
Female ranking general Mi Yang: The conflict with Wang Baoquan caused a sensation back then, and she remarried a handsome volleyball guy as a stepmother

author:Savor the celebrities


Female ranking general Mi Yang: The conflict with Wang Baoquan caused a sensation back then, and she remarried a handsome volleyball guy as a stepmother

(Mi Yang and her husband Fang Yingchao)

Mi Yang was the main setter of the Tianjin women's volleyball team, Fujian women's volleyball team, and Shanghai women's volleyball team, and helped the Tianjin women's volleyball team win the 2010-2011 and 2012-2013 national volleyball league championships.

Mi Yang is also the substitute setter of the Chinese women's volleyball team, helping the team win the 2011 Women's Volleyball Asian Championship and the third place in the 2011 Women's Volleyball World Cup. She also competed at the London 2012 Olympic Games.

In 2014, Mi Yang had a conflict with Tianjin women's volleyball head coach Wang Baoquan, which caused a sensation at the time.

Mi Yang had a failed marriage and remarried to Fang Yingchao, a handsome volleyball guy. Mi Yang remarried and became a stepmother, what is her current living situation?


Female ranking general Mi Yang: The conflict with Wang Baoquan caused a sensation back then, and she remarried a handsome volleyball guy as a stepmother


Mi Yang was born in Tianjin on January 24, 1989 and is 1.80 meters tall. She smashed the ball 3.05 meters high and blocked the net 2.98 meters high.

Miyang has solid basic skills, good passing stability, and is good at organizing tactical attacks. She is also very stable in passing the high ball in the No. 4 position, and can also pass the ball to the No. 2 position steadily, which is a rare excellent setter for the Chinese women's volleyball team in the London Olympic cycle.

Because of Wei Qiuyue's existence, Mi Yang had no choice but to become a substitute for the Chinese women's volleyball team.

Mijan's parents both worked in jobs that were not related to sports, but she showed outstanding talent for volleyball from an early age.

When Mi Yang was 8 years old and in the third grade of primary school, a female physical education teacher surnamed Wang led her to the road of volleyball. Teacher Wang was once selected for the Chinese women's volleyball team, and he was very accurate in seeing people, and he decided that Mi Yang was a good seedling.

Female ranking general Mi Yang: The conflict with Wang Baoquan caused a sensation back then, and she remarried a handsome volleyball guy as a stepmother

(Photos of Miyan's training in the early years)

The child's interest is easy to shift, and Mr. Wang often coaxes Mi Yang to practice ball, and takes Mi Yang to eat the popular foreign fast food many times at his own expense.

Mi Yang first came into contact with volleyball and played the main attack, and began to participate in the volleyball competition of primary school students in Tianjin at the age of 9.

After practicing, Miyan became obsessed with volleyball and was the only child in the team who did not miss training throughout the year. Even if the fever reached 38 degrees, Miyang insisted on training in the team.

In 2001, Tianjin Sports School came to the school to select seedlings, but the coach thought that Mi Yang was not tall and did not fancy her. Mr. Wang thought of a lot of ways to help Mi Yang enter Tianjin Sports School.

Female ranking general Mi Yang: The conflict with Wang Baoquan caused a sensation back then, and she remarried a handsome volleyball guy as a stepmother

(Miyan's alma mater)

The coach thought that Miyang had no future in playing the main attack, so he asked her to change to a setter. Mi Yang has practiced hard in Tianjin Sports School for 5 years and has developed solid basic skills.

In the summer of 2005, Mi Yang graduated from Tianjin Sports School and was selected for the Tianjin Youth Team. The head coach at that time was Zhang Jingkun, who thought that Mi Yang was calm and had good skills, and regarded her as a key seedling to cultivate.

In 2007, Mi Yang was selected for the national girls' volleyball team. In the same year, she helped the national girls' volleyball team win the World Junior Women's Volleyball Championship. Two years later, Mi Yang was selected for the national youth women's volleyball team and served as the team's main setter.

Female ranking general Mi Yang: The conflict with Wang Baoquan caused a sensation back then, and she remarried a handsome volleyball guy as a stepmother

(Zhang Jingkun)

In 2008, the women's volleyball team of the Nanjing army lacked a setter, and coach Zhang Jingkun helped Mi Yang transfer to the southern women's volleyball team to play in the league. Mi Yang stayed in the southern women's volleyball team for 4 months, and the veteran players took good care of her, and she was very happy.


