
Lonely Battle Lost City: Li Shaotang betrayed Lou Mingyuan for Feng Jingxian! Wei Qingming colluded with the Japanese to carry out fake assassinations

author:Tian Tian Film and Television Entertainment

The anti-Japanese war spy war drama "Lonely Battle Maze" starring Huang Jingyu and Xin Zhilei has been launched! All in all, the plot and picture quality of this show are still very good.

Lonely Battle Lost City: Li Shaotang betrayed Lou Mingyuan for Feng Jingxian! Wei Qingming colluded with the Japanese to carry out fake assassinations

"Lonely Battle Maze" tells the story of the sleeper Ou Xiao'an, who escaped with difficulty in the terrifying shadow of the Japanese army's biochemical gas research institute, and joined forces with Qin Moqing, an underground party member lurking in the Chongqing Station of the military command, to overcome all difficulties and jointly track down the secrets of the Japanese army's biochemical research and expose the true face of Japanese spies.

Judging from the relevant teaser information, the Japanese spy lurking inside the military command is Li Shaotang played by Ma Sichao.

Lonely Battle Lost City: Li Shaotang betrayed Lou Mingyuan for Feng Jingxian! Wei Qingming colluded with the Japanese to carry out fake assassinations

There are three main forces in "The Lonely Lost City", namely Kazuno Ohashi and his lackeys of the Intelligence Office of the East China Dispatch Army of Japan, the military commander Dai Li and the military commander Chongqing Station, and the underground party organizations in Chongqing and Shanghai.

Lonely Battle Lost City: Li Shaotang betrayed Lou Mingyuan for Feng Jingxian! Wei Qingming colluded with the Japanese to carry out fake assassinations

The main characters on Ohashi Kazuno's side are: Ohashi Kazuno, Ohashi Reiko, traitor lackey Zeng Jiwu, etc.;

Lonely Battle Lost City: Li Shaotang betrayed Lou Mingyuan for Feng Jingxian! Wei Qingming colluded with the Japanese to carry out fake assassinations

The main roles on the side of the military command are: Dai Li (did not show up), Dai Li's assistant Shen Congwu, acting stationmaster Wei Qingming, deputy stationmaster of Chongqing station Wen Yishan, deputy stationmaster of Chongqing station Feng Yunian, secretary of the secretariat Miao Jiang, Mao Renxing of the inspection room, Li Shaotang, chief of the special skills section, Qin Moqing, chief of the Operations Department (underground party member code name Ye Cao), Ou Xiaoan (underground party member code name Lone Star), etc.;

Lonely Battle Lost City: Li Shaotang betrayed Lou Mingyuan for Feng Jingxian! Wei Qingming colluded with the Japanese to carry out fake assassinations

The main roles on the underground party's side are: Wang Qiushui, the head of the Chongqing station, and Secretary Chen (Ye Xuanmin), who was arrested.

Lonely Battle Lost City: Li Shaotang betrayed Lou Mingyuan for Feng Jingxian! Wei Qingming colluded with the Japanese to carry out fake assassinations

Other main characters include Feng Yunian's daughter Feng Jingxian, who was formerly Ou Xiaoan's fiancée and later became Li Shaotang's fiancée. In other words, there is an emotional entanglement between Ou Xiaoan and Li Shaotang, and they are rivals in love.

The core of the plot of "Lonely Lost City" is Kazuno Ohashi's plan to develop biological and chemical weapons (Project 810), in addition to the above three forces, Americans and Soviets are also involved.

Lonely Battle Lost City: Li Shaotang betrayed Lou Mingyuan for Feng Jingxian! Wei Qingming colluded with the Japanese to carry out fake assassinations

Four years ago, Ou Xiaoan was sent by Wen Yishan, the head of Chongqing Station, to Shanghai to break into the bridge and the interior, the purpose was to cooperate with Lou Mingyuan and Sundial (that is, Li Shaotang) to get the information of the cherry blossom plan. However, before he was about to evacuate, Lou Mingyuan was captured by Zeng Jiwu.

The question is, who leaked Lou Mingyuan's identity to the Japanese and traitors? The person who leaked Lou Mingyuan's identity should be none other than Sundial Li Shaotang.

Lonely Battle Lost City: Li Shaotang betrayed Lou Mingyuan for Feng Jingxian! Wei Qingming colluded with the Japanese to carry out fake assassinations

Why did Li Shaotang take refuge in Ohashi and Ye and sell Lou Mingyuan? is to get rid of his rival Ou Xiaoan.

Li Shaotang and Ou Xiaoan both work in the military command, and it is impossible for Li Shaotang not to know the relationship between Ou Xiaoan and Feng Jingxian. If you want to snatch Feng Jingxian, the best way is to get rid of Ou Xiaoan.

Ou Xiaoan was ordered by Wen Yishan and Dai Lia to break into the bridge and the wilderness, and he did not hesitate to stage a bitter plan for this. Ou Xiaoan pretended to take refuge in Ohashi and Ye, and swaggered through the city in Shanghai, and Li Shaotang would definitely know the news of Ou Xiaoan in Shanghai.

Lonely Battle Lost City: Li Shaotang betrayed Lou Mingyuan for Feng Jingxian! Wei Qingming colluded with the Japanese to carry out fake assassinations

The agents of the military command are not vegetarians, and they all have countless hearts. Ou Xiaoan openly defected to the Japanese, and it was impossible for Li Shaotang not to think about it.

