
Lonely Battle Maze: Xin Zhilei plays Qin Moqing like a begonia blooming! Ou Qin Feng Li staged a polyamorous relationship

author:Tian Tian Film and Television Entertainment

The Anti-Japanese War spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" has only been broadcast for 4 episodes, and the handsome male protagonist Ou Xiaoan played by Huang Jingyu already has two relationships. Needless to say, with the deepening of the intersection between Ou Xiaoan and Qin Moqing, the relationship between the two of them is definitely inevitable.

Lonely Battle Maze: Xin Zhilei plays Qin Moqing like a begonia blooming! Ou Qin Feng Li staged a polyamorous relationship

Ou Xiaoan's first relationship was Feng Jingxian, the daughter of Feng Yunian, the deputy head of the Chongqing Station of the Military Command, and the two of them have developed to the stage of talking about marriage. However, because the stationmaster Wen Yishan sent Ou Xiaoan to Shanghai to go undercover with bitter tricks, Ou Xiaoan became a traitor and traitor hated by everyone. After Ou Xiaoan was assassinated by the deputy stationmaster Wei Qingming and Miao Jiang, this relationship was over.

Lonely Battle Maze: Xin Zhilei plays Qin Moqing like a begonia blooming! Ou Qin Feng Li staged a polyamorous relationship

Feng Jingxian later became the fiancée of the military commander Li Shaotang, and she was also ready to get engaged.

Lonely Battle Maze: Xin Zhilei plays Qin Moqing like a begonia blooming! Ou Qin Feng Li staged a polyamorous relationship

After Ou Xiaoan arrived in Shanghai, he saved Kazuno Ohashi's daughter Reiko Ohashi in the assassination of a student march planned by Kazuno Ohashi. The moment she saw Ou Xiaoan, Reiko Ohashi was moved and glanced at Ou Xiaoan for ten thousand years.

Reiko Ohashi is the daughter of the devil Ohashi Kazuno, Ou Xiaoan will definitely not choose her, it is estimated that in the finale of "Lonely Lost City", Reiko Ohashi either committed suicide or returned to Japan.

If Reiko Ohashi had not participated in the massacre of Chinese people and had no blood on her hands, she should not have been tried. If Reiko Ohashi can return to Japan, it is estimated that she will never marry. After all, Ou Xiaoan is so handsome and charming.

Lonely Battle Maze: Xin Zhilei plays Qin Moqing like a begonia blooming! Ou Qin Feng Li staged a polyamorous relationship

After Ou Xiaoan escaped from the Japanese Army's Biological and Chemical Weapons Research Institute in Burma, the news reached Chongqing, and Feng Jingxian knew that Ou Xiaoan was still alive, and her heart was no longer calm. In this case, Li Shaotang will definitely do whatever it takes to deal with Ou Xiaoan, Ou Xiaoan's biggest enemy is Li Shaotang.

Lonely Battle Maze: Xin Zhilei plays Qin Moqing like a begonia blooming! Ou Qin Feng Li staged a polyamorous relationship

When he was in Shanghai, Lou Mingyuan, Ou Xiaoan's colleague in the military command (and also a comrade-in-arms in the underground party organization), was captured by Ohashi Kazuno, which was probably the result of the betrayal of Li Shaotang behind the sundial. This is very understandable, if you sell Lou Mingyuan, you can blame Ou Xiaoan. Ou Xiaoan was later assassinated because Lou Mingyuan was arrested.

This Li Shaotang is a despicable and sinister person from his appearance. This kind of person, in order to achieve his goal, his mother and son can be betrayed, not to mention his rival Ou Xiaoan.

Lonely Battle Maze: Xin Zhilei plays Qin Moqing like a begonia blooming! Ou Qin Feng Li staged a polyamorous relationship

Ou Xiaoan escaped from the Japanese Army's Biological and Chemical Weapons Research Institute, and Reiko Ohashi became a person in his memory, and the two of them wanted to see each other again, before and after the final victory of the Anti-Japanese War.

In Chongqing, around Ou Xiaoan, between Qin Moqing, Feng Jingxian, Li Shaotang, and Ou Xiaoan, there will be a complex polyamorous love mixed with feelings in spy wars.

This polyamorous situation will probably look like this:

Lonely Battle Maze: Xin Zhilei plays Qin Moqing like a begonia blooming! Ou Qin Feng Li staged a polyamorous relationship

Feng Jingxian's old love rekindled and pursued Ou Xiao'an, Ou Xiao'an secretly had feelings for Qin Moqing, Li Shaotang resolutely did not give up Feng Jingxian, and on the other hand, in order to find out the details of Qin Moqing and Ou Xiao'an, he approached Qin Moqing as a lovelorn, Qin Moqing also had feelings for Ou Xiaoan, but he couldn't let go of his old lovers in Shanghai.

