich cultural connotation and open and inclusive mind.

Information sources:

Dazhong Daily, June 25, 2024 - Unilateral visa exemption, so that foreigners can also have a "walk-and-go trip" in China

What is China travel? The truth behind the 144 transit visa-free is the country's top conspiracy!

China News Network, June 19, 2024 -- U.S. politicians spread erroneous remarks about China Chinese Embassy: Strongly dissatisfied and resolutely opposed

What is China travel? The truth behind the 144 transit visa-free is the country's top conspiracy!

Global Times, June 23, 2024 -- A large number of foreigners come to China to travel, what a city!

What is China travel? The truth behind the 144 transit visa-free is the country's top conspiracy!

CCTV News, May 3, 2024 - Foreigners come to China "without seeing outsiders" "China speed" and "China service" strength circle fans

What is China travel? The truth behind the 144 transit visa-free is the country's top conspiracy!

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