Therefore, Li Shaotang most likely guessed that Ou Xiaoan surrendered fakely. The purpose of Ou Xiao'an's fake surrender, the person who has one-line contact with Ou Xiao'an, Li Shaotang can definitely guess that it is the Luo Ying plan and Lou Mingyuan. If Li Shaotang betrayed Lou Mingyuan to Ohashi Kazuno, the military commander would definitely suspect that Lou Mingyuan was betrayed by Ou Xiaoan.

Military commanders have a so-called family law, and traitors must be killed. In this way, Li Shaotang can borrow the hand of the military commander to get rid of Ou Xiaoan. Without Ou Xiaoan, Feng Jingxian would most likely be his. At the same time, Li Shaotang is also Feng Yunian's subordinate, and he has the convenience of being close to the water and getting the moon first.

Lonely Battle Lost City: Li Shaotang betrayed Lou Mingyuan for Feng Jingxian! Wei Qingming colluded with the Japanese to carry out fake assassinations

After Lou Mingyuan was arrested, the deputy stationmasters Wei Qingming and Miao Jiang assassinated Ohashi and Ou Xiaoan, Wen Yishan also became the deputy stationmaster because of Ou Xiaoan's involvement, and Wei Qingming replaced Wen Yishan and became the acting stationmaster of Chongqing Station.

In fact, Wei Qingming and Miao Jiang assassinated the stand-ins of Ohashi Kazuno and Ou Xiaoan, and Ohashi Kazuno and Ou Xiaoan did not die, and were transferred from Shanghai to Burma.

Lonely Battle Lost City: Li Shaotang betrayed Lou Mingyuan for Feng Jingxian! Wei Qingming colluded with the Japanese to carry out fake assassinations

How did Ohashi Kazuno know that Wei Qingming was going to assassinate him and Ou Xiao'an? The biggest possibility is that Wei Qingming and Ohashi Kazuno colluded and deliberately acted for others to see.

If Wei Qingming colluded with Ohashi Kazuno, what was his motive?

Very simply, in 1941, from the time the United States and Britain jointly sanctioned Japan, anyone with a discerning eye could judge that the Americans were about to officially end. As the world's largest industrial country at the time, the United States, which accounted for half of the world's economic consumption, was bound to lose as long as it officially ended. If Japan is defeated, the situation of the joint war of resistance will also end at the same time, and what remains is Armageddon.

Lonely Battle Lost City: Li Shaotang betrayed Lou Mingyuan for Feng Jingxian! Wei Qingming colluded with the Japanese to carry out fake assassinations

Before Japan's defeat in the war, if Wei Qingming could collude with Ohashi Kazuno, he would be able to seize the opportunity and ensure that he could get Ohashi Kazuno's biological weapons and related materials as soon as possible after the war. If you really kill Ohashi Kazuno and Ou Xiaoan, it will be difficult to get information in the future.

Therefore, for Wei Qingming, it is most beneficial for him that Ohashi Kazuno and Ou Xiaoan are not dead. At the same time, he played a double reed with Ohashi Kazuno and created a fake assassination, not only to secretly protect Ohashi Kazuno, but also to attack Wen Yishan within the military command, so that he could successfully ascend to the position.

Lonely Battle Lost City: Li Shaotang betrayed Lou Mingyuan for Feng Jingxian! Wei Qingming colluded with the Japanese to carry out fake assassinations

The matter of fake assassination, Dai Li may have seen the trickiness in it. However, Dai Li and Wei Qingming also had the same idea. At this time, Wei Qingming took the initiative to collude with Ohashi and Ye, and Dai Li was the happiest in his heart, perhaps, he wished that someone would do this.

After defeating the Japanese and getting biochemical weapons and materials, Dai Li can turn over old accounts at any time, if he wants Wei Qingming to live, Wei Qingming can live, if he wants Wei Qingming to die, Wei Qingming has to die, so that Wei Qingming is firmly in the hands of Dai Li.

Lonely Battle Lost City: Li Shaotang betrayed Lou Mingyuan for Feng Jingxian! Wei Qingming colluded with the Japanese to carry out fake assassinations

In addition to these, Dai Li should have other plans, if Ohashi Kazuno uses biological and chemical weapons in Burma, once the US military suffers too many casualties, the US military will have to cooperate with the military commander to study ways to deal with biological and chemical weapons, so that Dai Li can obtain additional technology.

In addition, if the US military suffers too many casualties, it will definitely rely more on the expeditionary force in operations, so that Chongqing and Dai Li can ask the Americans for more weapons, equipment, and materials. Anyway, in the eyes of Chongqing and Dai Li, there are many of their own people, and human lives are not worth anything at all, and the most important thing is the weaponry, equipment, and materials of the United States.

Lonely Battle Lost City: Li Shaotang betrayed Lou Mingyuan for Feng Jingxian! Wei Qingming colluded with the Japanese to carry out fake assassinations

However, the history after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War proves that if the power of the people's hearts is lost, no matter how many weapons and equipment there are, they will eventually be abandoned by the people and history.

Lonely Battle Lost City: Li Shaotang betrayed Lou Mingyuan for Feng Jingxian! Wei Qingming colluded with the Japanese to carry out fake assassinations

In "The Lonely Lost City", Wei Qingming sought personal interests for himself in the name of the War of Resistance and the people for the sake of power and position, and Li Shaotang did not hesitate to betray and blame his comrades-in-arms for the sake of Feng Jingxian, a woman. Only Ou Xiaoan and Qin Moqing are fighting for their ideals and missions, and they are the future of the nation.

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