
Whether it's beautiful or not, whether it's ugly or not, looks at the mouth, it turns out that the mouth is good-looking, and you can be regarded as a really handsome guy

author:It's not like a little swimming
Whether it's beautiful or not, whether it's ugly or not, looks at the mouth, it turns out that the mouth is good-looking, and you can be regarded as a really handsome guy

Text | It's not like a little swimming

Edit | It's not like a little swimming

Beauty and ugliness is a very subjective concept, and everyone has their own approved measure in their mind.

But at the same time, it must be admitted that this subjective concept can be really affected by certain objective factors.

Whether it's beautiful or not, whether it's ugly or not, looks at the mouth, it turns out that the mouth is good-looking, and you can be regarded as a really handsome guy

Especially the facial features on the face, their shape and arrangement play a very big role in the level of appearance.

Whether a person's appearance will give a stunning feeling in the first impression and even in the follow-up depends largely on the beauty and ugliness of the facial features.

Whether it's beautiful or not, whether it's ugly or not, looks at the mouth, it turns out that the mouth is good-looking, and you can be regarded as a really handsome guy

Among the facial features, the part that determines the upper limit of appearance is undoubtedly the eyes.

Because whether it is a double eyelid or a single eyelid, it can achieve a unique feeling according to different temperaments.

Whether it's beautiful or not, whether it's ugly or not, looks at the mouth, it turns out that the mouth is good-looking, and you can be regarded as a really handsome guy

As for the mouth, it is the embodiment of the lower limit of appearance.

In other words, if the mouth is ugly, then no matter how good-looking the eyebrows and eyes are, they may be dragged down by it.

Whether it's beautiful or not, whether it's ugly or not, looks at the mouth, it turns out that the mouth is good-looking, and you can be regarded as a really handsome guy

Wu Lei

Wu Lei made his debut as a child star, as early as 2002, he was already a small star with a lot of money and countless "works".

At that time, Wu Lei was only 3 years old, and since then, he has been recognized as a handsome guy.

Whether it's beautiful or not, whether it's ugly or not, looks at the mouth, it turns out that the mouth is good-looking, and you can be regarded as a really handsome guy

It is precisely because of this childhood experience that Wu Lei's life path into the entertainment industry was laid.

In 2005, Xiao Wu Lei, who had been filming advertisements for more than two years, participated in his first film and television drama "Young Yang Jiajiang", in which he played Xiao Yang Liulang.

Whether it's beautiful or not, whether it's ugly or not, looks at the mouth, it turns out that the mouth is good-looking, and you can be regarded as a really handsome guy

His eyes full of aura and vitality amazed countless audiences.

But it was also from this time that the subtle appearance defects on Wu Lei's mouth were slowly revealed.

Whether it's beautiful or not, whether it's ugly or not, looks at the mouth, it turns out that the mouth is good-looking, and you can be regarded as a really handsome guy

Wu Lei's mouth was a little enveloped.

This "flaw" can still be used as a cute element when you are a child, but it may be a little embarrassing when you grow up.

Whether it's beautiful or not, whether it's ugly or not, looks at the mouth, it turns out that the mouth is good-looking, and you can be regarded as a really handsome guy

It must be admitted that Wu Lei was very cute when he was a child, and every small role he played was unforgettable.

For example, Xiao Nezha in "Fengshen Bang: Fengming Qishan", and Ma Xiaoyue in the drama version of "Naughty Bao Ma Xiao Jump".

are all good characters with very childlike vitality.

Whether it's beautiful or not, whether it's ugly or not, looks at the mouth, it turns out that the mouth is good-looking, and you can be regarded as a really handsome guy

Until 2016's "Qin Shi Mingyue", Wu Lei was a beautiful boy and child star in the hearts of fans.

The work that really made him fade this label was "Strange Stars" broadcast in 2017.

Whether it's beautiful or not, whether it's ugly or not, looks at the mouth, it turns out that the mouth is good-looking, and you can be regarded as a really handsome guy

For Wu Lei, this "Strange Stars" is undoubtedly a watershed in his acting career.

It symbolizes that he has completely crossed over to another age stage.

Every audience sees Wu Lei's progress and transformation in their eyes, and after completing the transformation, Wu Lei's popularity has also risen again and again.

Whether it's beautiful or not, whether it's ugly or not, looks at the mouth, it turns out that the mouth is good-looking, and you can be regarded as a really handsome guy

But occasionally, the small flaws on Wu Lei's mouth will also be clearly exposed.