Although in the first 4 episodes, Qin Moqing has no love scenes in Shanghai, it is estimated that there are lovers, but they have not appeared for the time being.

Lonely Battle Maze: Xin Zhilei plays Qin Moqing like a begonia blooming! Ou Qin Feng Li staged a polyamorous relationship

Qin Moqing, played by Xin Zhilei, is an underground party member developed by Wang Qiushui in Shanghai. Qin Moqing appeared in the first episode, and the part where he danced with the US military translator Carl, no matter how you look at it, there are shadows of begonias blooming, and the facial expressions are dancing with the birthday banquet in "Celebrating More Than Years Season 1", how do you look like it.

Lonely Battle Maze: Xin Zhilei plays Qin Moqing like a begonia blooming! Ou Qin Feng Li staged a polyamorous relationship

Ou Xiao'an, played by Huang Jingyu, is an underground party member developed by Lou Mingyuan, Wang Qiushui and Lou Mingyuan are both under the leadership of Secretary Chen (that is, Ye Xuanmin), but they are not the same line.

Lonely Battle Maze: Xin Zhilei plays Qin Moqing like a begonia blooming! Ou Qin Feng Li staged a polyamorous relationship

Lou Mingyuan and Ye Xuanmin were both arrested by Daqiao and Ye, Qin Moqing and Ou Xiaoan met, and they didn't know that each other was an underground party. It is too difficult for Ou Xiaoan to prove his identity, and his code name Lone Star does reflect his situation.

Lonely Battle Maze: Xin Zhilei plays Qin Moqing like a begonia blooming! Ou Qin Feng Li staged a polyamorous relationship

There were underground parties and Japanese spies in the Chongqing station of the military command, and Dai Li definitely wanted to dig up the roots. In this way, the military commander wants to dig up the underground party and Japanese spies, Qin Moqing wants to find his comrades, Li Shaotang wants to cover up his identity, and he has to get rid of Ou Xiaoan, the next scenes of "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" must be extremely tense and exciting.

In the synopsis and plot trailer of "Lonely Lost City", Ou Xiaoan and Qin Moqing found the Japanese spy lurking inside the military command, that is, Li Shaotang.

Lonely Battle Maze: Xin Zhilei plays Qin Moqing like a begonia blooming! Ou Qin Feng Li staged a polyamorous relationship

Since Li Shaotang has been found, his ending is self-explanatory, and there will definitely be no drama with Feng Jingxian.

After Li Shaotang was found, Feng Jingxian was completely relieved, and there would definitely be a story between her and Ou Xiaoan. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Ou Xiaoan and Qin Moqing also joined forces to sabotage the conspiracy of the military command and destroy biological and chemical weapons and weapon materials. In this process, Feng Jingxian, as the daughter of the deputy stationmaster, which side she stands on determines her future fate.

Judging from the existing plot, Feng Jingxian's father, Feng Yunian, is currently unknown which side he will choose in the decisive battle of fate. Therefore, it is really difficult to say who Ou Xiaoan chooses emotionally.

Lonely Battle Maze: Xin Zhilei plays Qin Moqing like a begonia blooming! Ou Qin Feng Li staged a polyamorous relationship

Although Ou Xiaoan and Qin Moqing are underground party comrades, comrades do not necessarily have to come together. After completing the destruction of the Japanese army's biological and chemical weapons, at least one of the identities of the two of them must be exposed and transferred.

Judging from the battlefield situation after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Qin Moqing is likely to go to the northeast to engage in anti-special defense work. And Ou Xiaoan may move to Shanghai and continue to lurk.

Therefore, it can be speculated that as she grows up, no matter what choice Feng Yunian makes, Feng Jingxian will most likely choose to stand on Ou Xiaoan's side, follow Ou Xiaoan to Shanghai to lurk, and walk towards a bright future together. After all, in Feng Jingxian's eyes, her lover Ou Xiaoan is all she has.

Lonely Battle Maze: Xin Zhilei plays Qin Moqing like a begonia blooming! Ou Qin Feng Li staged a polyamorous relationship

Qin Moqing is a hexagonal warrior, who is good at everything and has a shining demeanor. Feng Jingxian is everyone's beautiful lady and generous. Whether there is war or not, it is most suitable for Ou Xiao'an, who is also a hexagonal warrior, or Feng Jingxian.

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