At the end of the league, Mi Yang returned to Tianjin and entered the first team of the Tianjin women's volleyball team. The head coach of the Tianjin women's volleyball team is the famous Wang Baoquan, who uses devilish training methods, and the players practice very hard.

Wang Baoquan was born in Hongqiao District, Tianjin in 1961 and was the main setter of the Tianjin men's volleyball team.

Female ranking general Mi Yang: The conflict with Wang Baoquan caused a sensation back then, and she remarried a handsome volleyball guy as a stepmother

(Wang Baoquan with his wife and daughter Wang Qian)

In 2000, Wang Baoquan served as the head coach of the Tianjin women's volleyball team. A year later, he joined the Chinese women's volleyball team as an assistant coach to assist head coach Chen Zhonghe.

In the same year, Wang Baoquan contracted tuberculous meningitis and was forced to leave the national team.

In 2002, Wang Baoquan continued to serve as the head coach of the Tianjin women's volleyball team, and his only daughter Wang Qian was the main libero of the Tianjin women's volleyball team.

Wang Baoquan is strict in governing the army, advocating a large amount of exercise, and there are team members crying every day. The players resented him in their hearts, but whenever they got good results in the game, the players thanked him in their hearts.

Female ranking general Mi Yang: The conflict with Wang Baoquan caused a sensation back then, and she remarried a handsome volleyball guy as a stepmother

(Wang Baoquan)

Wang Baoquan often said to the team members: The golden age of athletes is only a few years, if I am not strict with you and do not produce results, you will scold me at that time.

Wang Baoquan led the Tianjin women's volleyball team to win the national championship 14 times, and all his players were arranged to work after retiring, and the most ordinary work was also a primary school teacher, which is Wang Baoquan's proudest thing.

Looking at the domestic women's volleyball coaches, none of them can reach such heights as him.

Mi Yang played under Wang Baoquan, and what touched him the most was the word "bitter", and they practiced three times a day. When practicing individual defense, Mi Yang was paralyzed on the ground and couldn't crawl, Wang Baoquan also buckled the balls to her, and Mi Yang saved the ball while crying.

Female ranking general Mi Yang: The conflict with Wang Baoquan caused a sensation back then, and she remarried a handsome volleyball guy as a stepmother

(From left: Chen Liyi, Mi Yang, Zhang Lei)

During the Mid-Autumn Festival in 2009, Mi Yang and his roommates Chen Liyi, Li Ying, and Zhang Xiaoting were packing their luggage and preparing to go home for the holiday. Suddenly, Wang Baoquan came to the door and informed them: I will go downstairs to practice later.

Hearing this, the four girls cried loudly in the dormitory, crying for more than 3 minutes before going downstairs to practice.

This Mid-Autumn Festival, Mi Yang and his teammates practiced until dark before going home.

In those years, Miyan spent every day in training, with basically no time off. Many years later, Mi Yang looked back on the past and sighed: I really don't know how I came over at that time, let me go back to the team and do it again, I will definitely not be able to hold on to it now.

Female ranking general Mi Yang: The conflict with Wang Baoquan caused a sensation back then, and she remarried a handsome volleyball guy as a stepmother

(Wei Qiuyue)

Mi Yang is an excellent setter of the Tianjin women's volleyball team, but because of Wei Qiuyue's existence, she can only be a substitute in the team.

In the 2010-2011 season of the National Women's Volleyball League, Wei Qiuyue was not in good shape because of a leg injury, and Mi Yang replaced Wei Qiuyue many times.

Tianjin women's volleyball team and Evergrande women's volleyball team coached by Lang Ping competed for the championship of the finals, and the Tianjin women's volleyball team fell behind 0:2 in the third game, and Mi Yang served as the main setter to turn the tide.

Female ranking general Mi Yang: The conflict with Wang Baoquan caused a sensation back then, and she remarried a handsome volleyball guy as a stepmother

(Miyan in the game)

She led the Tianjin women's volleyball team to achieve a big reversal, defeating the Evergrande women's volleyball team 3:2, and finally the Tianjin women's volleyball team won the league championship and achieved the "five consecutive championships". Mi Yang is the hero of the Tianjin women's volleyball team to win the championship.


With her excellent performance in the league, Mi Yang was selected for the Chinese women's volleyball team in 2011.

