
Burns: I hope that China will be centered on the United States and respect the core values of Europe and the United States

author:A strong country is a sword

The current overall international situation has indeed made the United States quite depressed.

Many Western politicians, including US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, have been demanding that China and other countries in the South abide by the so-called rules-based order, but they are no longer afraid to say so.

Could it be that they have improved?

Or did they do a deep reflection?

I'm afraid that even ghosts won't believe that the United States has such an ideological consciousness, and the reason why they don't dare to talk about it in a big way is because they have been slapped in the face by reality.

That's all.

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Burns: I hope that China will be centered on the United States and respect the core values of Europe and the United States

A little gossip, let's get down to business, let's start with a recent news!

On June 27, Burns said in an interview with the American media Bloomberg that he believed that China had misjudged China-EU relations on the issue of the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

The reason why Burns said this is very clear,

That's why he added two other points.

One is to blame China, claiming that China does not understand the core values that Europe and the United States have demonstrated on issues related to world peace and solidarity.

In addition to this, he also made a point of mentioning China, or speaking in a threatening tone, to China, and he asked China to reflect on what is the reason why both the EU and NATO have called China a systemic competitor.

In other words, US Ambassador to China Burns still views Sino-US relations and even the relationship between China and the West as a whole with his usual pride and prejudice, and is not willing to listen to what the Chinese say, let alone understand China's core values.

Burns: I hope that China will be centered on the United States and respect the core values of Europe and the United States

Regarding Burns's statement, as well as the general situation of the world today, and the truly responsible position that China is currently taking, the swordsman wants to talk to his friends about his views.

First of all, since the U.S. diplomatic staff, represented by Blinken and Burns, are on the front line of this world every day, the six of them should not continue to pretend to be confused.

This was supposed to be the most critical, but now it has become the most shameful one.

This is because the current international situation is developing too fast and the overall situation is rather complicated, and it is not something that the United States can hold on to if it wants to rely on its own ambitions and desires.

Let's take a simple example.

In the past six months or so, the United States has lost too many points on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, which is a matter of universal concern to the whole world, so that they have long lost the right to speak to other countries from the commanding heights of public opinion.

They are no longer qualified to point fingers, but should return to reason, calmly listen to what other countries have to say, or see what other countries have reasonable demands.

But we have already seen that in this war that borders on genocide, the United States has completely adopted a one-sided calf protection policy, which has completely collapsed the image of the United States.

Even many elites in the United States have to admit that it is precisely because of the stupid, stubborn policies of the Biden administration that the United States has gradually lost the entire Middle East and the Arab Islamic world.

What's even worse is that at this critical juncture when their influence is rapidly withdrawing from the Arab Islamic world, the rapidly rising China is becoming the pillar and backbone of the Arab Islamic world.

Burns: I hope that China will be centered on the United States and respect the core values of Europe and the United States

In contrast, US politicians are becoming more and more hysterical, talking about China in many things, forcibly putting China on such and such a pot, and trying to blame China for it.

This is especially true in the case of the Russian-Ukrainian war! We have repeatedly emphasized two fundamental points and have always turned a blind eye.

A fundamental point is that China is neither a party nor a participant in the Russia-Ukraine war, we are only mediating out of good faith, and in the end to achieve reconciliation must rely on the subjective initiative of the warring parties, and we cannot hope that China will use its influence to force Russia to do this or that.

This is unrealistic.

Another fundamental point is that if the Russian-Ukrainian war is to truly move towards peace, the United States and the West must take the initiative to encourage Ukraine to engage with Russia, rather than forcibly controlling Ukraine and not allowing Ukraine to engage with Russia.

Just like the Swiss peace summit they just held, even if the United States pulls a large number of countries to exert public opinion pressure on China, it is useless, and if even Russia does not invite, how can there be a peace summit?

It is nothing more than a policy briefing for the United States and the West!

What's the point?

Burns: I hope that China will be centered on the United States and respect the core values of Europe and the United States

Second, since we talk about the core values of the United States and the West, what are their core values? How much is left of what they have ruined?

This is the most shameless point, but it is still often used by the United States and the West.

If the United States and the West really have core values, that is, freedom, democracy, the sanctity of personal property, etc., which they often advocate, then what is left of these things after the Russian-Ukrainian war and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict?

In today's world situation, where ordinary people around the world can easily grasp the world's news through their smartphones, Burns is still emphasizing the core values of the West, which is simply a farce!

Can the personal property of the rich people in Russia, who were originally pro-American, be returned?

Can the ghosts of more than 20,000 women and children in Gaza be appeased?

In the face of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's butcher's knife raised aloft against the vulnerable civilians around him, are they willing to persuade Hu to let go?

When hell freezes over!

Burns: I hope that China will be centered on the United States and respect the core values of Europe and the United States

It is also from this perspective that many people understand a truth, the core values of the United States and the West, that is, the rules-based order they are talking about, its core essence is this:

Everything must be centered on the United States, and if the United States and the West cannot profit, it must be something wrong with this principle, not the United States, and all developing countries, including China and Russia, must unconditionally adapt to this hegemonic clause.

This is what the hypocritical politicians of the West want to say but do not say, but no matter how sanctimonious he packages himself, he cannot change this fact.

Burns: I hope that China will be centered on the United States and respect the core values of Europe and the United States

Finally, many people in our country have to be treated for osteomalacia.

The reason for saying this is because of one thing that Burns specifically mentioned in this speech.

In order to force China to make concessions, the United States and the West are starting in the name of NATO, the European Union, the G7, etc., and forcibly demanding that China be cut off from Russia, otherwise, they will scare us and make China suffer corresponding economic punishment.

This is a regular topic in recent times, and US and Western politicians will talk about it after a while, not only by Burns, but also by the US president, by the NATO secretary general, and by the president of the European Commission.

We have also seen that after the United States and the West issued such a warning, many domestic public intellectuals were quickly frightened and demanded that China must reflect on it.

Reflect on what?

There seems to be some truth to what they say.

You don't follow people anymore, why do you want people to be good to you, why do you want people to continue to place orders for you?

looks like worrying about the country and the people!

But in fact, the core reason lies in the hypochondria of the public knowledge, who have always willingly regarded the United States and Europe as the big leaders and deputy leaders of this earth, believing that without these countries, the earth may not turn, and we Chinese will not be able to live.

They have been expensive for too long to look up at the world, China is the largest single market on the planet, and the only full-category world factory on the planet, and the necessity of the West wanting the Chinese market is far greater than the urgency with which we need them.

Leaving the southern market led by China, the market of more than one billion people in the United States and the West is not enough for the United States to eat alone, and other countries will inevitably be killed by the United States.

If they are willing to toss around, they will not turn back if they do not touch the southern wall, and they will not understand China's strategic goodwill.

Burns: I hope that China will be centered on the United States and respect the core values of Europe and the United States

All in all, in recent times, the US Ambassador to China Burns and the long-distance colonists in China have always tried to use the position of the Russian-Ukrainian war to create public opinion pressure on China, but they have forgotten the fundamental reason why this war broke out was completely caused by the extreme bullying policy of the triad organization NATO led by the United States.

Now they have fallen into the huge strategic quagmire of Russia, but they have to pull China to cushion their backs, and they also want China to be slaves for them and wipe their butts for them.

Think beautifully!

Burns: I hope that China will be centered on the United States and respect the core values of Europe and the United States

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