Especially when he shows people with a side face, you can clearly see Wu Lei's somewhat split upper and lower lips.

Whether it's beautiful or not, whether it's ugly or not, looks at the mouth, it turns out that the mouth is good-looking, and you can be regarded as a really handsome guy

His upper lip is thin and constricted, but his lower lip is relatively thick and convex.

The contrast from the side is obvious, and the aura of showing the face is completely lost.

Whether it's beautiful or not, whether it's ugly or not, looks at the mouth, it turns out that the mouth is good-looking, and you can be regarded as a really handsome guy

Zhang Ruoyun

Zhang Ruoyun is a well-known ugly and handsome actor in the entertainment industry, and his popularity in recent years is also very high.

In the second season of "Celebrating More Than Years", which was launched on May 16 this year, he still played the actor Fan Xian.

Whether it's beautiful or not, whether it's ugly or not, looks at the mouth, it turns out that the mouth is good-looking, and you can be regarded as a really handsome guy

In fact, Zhang Ruoyun's appearance is naturally suitable for this kind of image of a boy in ancient costumes, and his face shape is a relatively smooth type.

Frankly speaking, it is difficult to find a second actor who coincides with Zhang Ruoyun in terms of face shape throughout domestic entertainment.

Whether it's beautiful or not, whether it's ugly or not, looks at the mouth, it turns out that the mouth is good-looking, and you can be regarded as a really handsome guy

From this point of view alone, he is very distinctive.

Although his eyes are slightly smaller, he is not lacking in brilliance, and he with thick eyebrows and small eyes, he can also get a lot of points in public aesthetics.

Whether it's beautiful or not, whether it's ugly or not, looks at the mouth, it turns out that the mouth is good-looking, and you can be regarded as a really handsome guy

However, the most prominent place in Zhang Ruoyun is his noble son's temperament after all.

His father is Zhang Jian, a senior industry insider, who has directed the filming of excellent film and television works such as "Snow Leopard" and "Black Fox".

The stepmother is veteran actress Liu Bei, and it is under the influence of his parents that he has developed his elegant temperament today.

Whether it's beautiful or not, whether it's ugly or not, looks at the mouth, it turns out that the mouth is good-looking, and you can be regarded as a really handsome guy

I have to say that the addition of temperament to appearance is really very large.

Many actors who have worked with Zhang Ruoyun have unabashedly praised his handsomeness.

Whether it's beautiful or not, whether it's ugly or not, looks at the mouth, it turns out that the mouth is good-looking, and you can be regarded as a really handsome guy

But even if he did, he would be dragged down by thick lips.

Every time I look at Zhang Ruoyun's face photo, there is always a sense of unnaturalness for no reason.

Whether it's beautiful or not, whether it's ugly or not, looks at the mouth, it turns out that the mouth is good-looking, and you can be regarded as a really handsome guy

The reason is that his lips are not big, but they are thicker than average.

Especially under the premise that his face shape and facial features are relatively small, the existence of thick lips is even more prominent.

Whether it's beautiful or not, whether it's ugly or not, looks at the mouth, it turns out that the mouth is good-looking, and you can be regarded as a really handsome guy


Jing Boran's personal style is somewhat biased towards European and American style, which stems from his clear understanding of himself.

Among the traditional and more common Chinese aesthetics, thin lips are undoubtedly the mainstream aesthetic.

Whether it's beautiful or not, whether it's ugly or not, looks at the mouth, it turns out that the mouth is good-looking, and you can be regarded as a really handsome guy

However, Jing Boran's lips were completely untouched, and he was so thick that there were some signs of bulging.

It is based on this that Jing Boran has always consciously or unconsciously built himself in a more modern, European and American direction over the years.

However, Baimi eventually had a mistake, and his occasional appearance in costume dramas also fully revealed Jing Boran's disadvantages in terms of lips.

Whether it's beautiful or not, whether it's ugly or not, looks at the mouth, it turns out that the mouth is good-looking, and you can be regarded as a really handsome guy

For example, the costume suspense drama "Gentlemen's League" will be broadcast at the beginning of 2023.

Because the original work can be regarded as a pearl in the front, this drama still has high expectations among the fan group before it is broadcast.

However, after the series was broadcast, many viewers expressed great disappointment.