Head coach Yu Juemin trusted Mi Yang and focused on cultivating her as a substitute for Wei Qiuyue. During the London Olympic cycle, the two setters of the Chinese women's volleyball team were both from the Tianjin women's volleyball team, one was Wei Qiuyue and the other was Mi Yang.

Female ranking general Mi Yang: The conflict with Wang Baoquan caused a sensation back then, and she remarried a handsome volleyball guy as a stepmother

(Mi Yang and Chen Zhonghe)

Miyang's performance in the national team was eye-catching, helping the Chinese women's volleyball team win the third place in the 2011 Swiss women's volleyball elite, the 2011 Russian President's Cup championship, and the 2011 Asian Championship championship.

In the 2011 Women's Volleyball World Cup, Miyang helped the team win the third place and get the ticket to the London Olympics in advance.

At the 2012 London Olympics, the Chinese women's volleyball team was excluded from the semifinals by the Japanese team. This was Miyang's first Olympic journey, and it left her with too much pain and regret.

In 2013, Mi Yang fell in love, and her boyfriend's name was Liu Chao, who was an outsider and was the same age as Mi Yang. He is handsome and works in a public institution in Tianjin.

Female ranking general Mi Yang: The conflict with Wang Baoquan caused a sensation back then, and she remarried a handsome volleyball guy as a stepmother

(Mi Yang's life photo)

Mi Yang usually trains in the team, and can only meet Liu Chao two or three times a month, and each meeting is very short. Therefore, Mi Yang and Liu Chao do not have a thorough understanding.

In the 2013-2014 season of the National Women's Volleyball League, due to Wei Qiuyue's trip to Azerbaijan to play in the league, Mi Yang became the main setter of the Tianjin women's volleyball team.

In January 2014, the Tianjin women's volleyball team lost to the Bayi women's volleyball team. When the team held a summary meeting, Wang Baoquan criticized Mi Yang's poor passing stability, and Mi Yang confirmed that the team's pass was not good.

Wang Baoquan's daughter Wang Qian is a free man in the team, and Mi Yang indirectly refers to Wang Qian's bad pass.

Female ranking general Mi Yang: The conflict with Wang Baoquan caused a sensation back then, and she remarried a handsome volleyball guy as a stepmother

(Wang Baoquan and daughter Wang Qian)

Mi Yang and Wang Baoquan were both angry in their hearts, and the two were in a hurry, and there was a quarrel on the spot. After this incident was exposed by the media, it caused crazy hype.

Some media added fuel and vinegar, saying that the conflict between Mi Yang and Wang Baoquan has been going on for a long time, and the two scolded them in front of the team members. Some media said that Wang Qian was helping her father and quarreling with Mi Yang.

It was later confirmed that these were all rumors. At that time, Mi Yang had conflicts with individual members of the team, and he was unhappy in the team, so he left the Tianjin women's volleyball team and went home to rest. For this reason, the media hyped Miyang's boycott of training and competition.

For the National Games, the Tianjin women's volleyball team and the Fujian women's volleyball team had player exchanges, and the Fujian Sports General Administration supported the fencing players of the Tianjin Sports Bureau, and Mi Yang was exchanged to the Fujian Sports Bureau by the Tianjin Sports Bureau.

Female ranking general Mi Yang: The conflict with Wang Baoquan caused a sensation back then, and she remarried a handsome volleyball guy as a stepmother


Mi Yang's transfer to the Fujian women's volleyball team was not forced away by Wang Baoquan as reported by the media. At that time, Wang Baoquan was pushed to the forefront of public opinion, and many media reporters sent messages to ask him the truth about the conflict between him and Mi Yang.

Later, Wang Baoquan said in an interview: At that time, I didn't know how to send messages, and what others said was what they said, and they couldn't refute it.

In the fall of 2014, Mi Yang officially transferred to the Fujian women's volleyball team, and Liu Chao worked in Tianjin, and it was even more difficult for the two to meet.

In 2015, Mi Yang and Liu Chao got married in Tianjin. After having a marriage contract, Mi Yang and Liu Chao's mentality is different.

Female ranking general Mi Yang: The conflict with Wang Baoquan caused a sensation back then, and she remarried a handsome volleyball guy as a stepmother


Mi Yang's training competition is very intense, and it is common not to return to Tianjin for 3 or 4 months; Liu Chao is busy with work, and rarely travels thousands of miles to Fujian to visit Miyang. Separated for many years, both of them were in a bad mood and began to quarrel.

