
Headline Evening News丨The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage was officially opened to traffic today; The deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared, and the bank apologized

author:Headline Daily

At 8 o'clock in the morning and evening, the headline reads the newspaper >> "link"

Not to be missed

The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor was officially opened to traffic today

The total number of members of the Communist Party of China reached 99.185 million

Ride-hailing driver sentenced to three years in prison for raping underage passengers

A bus accident occurred on a highway in Heilongjiang, with 5 dead and 12 injured

The deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared, and the bank apologized

Four bodies were repatriated from the Everest Death Zone

A county in Heilongjiang proposes that candidates study medicine and will arrange posts

Evening Selection

The iron rice bowl of central enterprises is gone

Headline Evening News丨The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage was officially opened to traffic today; The deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared, and the bank apologized
A number of people from central enterprises in different industries said that their companies are exploring more diversified and flexible employment methods, such as setting up talent pools, changing the labor contract system, adjusting salary performance, etc., and even "reducing staff and salary adjustments" in disguise.

The common choice of a group of criminal families: to be a criminal defense lawyer

Headline Evening News丨The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage was officially opened to traffic today; The deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared, and the bank apologized
After the results of the judicial examination are announced, Zhong Lei will always see many friends in the circle of friends who have sent a message of "passing", including many family members or parties in cases like him. When family members are suspected of committing crimes, they run for an innocent or misdemeanor outcome.

The 81-year-old Biden debate sparked controversy, in addition to Alzheimer's, he still has these problems?

Headline Evening News丨The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage was officially opened to traffic today; The deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared, and the bank apologized
Biden is the oldest president in U.S. history, having undergone at least seven surgeries and suffering from at least five geriatric diseases. Every year, Biden's team issues a doctor's physical certificate indicating that he is in good health, but he has so far refused to take a cognitive test.

"He played so badly, he suddenly came in", the controversy over the certificate of students with sports specialties entering prestigious schools

Headline Evening News丨The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage was officially opened to traffic today; The deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared, and the bank apologized
In another college entrance examination season, rumors of many celebrities involved in the falsification of national athlete certificates have made the public pay close attention to the qualifications and paths of sports students to enter prestigious schools.

Parents don't have to worry about the diversion of general jobs? Vocational undergraduates find out

Headline Evening News丨The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage was officially opened to traffic today; The deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared, and the bank apologized
With the development of new quality productivity, the domestic demand for high-skilled compound talents in strategic emerging industries and future industries will inevitably increase, and more vocational undergraduates will appear, and related majors should also be flexibly adjusted with industrial needs.

The price war "drags" car dealers: profits are decreasing, inventory is increasing, and the dilemma is how to break the situation

Headline Evening News丨The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage was officially opened to traffic today; The deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared, and the bank apologized
In China's auto market, the market competition with price war as the main means is still continuing, and the industry involution is also intensifying. Auto dealers downstream of car companies are also experiencing multiple difficulties such as inverted car prices, declining brand sales, and deteriorating relationships with OEMs.

Singapore's AI Life and Death: Backers, Fog and Web3 Bubbles

Headline Evening News丨The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage was officially opened to traffic today; The deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared, and the bank apologized
More and more Chinese artificial intelligence companies are coming to Singapore to go overseas. From 2018 to 2022, the AI research departments of companies such as Alibaba, Tencent, SenseTime, and iFLYTEK have all come to Singapore. In recent years, a number of mid-sized and early-stage companies that are close to listing have also begun to flock to Singapore.
Headline Evening News丨The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage was officially opened to traffic today; The deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared, and the bank apologized

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