Whether it's beautiful or not, whether it's ugly or not, looks at the mouth, it turns out that the mouth is good-looking, and you can be regarded as a really handsome guy

Part of the reason is that the crew has greatly adapted or even rewritten the story framework.

Except for some of the names that appear in the play are the same as the original, the rest are completely original from the plot to the background setting.

Whether it's beautiful or not, whether it's ugly or not, looks at the mouth, it turns out that the mouth is good-looking, and you can be regarded as a really handsome guy

Another reason is the performance effect and styling of the male protagonist who almost overturned.

There is hardly any freshness and elegance in Jing Boran's ancient costumes, and some of them are stiff and greasy that overflow the screen.

Whether it's beautiful or not, whether it's ugly or not, looks at the mouth, it turns out that the mouth is good-looking, and you can be regarded as a really handsome guy

In particular, Jing Boran's thick lips are particularly "eye-catching" in a large number of close-ups.

In the past, he was good at promoting his strengths and avoiding weaknesses, but after all, he overturned because of his mouth in costume dramas.

Whether it's beautiful or not, whether it's ugly or not, looks at the mouth, it turns out that the mouth is good-looking, and you can be regarded as a really handsome guy

Xu Weizhou

Similar to Jing Boran, Xu Weizhou has also been building a European and American style in terms of personal style.

In the choice of makeup, it can also be seen that Xu Weizhou and his team have worked hard to cover their thick lips.

Whether it's beautiful or not, whether it's ugly or not, looks at the mouth, it turns out that the mouth is good-looking, and you can be regarded as a really handsome guy

Xu Weizhou in the early days of his debut, his thick lips are still relatively obvious.

is like the 2016 web drama "Addiction", in which Xu Weizhou's role is the male protagonist Bai Luoyin.

Whether it's beautiful or not, whether it's ugly or not, looks at the mouth, it turns out that the mouth is good-looking, and you can be regarded as a really handsome guy

This drama has received a lot of praise because of the high quality of the original work and the careful adaptation of the creators of the drama version.

But at the same time, there are also bad reviews mixed in the comments, and many of them go straight to Xu Weizhou's thick lips that affect the perception.

Whether it's beautiful or not, whether it's ugly or not, looks at the mouth, it turns out that the mouth is good-looking, and you can be regarded as a really handsome guy

Bai Luo in the setting is a cold school bully, and he is also a beautiful boy with delicate feelings.

Xu Weizhou did perform this kind of feeling that he should have when he was a student, but at first glance, he still played because of his thick lips.

Even though it has nothing to do with the character in the first place.

Whether it's beautiful or not, whether it's ugly or not, looks at the mouth, it turns out that the mouth is good-looking, and you can be regarded as a really handsome guy

However, in the end, he relied on his solid acting skills to make the audience ignore this small shortcoming.

Later, Xu Weizhou paid attention to his thick lips, and tried his best to make it and his facial features in harmony through makeup, expression management, etc.

Whether it's beautiful or not, whether it's ugly or not, looks at the mouth, it turns out that the mouth is good-looking, and you can be regarded as a really handsome guy

Facts have also proved that his efforts are still effective.

Looking at Xu Weizhou now, the youthful refreshment can be said to be overwhelming, and the disadvantage of thick lips has also been covered up.

Whether it's beautiful or not, whether it's ugly or not, looks at the mouth, it turns out that the mouth is good-looking, and you can be regarded as a really handsome guy

Zhang Han

2009's "Let's Watch the Meteor Shower" is Zhang Han's first work to make a name for himself in the entertainment industry.

At the same time, it also laid the foundation for his later popular screen "boss" character.

Whether it's beautiful or not, whether it's ugly or not, looks at the mouth, it turns out that the mouth is good-looking, and you can be regarded as a really handsome guy

Before "Let's Watch the Meteor Shower", Zhang Han had only filmed four works, two of which were not even broadcast.

As for the officially launched "Song of the Great Wind" and "Jingwumen", he is only playing tricks in them.

Whether it's beautiful or not, whether it's ugly or not, looks at the mouth, it turns out that the mouth is good-looking, and you can be regarded as a really handsome guy

However, Zhang Han was still very lucky, because he soon encountered "Meteor Shower".

Although the quality of this drama is worrying, and the plot in it seems to be quite demented today, it did achieve complete success back then.

Whether it's beautiful or not, whether it's ugly or not, looks at the mouth, it turns out that the mouth is good-looking, and you can be regarded as a really handsome guy

The success of the series also led to the success of the actors.