Mi Yang realized that he and Liu Chao didn't know each other, and their personalities and hobbies were very different. The unhappy marriage brought a huge blow to Miyang.

She is the main setter of the Fujian women's volleyball team and wants to help the team play well. But outside the arena, marriage hit her too hard, Mi Yang lost sleep every day, and there were too many things in her head.

If she continues to be tortured by her marriage like this, Mi Yang is worried that she will go crazy. In 2017, Mi Yang and Liu Chao went through divorce procedures at a civil affairs bureau in Tianjin.


Female ranking general Mi Yang: The conflict with Wang Baoquan caused a sensation back then, and she remarried a handsome volleyball guy as a stepmother

(Fang Yingchao)

In September of this year, after the end of the 13th Tianjin National Games, Mi Yang transferred to the Shanghai women's volleyball team and served as the main setter of the Shanghai women's volleyball team.

Not long after Mi Yang joined the Shanghai women's volleyball team, in a café near the training hall, she met the handsome volleyball guy Fang Yingchao.

Fang Yingchao was born in Shanghai on August 3, 1982, 7 years older than Mi Yang. He is 1.98 meters tall, tall, handsome and handsome, and is a handsome guy in volleyball who is loved by fans.

Fang Yingchao can play both the main attack and the response, and is the main force of the Shanghai men's volleyball team and the Chinese men's volleyball team.

In the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, Fang Yingchao helped the Chinese men's volleyball team achieve a good result of 5th place.

Female ranking general Mi Yang: The conflict with Wang Baoquan caused a sensation back then, and she remarried a handsome volleyball guy as a stepmother

(Fang Yingchao on the field)

Female ranking general Mi Yang: The conflict with Wang Baoquan caused a sensation back then, and she remarried a handsome volleyball guy as a stepmother

(Fang Yingchao and Mao Xiaoyan)

Like Mi Yang, Fang Yingchao also had a failed marriage. His ex-wife's name is Mao Xiaoyan, who is 1.68 meters tall and is a customer service staff of a company.

In 2005, Fang Yingchao met Mao Xiaoyan in a fast food restaurant, he was attracted by Mao Xiaoyan's beauty and voice, and fell in love with her at first sight. Later, the two started a family.

After marriage, Fang Yingchao and Mao Xiaoyan gave birth to a daughter.

Fang Yingchao is the main player of the Shanghai men's volleyball team, and often goes out with the team to train and compete, and has no time to take care of his family. Moreover, Fang Yingchao has a simple personality, is not romantic, and does not coax people, and their marriage is not harmonious.

Female ranking general Mi Yang: The conflict with Wang Baoquan caused a sensation back then, and she remarried a handsome volleyball guy as a stepmother

(Fang Yingchao)

Mao Xiaoyan is also a working woman, and she has no time to take care of her daughter, and her children live with her grandparents. Because of the child's education problem, Mao Xiaoyan had a disagreement with her in-laws.

Various reasons are intertwined, Fang Yingchao and Mao Xiaoyan divorced in 2017, and his daughter lived with him. After the divorce, Fang Yingchao became a single father.

Mi Yang's eyes lit up when he met Fang Yingchao, and he felt that this man was too handsome. Although Fang Yingchao is 35 years old, she has not been blessed at all, and her appearance and figure are first-class.

Fang Yingchao coached the Shanghai men's volleyball team, and learned that Mi Yang was the setter of the Shanghai women's volleyball team, and the two had a common language.

Female ranking general Mi Yang: The conflict with Wang Baoquan caused a sensation back then, and she remarried a handsome volleyball guy as a stepmother

(Mi Yang and Fang Yingchao)

After contact, Mi Yang found that Fang Yingchao was very self-contained, kind-hearted, and generous, and his good impression of him was increasing day by day.

But Fang Yingchao has concerns, because he has a daughter, and he is worried that Mi Yang will not get along with the child in the future.

Mi Yang did not express his position, and moved him with practical actions. After that, she took the initiative to contact Fang Yingchao's daughter, played games with the child, bought her toys and snacks, and the little girl got along well with Mi Yang.

Fang Yingchao felt that Mi Yang was a caring woman, and the worries in her heart gradually faded, and the two fell in love.