Zhang Han, as one of the leading actors, is also the singer of many episodes, and naturally became the top male star of the year.

Whether it's beautiful or not, whether it's ugly or not, looks at the mouth, it turns out that the mouth is good-looking, and you can be regarded as a really handsome guy

When filming the sequel to "Meteor Shower" the following year, Zhang Han returned to play "Murong Yunhai" again, which also attracted fans to chant again and again.

Taking 2009 as a starting point, Zhang Han in the following years is not much better than the current top-notch small fresh meat.

Whether it's beautiful or not, whether it's ugly or not, looks at the mouth, it turns out that the mouth is good-looking, and you can be regarded as a really handsome guy

It's a pity that he can't laugh, because when Zhang Han smiles, his handsomeness and delicacy will collapse in an instant.

The reason for this is his big mouth that seems to be able to eat people when he laughs.

Whether it's beautiful or not, whether it's ugly or not, looks at the mouth, it turns out that the mouth is good-looking, and you can be regarded as a really handsome guy

From the eyebrows to the nose, to the chin, Zhang Han's facial features are quite delicate and three-dimensional.

If he keeps it serious, it's the perfect overlord image.

Whether it's beautiful or not, whether it's ugly or not, looks at the mouth, it turns out that the mouth is good-looking, and you can be regarded as a really handsome guy

The blame is that his mouth is really big, and a grin will directly make the whole face collapse.

The original sense of hegemony has to disappear with it, where is there still the appearance that idol artists should have, it is not an exaggeration to say that they are comedians.

Whether it's beautiful or not, whether it's ugly or not, looks at the mouth, it turns out that the mouth is good-looking, and you can be regarded as a really handsome guy

Wang Continent

Wang Dalu is also the big mouth of the actor, and his big mouth has even derived a lot of related hot stalks, such as eating children.

Whether it's beautiful or not, whether it's ugly or not, looks at the mouth, it turns out that the mouth is good-looking, and you can be regarded as a really handsome guy

It is worth mentioning that Wang Dalu himself also has a high spirit of entertainment.

He knows that he has a big mouth, and he often uses this kind of thing to interact with fans.

Such an unpretentious and self-depressing spirit has also made Wang Dalu have countless fans, and he is a high-quality idol in the hearts of many people.

Whether it's beautiful or not, whether it's ugly or not, looks at the mouth, it turns out that the mouth is good-looking, and you can be regarded as a really handsome guy

And this big, somewhat outrageous mouth aside.

Wang Dalu's appearance is still very high, and he can control all kinds of appearances well.

Especially in modern costumes, there is a stunning performance by Wang Dalu in the youth idol movie "My Girlhood", which is regarded as the culmination of Taiwanese idol dramas.

Whether it's beautiful or not, whether it's ugly or not, looks at the mouth, it turns out that the mouth is good-looking, and you can be regarded as a really handsome guy

He plays the male protagonist Seo Tae-woo in it, with his sunny appearance and youthful acting skills.

once made him a lover in the dreams of many girls at that time.

Whether it's beautiful or not, whether it's ugly or not, looks at the mouth, it turns out that the mouth is good-looking, and you can be regarded as a really handsome guy

"My Girlhood" is Wang Dalu's famous work, but his big mouth was not too noticeable at the time.

In 2017, Wang Dalu participated in a variety show, which made his big mouth a stalk-like existence.

Whether it's beautiful or not, whether it's ugly or not, looks at the mouth, it turns out that the mouth is good-looking, and you can be regarded as a really handsome guy

At the request of the program team, a group of celebrities, including Wang Dalu, want to play the roller coaster.

In this process, Wang Dalu's mouth opened to an outrageous extent, and after that, he became a famous spokesperson for "eating children".

The handsome ruffian character he created with "My Girlhood" was completely "collapsed" and was labeled as a "big mouth".

Whether it's beautiful or not, whether it's ugly or not, looks at the mouth, it turns out that the mouth is good-looking, and you can be regarded as a really handsome guy


From the actual examples of male stars in the entertainment industry, it can be seen that the impact of mouth shape on the overall appearance cannot be ignored.

But it is not irreparable, because whether a person is handsome or not is closely related to various factors.

In other words, the shortcomings of the lip service are only one aspect after all. And this deficiency can be "remedied" by other efforts.

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