Female ranking general Mi Yang: The conflict with Wang Baoquan caused a sensation back then, and she remarried a handsome volleyball guy as a stepmother

(Mi Yang (left) and Jin Ruanjing)

The Shanghai women's volleyball team is a strong team, and this season it introduced South Korean foreign aid Jin Ruanjing, bent on winning the championship.

Mi Yang participated in the London Olympics with Ma Yunwen and Zhang Lei of the Shanghai women's volleyball team, and Zhang Yichan and Yang Jie were teammates in the national youth team, and everyone is very familiar with them.

Because of this, Mi Yang wants to help the Shanghai women's volleyball team win the championship.

Because of too much pressure, Mi Yang's mood sometimes appears low, and Fang Yingchao always patiently enlightens her, giving her courage, confidence and strength.

Sometimes after training, Mi Yang's knee hurts, and Fang Yingchao will massage her.


Female ranking general Mi Yang: The conflict with Wang Baoquan caused a sensation back then, and she remarried a handsome volleyball guy as a stepmother

In 2019, Mi Yang is ready to marry Fang Yingchao. The parents of the Mi family were a little worried, feeling that their daughter would marry in another place and become a stepmother as soon as she entered the door, worried that their daughter would be hurt again.

Mi Yang enlightened his parents: Fang Yingchao is a good man, I believe he will not fail me. As for the child, as long as I treat her with my heart, she will also have feelings for me.

In January 2019, Mi Yang and Fang Yingchao bought a wedding house with a down payment in Qingpu District, Shanghai, and repaid the mortgage every month. In early March, Mi Yang and Fang Yingchao moved into a new house.

Female ranking general Mi Yang: The conflict with Wang Baoquan caused a sensation back then, and she remarried a handsome volleyball guy as a stepmother

(Mr. and Mrs. Miyan registered as a souvenir)

On March 22, 2019, Mi Yang and Fang Yingchao registered their marriage at the Civil Affairs Bureau of Yangpu District, Shanghai.

Because they had to prepare for various competitions at that time, the two set the wedding on July 30, 2020, but after the Spring Festival in 2020, due to the impact of the epidemic, the hotel they booked could not be opened, so Mi Yang and Fang Yingchao canceled the wedding.

Mi Yang became a stepmother as soon as she got married, and her stepdaughter was uncomfortable at first and was a little resistant to Mi Yang. Miyang is patient and never gets angry with stepgirls. She impressed her stepdaughter with her patience and love, and the little girl accepted Miyang in her heart.

In 2023, Mi Yang and Fang Yingchao's daughter was born in Shanghai. With his own daughter, Miyang is still as good to his stepdaughter as before.

Female ranking general Mi Yang: The conflict with Wang Baoquan caused a sensation back then, and she remarried a handsome volleyball guy as a stepmother

(Mi Yang and Fang Yingchao)

Many women fail to do this, and their husbands and in-laws especially admire Miyan.

Now Mi Yang is the coach of the Shanghai Women's Volleyball Middle School Group, and the players are all 14 or 5-year-old girls.

The team members respect Miyang very much and are willing to communicate with her when they encounter problems in training and life.

Fang Yingchao is a coach of the Shanghai men's volleyball team, and the couple usually eat and live in the remote Oriental Oasis training base, and they can't meet. Once a week, they would take one or two nights to go back to their homes and enjoy their married life.

Female ranking general Mi Yang: The conflict with Wang Baoquan caused a sensation back then, and she remarried a handsome volleyball guy as a stepmother

(The stepdaughter is also a little padded jacket)

Female ranking general Mi Yang: The conflict with Wang Baoquan caused a sensation back then, and she remarried a handsome volleyball guy as a stepmother

(Recent photo of Mi Yang)

Fang Yingchao is not romantic, she is a bit silly in marriage, and Mi Yang has been angry many times because of his woodenness. Fang Yingchao saw that Mi Yang's face was not good, so she hurriedly did housework, Mi Yang was in a good mood for a while, and apologized to her husband in turn.

Miyan's stepdaughter and daughter are taken care of by her in-laws, and she and her husband visit them often, and the two daughters have a deep relationship with them.

In June 2024, Miyang will be 35 years old. She has a career, a husband, a pair of daughters, and her in-laws are also very considerate of her, and her life is relatively complete. After experiencing the ups and downs of life, Mi Yang finally reaped happiness in remarriage.


The first work, plagiarism must be investigated!

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